Blogs from West, Albania, Europe - page 9


Europe » Albania » West » Tirana April 11th 2011

So, what the hell am I doing in Albania? Well, it’s because of Eng. I first met her in Ecuador in October of 2009. We travelled south eating everything from giant roasted pigs in the markets to guinea pig together. She met me for my 8 hour layover in Heathrow on the way to Africa and we knew we had to travel together again. She planned for a month off work and had her heart set on Eastern Europe – and she thought Albania sounded cool. I’m game for just about anything so off set a celiac and an Asian girl from London for an Albanian adventure. Tirana - the capital city We landed in time to catch the once-an-hour local bus to the capital Tirana. Our bus was a rocking pink number with a dark ... read more
Albanian rug anyone?
Traditional Albanian wears
One serious dominos game

Europe » Albania » West » Durrës October 5th 2010

From Saranda in the south of Albania I planned to return north along the coast - this time with my new travel companion. Not only did we share the same name and passport we also shared the same birthday. Jon, was originally from Penang in Malaysia but had lived in the UK since he was 18 and had worked for the National Health Service as a radiographer for ten years. He was now a British passport holder and had moved to Alberta, Canada to work. This was Jon’s fourth time to the Balkans and we shared the same basic itinerary of Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Croatia. He loved it, especially Slovenia which I had also loved having been on an activities trip in the Soča River a few years previously. The morning we headed to the ... read more
Dhermi - 4 (12-Sep-10)
Dhermi - 5 (12-Sep-10)
Dhermi - 6 (12-Sep-10)

Europe » Albania » West » Tirana September 25th 2010

When I got to the bus station at 10am the next bus from Skopje to Tirana in Albania was at 7pm and would travel overnight. Incredibly there was only one bus a day to the capital of a neighbouring country - and in a country that had a significant population of Albanians. I couldn’t figure it out but plan B was to get the next bus to Kosovo and then hope for a connecting bus south to Tirana, it would also give me a few hours in Kosovo, the world’s newest country. The next bus was in 20 minutes so I bought a ticket and quickly got myself some byrek - a filo pastry thing with meat or cheese or veg - which is everywhere in the Balkans and Turkey. The woman behind the counter had ... read more
Kossovo flag
Monument to NATO
8 Tirana - 2 Sep 2010

Europe » Albania » West » Tirana September 18th 2010

Mother Teresa, Enver Hoxha and George W Bush all in one blog entry The last leg of our trip in the Balkans was Albania. To be honest we actually began this journey in Albania because that is where our initial flight went to. But we then only spent one day in Tirana before we continued to Sarajevo and Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina. So for us it is easier to write about this day in the Albanian capital here together with the rest of our stories from Albania. Tirana is a quiet place. Parts of the town are slightly run down but it is not a bad place to visit. But there is very little there to see and to do so in one day we pretty much saw everything worth seeing in Tirana. First we ... read more
Mother Theresa Square
Emma gets a blessing from Mother Teresa
The Pyramid

Europe » Albania » West » Tirana August 10th 2010

At a huge Hotel in Tirana and I think I'm the only guest, all I need is some snow and it could be quite scary. Arrived in Durres after an 11 1/2 hour ferry journey from Italy with no functioning toilets, that was a bit of a challenge. arriving at 02.00am in the scariest of ports my first thought was to get the hell out of the country as quick as possible, so happens it has started to grow on me. Travelled from Durres to Tirana by train. The website has a picture of a TGV which is a laugh when you see the real trains, OK the fair was only 40P but still think it is overpriced :-). Think I may have made a bit of an error on my next trip, Tirana to Prishtina. ... read more

Europe » Albania » West » Krujë July 29th 2010

W jajecznym rezorcie termalnym udalo nam się zjesc sniadanie. Chleb, maslo, lejąca dżemo-konfitura z niezidentyfikowanego owocu, przypominajacego zolte czeresnie i supermocna kawa. Wyjechalismy droga na Elbasan, po drodze dogadujac się w sprawie kupienia zmiotki, co wcale nie było proste. Musielismy liczyc kilometry, zeby odpowiednio skrecic, bo w planach była droga zolto-biala, niby na Kruje, ale po górach - zamiast dookoła po jakiejś potencjalnie lepszej nawierzchni. Udalo nam się skrecic z glownej drogi na miejscowość Gur i Zi, i było to ostatni drogowskaz jaki mielismy widziec przez następne 5 godzin. Zaczelo się od asfaltu - jakieś 15 km, a potem były już tylko jego resztki. Wspinalismy się po zboczu gory, wsrod lasow bukowych, coraz za zakretem otwierala się nowa panorama na bezkresne zielone szczyty. Tylko czasami mijal nas jakiś czlowiek na osiolku, może jeden czy dwa samocho ... read more
Lokalna droga 40km od Tirany.

Europe » Albania » West » Elbasan July 28th 2010

Po nocy urozmaiconej darciem ryjów macedonskiej mlodziezy, sturliwania się z materaca polozonego w jednym wolnym miejscu campingu, tj. na górce i ze sledziami wbijajacymi sie w plecy, skorzystawszy z toalety, która ktos na szczescie zdazyl oporzadzic po nocnych koszmarach, postanowilismy zobaczyc, co jednak Macedonia ma do zaoferowania. Bo wd. Lonely Planet jak się nie zobaczylo Ohridu, to się nie widzial Macedonii, a my postanowilismy - i to przeciez przypadkiem, zobaczyc tylko to. Miasto jest fantastycznie polozone - nad samym jeziorem. Jak wszedzie tu - nad caloscia goruje zamek, a w jego cieniu ulokowaly się niezliczone bizantyjskie koscioly, wewnatrz zdobione bajecznymi freskami. Królową kosciolow jest jedenastowieczna swieta Sofia, budowana na wzor Sofii z Konstantynopola. Jednak najpiekniej polozony jest swiety Jovan, nad samym brzegiem jeziora, prawdopodobnie najczesciej fo... read more
Sveti Jovan at Kaneo.
Sveti Kliment i Pantelejmon.

Europe » Albania » West » Berat July 26th 2010

Na ten dzien, nie wiem, jaki konkretnie dzien tygodnia, bo na tym etapie wakacji to juz przestalo sie liczyc, mielismy zaplanowane zwiedzanie Beratu, winnice i odwiezienie H. do Gjirokaster na autobus, zeby mogla wrocic do Aten. Zaczelismy od sniadania w hostelu, gdzie pierwszy raz jadlam burka, ktory jest tradycyjnym balkanskim snakiem i jedza go wszyscy o kazdej porze dnia i nocy, a tu jest hymn pochwalny na jego czesc: Nad Beratem kroluje zamek Kala z XIV wieku, do ktorego prowadzi strome marmurowe podejscie: w upale 30 kilku stopni o 10.00 rano trzeba przemykac waskim cieniem; schodzac trzeba uwazac, zeby na sliskim nie pogubic zebow. Ubrane na czarno babcie cudem, albo rozklekotanym mercedesem, przenosza sie z gornego miasta na dol. A na gorze zycie toczy sie wlasnym rytmem. Piekarnia sprzedaje jeden rodzaj c... read more
Berat2.Muzeum ikon.

Europe » Albania » West » Berat July 25th 2010

Obudził nas szum morza. Wokol ani zywej duszy. Ale za to byly smieci. Postanowilismy wiec czym predzej sie ewakuowac i szukac sniadania gdzies przy glownej drodze. Po kilku kilometrach natrafilismy na babcie, ktora obslugiwala zarowno stacje benzynowa, jak i restauracje. Okazalo sie, ze babcia mowi po albansku i po grecku. I nigdy nie spodziewalam sie, ze moja znajomosc 10 slow po grecku polaczona ze znajomoscia 10 (w wiekszosci tych samych) slow przez H. da nam szanse zjedzenia sniadania. A byla i kawa, i chleb, i maslo, i miod! W okolicach babci musielismy skrecic gdzies w gory, zeby na polnoc nie przebijac sie nad morzem. Mielismy tylko ogolna mape, wiec musielismy - korzystajac z rozmowek na koncu przewodnika - pytac. Zaczynalismy od "Mierdita" - dzien dobry. Potem "Rruga na ...." czyli "Droga na...", a na koniec "Falemenderit" ... read more
Off-road! Juppi!
Jeden z niewielu znaków.
Regional road.

Europe » Albania » West » Tirana April 21st 2010

Welcome to Albania, the quirkiest country in the world What a strange place. Brightly painted poverty, the worst roads in Europe and Mercedes-Benzes everywhere. Throughout the Balkans, I encountered squabbling people with petty disputes with their neighbors. The Slovenians didn’t trust the Croatians. The Croatians mistrusted the Bosnians. The Bosnians mistrusted the Serbs and the Montenegrins. But all of them agreed on one thing: Albania was the most dangerous, perilous and shadiest place in the world – or so they shared with me. None of them had ever been there. “There isn’t a dumpster in this town that some gypsy hasn’t laid claim to.” There are more cops than trees in Tirana and urban Albania. In fact the only quantity that compares is the number of scabby homeless dogs. The funny thing is that besides standing ... read more
at the Pyramid
Traditional farm transport
How to move a sofa in Albania

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