Blogs from San Juan del Sur, Southern Pacific Coast, Nicaragua, Central America Caribbean - page 21


Well, this is a bonus...for you!...decided to stay another noche here in San Juan del Sur..although its pronounced sewer its not like the blind mullet barrage in one of the last beaches, in fact this is a paradise, really clean, friendly people, no security things, a very seductive little bay...went out with Vladamir this morning,(he spent 3 years in the Caspian Sea with the Russian naval academy, hence the nickname) we dropped Grant off at a surf spot and went on a fishing expedition...almost got a big one, but hey, thats fishing, we followed the birds and came across boiling mobs of bait fish, Vlad throws in the little line with bare hooks, pulls out 2 lttle bait fish, we put them onto hand lines and let them swim...I got 1 big bite but lost it..pulled ... read more

What an amazing thing time is! ..its my birthday where a lot of you are and its not til tomorrow for me thank you for the wishes....time warping from the ruinas back to the 21st century altho' the border x-ing into Nicaragua was not user friendly...I mean how hard would it be just to put up a couple of signs? like passports here and vehicle stuff here...felt like whipping out the felt nib and just writing on the wall...and no-one, even the people who work there, have much idea...a Panamanian english speaking guy asked several of the officials for directions for us...and they turned out to be wrong!!...anyway, we ultimately worked it out...passports were easy, and the bike stuff a black comedy of errors culminating in a waiting game with the last Honduran official who ... read more

Despite being smack in the midst of no less than 12 other travelers boasting shades of bronze that I will never ever be, I am nonetheless proud to report that I left my Babies' SPF 45 sunblock behind for a glorious day on the beach without the slightest trace of sunburn. Yesterday I spent in San Juan del Sur again since I fell asleep after breakfast and missed the ferry to Majagual, so I spent the afternoon at the local beach. I finally saw the down side to life in this quaint little town, and it is the wind. Perhaps things aren't this way in the rainy season, but in the dry season right now the wind whips in every which direction and changes direction almost every minute and whips the sand all over you. And ... read more
Sidewalk in San Juan
Sunset before the rain

After a brief stay in Costa Rica with an open mind to staying and hiking in Corcovado, I decided I just wasn't "feeling it" and had to keep moving on. Golfito was pretty and surely a very small gem in comparison to what Peninsula de Osa would have been, but it just seems like there is something missing in Costa Rica. I couldn't put my finger on it at the time, but now that I am in Nicaragua it seems more evident. Everyone there seems too North American. Polite, quiet, reserved, English-speaking. Oh, and all the music sucked in the buses. So, I decided to also forego any plans I had in the Nicoya Peninsula and just head up to Nicaragua. And here I am enjoying my second perfect sunset over the Pacific Ocean. It turns ... read more
Nature's daily movie

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