Blogs from Graz, Styria, Austria, Europe - page 9


Europe » Austria » Styria » Graz September 25th 2008

Szia! Yes, I know that's not German, but we'll keep with the theme. I'm going to Hungary in 9 hours! More on that later. Yesterday was a pretty good day. I had my oral exam for DeutschIntensiv, and it's still so weird to think that it's over! We were put into groups of three and had to go in together and have a 20 minute conversation with Eva. I got paired with Meghan and Libor, which was good, nice being fed to the wolves with friends. We were the 4th group to go, and each group before us used all 20 minutes. Topics ranged from discussing career possibilities after college to comparing our home country's school system to Austria's. We really had no idea what to expect. The moment arrived, and we entered the dungeon previously ... read more

Europe » Austria » Styria » Graz September 23rd 2008

Jess Cook just turned 24. Yay for Jess Cook! She got a Nintendo DS from her parents for the long, lonely trip between Salzburg and Graz. She already has 3 games!! what a nerd!! Sims 2, Fish Tycoon, and Elite Beat Agents (in German). Happy Birthday Jess Cook :) ... read more

Europe » Austria » Styria » Graz September 23rd 2008

Servus. The last two days here have been pretty low-key, but I suppose I'll catch you up on them, since I know how you all hang on my every word . Yesterday I had my final exam for DetuschIntensiv, but only the written portion. I was the first one done yet again. I'd like to clarify that I was always the first one done in my German class at UVM, and typically TIED with some dirty hippie in Italian class--don't ask, it's a joke with my friend Meg. Anyways, I finished that and we got out of class early. I grabbed a nice breakfast of two Kitkat bars, and then headed back to my place. I tried to register for classes but wasn't allowed, and figured out I would be able to starting tomorrow, the 24th. ... read more

Europe » Austria » Styria » Graz September 21st 2008

Gruess Gott! I have decided that it is absolutely vital that every single person visits Austrian in their lifetime. It is hands-down one of the most amazing places ever, and now I shall reccount to you my adventure to Wien, die Hauptstadt Oesterreichs; Vienna, the capital of Austria. On the trip there was me, Elizabeth , Meghan , Libor , Dietlinde , Thomas , and George . Friday I had class and we were shooting to make the 1:36 train. Naturally, Eva decided to keep us a little bit late, so we all literally had to fly home to grab our bags and meet at the train station. Of course, my bus to the train station picks up every single high school student in Graz, so I was literally so squished in, I was leaning against ... read more
The Belvedere
Memory Lane
Oh, Hey

Europe » Austria » Styria » Graz September 18th 2008

Hello hello hello hello, It's about 6 o'clock at night right now and I'm in an insanely good mood, so decided to let everyone know about my adventures since we last spoke two days ago. Yesterday was a bit stressful. I found out that every class I'd picked out for my study plan back at UVM was not being offered here this semester, even though the university had assurred me it would be. I had to scramble to find classes with enough credits that I'd be a full-time American student, which is 12 credits. In the European credit system, 24 credits is about the same as 12, so I've been trying to match up new classes and been in contact with UVM and it's been a big hassle. I finally figured it all out, though, and ... read more

Europe » Austria » Styria » Graz September 16th 2008

Due to technical difficulties with the website, I couldn't upload this yesterday, but hopefully it works now. Also, Regina and Nanny & Grampi have been having problems seeing my pictures. Hopefully, it was just the website and the problem's resolved, but if anybody else is, let me know! Today I woke up and it was raining, so I caught the bus to Roseggerhaus and then walked up to school. From Roseggerhaus it's still about a half-hour walk, but I didn't mind. Class was class. We had our first test today, which wasn't too too bad. Hopefully I did alright. I was the first one done, so I'm still holding my reputation up from UVM, I guess I used to finish our German exams in about 15 minutes, so got to leave class early...I loved exam days. ... read more
High Altar
Side Altar
Side Chamber

Europe » Austria » Styria » Graz September 16th 2008

Today was a pretty low-key day. Since I have my bus pass now, I got to sleep in a little bit later, and then still had my 25-30 minute walk up to school from the Hauptplatz. We got our tests back, and I got a 51/58, which in the Austrian grading system is a 1, which is also called "sehr gut" , and the highest marking you can get, so basically an A. I was one of the 3 people in the class to get above a 50 which I was happy about. Call me the next Emeril, 'cause not only did I cook myself dinner last night , but I also made myself lunch for today to bring to class with me! I know, I know, you're impressed. Ham & cheese, mmm. I went to ... read more

Europe » Austria » Styria » Graz September 14th 2008

Today is the festival Aufsteirern in Graz. It's a celebration of Styrian & Austrian culture, which thus loosely translates to Lederhosen as far as the eye can see. My friends and I met this morning at 10am in the Hauptplatz to begin our official induction into Austrian culture. When we got there, the mayor of the city was addressing everyone in the Hauptplatz, and so we listened a bit then began exploring. It was so cool to see just average people dressed in the traditional clothes: men in Lederhosen, women in Dirndl , and then the more formal Trachten, which were sort of a cross between suits and kilts. There were bands EVERYWHERE, playing folk music and traditional Austrian music. It was really cool. A lot of the little boothes all over the place had different ... read more
The Band
Traditional Dress

Europe » Austria » Styria » Graz September 13th 2008

Like I said yesterday, Eva, my teacher, took us out into the city for class, and sent us in varying directions to learn the history of Graz. Today, I retraced our steps and took some pictures and thought I'd share the things with you, since I think it's beyond cool and totally mindboggling to think about somet of these things. P.S. Today's life lesson: Always choose American batteries. As I was walking around, I went to the Grazer Dom, or Cathedral of Graz, and was actually the only person inside there for a while, which was really cool. I walked around, looked at things, read some of the Latin inscriptions here and there, it was nice. I went to take some pictures, and of course, my batteries I'd bought in Slovenia were shot. I decided I'd ... read more
Die Reise in den Himmel
Oldest House in Graz

Europe » Austria » Styria » Graz September 12th 2008

Today was the best day I've had yet!! I got to sleep in a little bit later, because instead of having class at school, we instead met in the Hauptplatz at 9. Eva split us into groups and gave us each a different set of questions, then set us loose in the Innere Stadt , to talk with the locals and learn some of Graz's history. I got paired with my friend Elizabeth, from Brisbane, Australia, and another guy in my class, Libor, from the Czech Republic. Libor doesn't speak English, so it was good 'cause we had to communicate entirely auf Deutsch. We were assigned questions about das Rathaus, which is the biggest building in the Hauptplatz, the city hall. It was fun 'cause we chatted with a guy in the Rathaus, then had to ... read more
Ljubljana & Zagreb

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