Blogs from Panamá, Panama, Central America Caribbean - page 6


Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City January 25th 2018

The view of Panama City was breath taking from the plane. Modern city with pockets of poverty. Efficient public transportation. A lit on the higher end of backpacking budget. Ate at Mcdonald's majority of the time. Met a friendly African American at the hostel. She was a bit older then the crowd, but was good company to have. She shared her plans of retiring in Panama. I wonder where and how she is doing today... Explored parts of the city, a Frank Ghery designed museum and the Panama Canal. Explored the lower income part of the city, which consisted mostly of Mestizo and citizen of African descent. They were friendly and approachable, but the outer appearance worried me, so I politely hurried off. Would definitely like to revisit when not on a backpacker budget.... read more

2.7. Die Reise zum Tortuguero Nationalpark ist etwas umständlich (Taxi zum Terminal, Bus nach Cariari, Bus nach Pavona, Boot ins Dorf Tortuguero), es klappt aber alles ohne Zwischenfälle, trotz teilweise heftigen Regens und schlechter Strassen. Wir beziehen unsere Unterkunft im Hostel und erkunden danach Dorf und Umgebung. Das Dorf liegt auf einer schmalen Landzunge zwischen Lagune und Meer, es gibt nur schmale Fusswege und ausser Handkarrren keine Verkehrsmittel. Die Küste ist rau, hohe Wellen brechen sich am Strand. Nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit begeben wir uns einmal mehr auf eine Nachtwanderung, wo wir Echsen, Spinnen (inklusive zweier grosser, haariger, schwarzer Taranteln), Frösche und allerlei Insekten beobachten können. 3.7. Um sechs Uhr besteigen wir im Dauerregen ein Kanu und gleiten damit durch die Kanäle des Nationalparks. Dank Regenponchos bleiben wir einigermasse... read more
grüner Leguan
Kanufahrt im Tortuguero NP

PANAMA: Panama City and San Blas islands We were sad to say goodbye to Galapagos, but excited for the next chapter! We arrived in Panama City at around 1am, watching from the plane window I was surprised to see how built up it was. Taxi man 'Super Mario' (complete with sovereign 'S' ring that looked like it had come from a fancy dress box) pointed out the skyscrapers, casinos and large international hotels that made up the rich area. We chose to stay in Hospedaje Casco Viejo, located in the old town - the nicest part of the city. One thing that struck me was the number of police patrolling, even outside our hostel there were 3. Apparently they are working hard to attract visitors and make people feel safe. It certainly didn't feel dangerous. The ... read more

As i checked in this morning i was greeted with "Good morning. Just to let you the flight has been overbooked." Visions of being dragged off the flight "a la United" flashed before me "We're looking for volunteers to go tomorrow" That elicited a firm "No" from me. When seated on the plane the two beside me said they were offered $400. I was offered nothing. The flight from Toronto to Panama left on time and no one was forcibly removed to make room for wayward passengers. Except for a few turbulent moments the flight was smooth, but I am thankful I decided to have a small bite to eat at the airport (with the prerequisite large price tag) as food service didn't happen until 1/2 way though the 5 hour flight. A tasty concoction of ... read more

Mist-netting Bats My first night out in the jungle – and it was amazing. I accompanied other bat scientists to go mist-netting ( The goal was, to catch the common sword-nosed bat (Lonchorhina aurita), an exceptionally cute bat (see picture) from the family Phyllostomidae. My first thoughts about the jungle at night were: · there are many things that could sneak up on me without being seen · there are snakes, right? · there are jaguars in Panama I soon realised, that every biologist would freely give their live for seeing a wild jaguar and would gladly record the whole “I´m being eaten alive” thing as footage for the rest of the world. If you have the feeling that I am exaggerating a bit, then you are probably right… my fr... read more

Hey! So here i will just write about daily life :) 07/06/2017 I´m here since almost a week now. And I can say: I really like it here. Yes, it is very warm, yes, it is very humid. But it doesn´t seem to bother me, so I´m fine ? Whenever I leave the house, the estimated walk time at least doubles, because I see so many things. Let that be strange “foam blobs” in puddles (apparently tungara frog nests), female dragonflies laying their eggs in water (looks really funny), or red-lored amazons (parrots) at dusk and dawn which keep you from sleeping or wake you up, respectively. Yesterday, I went to STRI Headquarters (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute) for a really nice talk about Tungara frogs. I met some very interesting people. Today, we had a special ... read more

Hi Folks, after arriving at the Tocumen Airport in Panama City, my friend Leonie and Ahana picked me up. We went straight to the beautiful Casco Viejo to our airconditioned hotelroom. First things first: Icecold panamanian rum at the rooftop with a nice view of the nightlit skyscraper skyline :) After we picked up Nora from the airport (later), we went for some drinks and a (much too big) burger. After a full nights rest, we went to the city to go shopping in the mall for groceries and so on... Arriving in Gamboa i met my new roommates and could finally settle in my new room. To conclude the first days: no jetlag, very nice people, very warm and humid, and a looooot of animals - the paradise for a (proper) biologist #greetingstomyboringtechnicalbiologistsinstuttgart #haha ... read more

My final country in Central America and the last week in my thirties! Our first stop in Panama was a city called David. It was just an overnight stay there so we had a look at the main plaza and then went to a nice local seafood restaurant. We were given a free shot glass full of ceviche for starters and then I had concha a la criolla (conch shell dish) for a main. Ali ordered a flan for dessert but it was slightly cheesecake-like so I had some too! We woke up at 7.30 the next morning with the sound of macaws having a lover's tiff and so we had time for a nice dip in the swimming pool. After a long bus journey to Panama City we arrived at the Best Western Zen hotel ... read more

Geo: 9.18149, -79.8218Up early with the alarm as we were scheduled to enter the Gatun Locks at 6:55 a.m. I think we may have started even earlier as we were out of them about thirty minutes before expected. We watched the operation of the Gatun Locks from our balcony. A couple of days ago, I scheduled a time for one of the ship's photographers to come to our cabin to take our photo on our balcony with the locks in the background. He made it just in time as we exited the last of the Gatun Locks. There were also ship photographers who disembarked to take photos at the same time the lock personnel embarked to guide the ship through the canal. Those photographers were on the side taking photos of people on their balconies and ... read more
Ship in the Panama Canal
Panama Canal
Ordering Coffee

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá March 18th 2017

From Panama City with an Uber, a local bus and another local bus we went to Punta Chame, at the end of a peninsula, where the wind blows often, for a few days of physical exercise for Merijn, playing around kitesurfing. That was fun!... read more

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