Blogs from Managua, Capital Region, Nicaragua, Central America Caribbean - page 12


Love is not a feeling; it is a choice and a commitment. If I came here just on feeling, that would have faded...I chose to come here because I wanted to be committed to a country I have a passion for. It's funny how a week here did that. Solomente una semana! If I came here on a feeling, I would not have chosen the island, where I will be isolated from the rest of the country and from other people. However, that is where God was leading me, to the island. God often brings us out of our comfort zones to do His work. After Managua, a good resting place, one that is familiar to me, we all left for San Jorge, to visit Casa Asis, the baby orphanage for NHP. Leaving the familiar path ... read more
The island: Conception (left) and Maderus (right)
It better not explode! Volcano Conception
The children at Casa Asis

My big day arrives. My last memories from the Unites States still linger in my head…a ver…it was New Years Eve, and I just finished babysitting for the Higgins, a family on Lake of the Isles. Although it is New Years, my evening is not that boring. I get to see luxury and abundance one last time before I leave the country. They get back around midnight and just as I walk out to my door to get something in my car, I hear fireworks in the distance. A beautiful lake and the memorable sound of fireworks synced together like vanilla and chocolate. Quite a memorable moment. The next day, I pack, pack pack. Power packing. I think it took me 10 hours! I finish packing around midnight. I didn’t get any sleep. My flight left ... read more
Lake Managua
La Casa del Presidente
El Palacio

Hi all, Welcome to the special Christmas edition of my blog!! Although to be honest, there is nothing particularly special or Christmasy about it, I just happen to be writing it around Christmas time and though I should wish everyone a ¨Feliz Navidad´ before you all piss off on holidays! You will be pleased to know that Christmas can be just as tacky here as other places in the world. There are fake Christmas tress everywhere and Christmas carols being played left, right and centre. It is nice and hot so I feel right at home, although many of my fellow travellers from the northern hemisphere are complaining that things don´t quite feel like Christmas - I keep telling them they should go home to the cold and rain, but they just ignore me. I have ... read more
Sliding down a volcano.....
La Prussia

Welcome to Sarah and Rick's new blog site! Sorry to switch the address so quickly, but we feel that this sight will provide everyone with a better interface through which to vicariously experience Nicaragua. You may notice that some of the old entries are now illustrated in Technicolor (they have pictures)! As an added bonus, you can subscribe to this blog and automatically receive an email each time we post a new entry. We promise that you won't get any spam from this subscription. Many of you have already been subscribed. We won't be offended if you choose to unsubscribe at any time. Now, to proceed with the adventures of Sarah and Rick! Last week we had our first official visitors from the states: Dave and Trisha. Very excited to play tour guides for the first ... read more
Our esteemed guests
Leon at night
At the Cultural center in Leon

I personally think that photos are even better than reading so I am going to try to put a bunch of photos up for all of you to see more of what my life is like. Plus I have some photos I need to take to show you all!... read more
My girls!

So I realized in reading my last long entry that I somehow manage to forget some rather important things that I have no idea how I forgot them. I guess I just am thinking about so many things at once that I forget sometimes. But thats okay because I eventually get everything on here. Halloween was forever ago, I know. But it was definitely an interesting day for me since its my favorite holiday. I spent a few days before halloween decorating the school with crepe paper, paper pumpkins, ghosts and witches hats and using yarn to make spider webs. I had fun doing it and was actually starting to get rather excited. Plus in all my art classes we were making masks: witches, chucky, butterflies, ghosts, scary faces, tigers and any other random things the ... read more

Okay so I hate to get on here and, well, beg. But since its for Project Chacocente Im going to stop being proud, and Im going to do it. Chacocente budgets the money every month so that they dont spend all the donations they receive too quickly. The problem with this though is that food prices have gone up SO MUCH in the past two months, and along with things needing to be fixed and built at the project, the budget for November is already spent. What this means, is this coming Friday, when Charito normally gives the families their money for food for the week, she doesnt have the money to give them. And on the 30th, when its time to pay the teachers their meager $250 for two weeks of work, she wont even ... read more

We recently went to a Nicaraguan Professional League Baseball game here in Managua. We went with some of our neighbors and sat along the first base side in a section affectionately known as "the jail." It's closed off to the rest of the crowd and the field because it's the all you can drink section. Apparently, the partyers have been known to make a run onto the field. The night was interesting because of 2 reasons: 1) The Boer Indians (or Indios del Boer) have the same exact copied logo of the Cleveland Indians. I'm pretty sure US copyright laws don't hold much sway down here. In case you're wondering, the Boer were a native tribe that inhabited the area now known as Managua. 2) I went to a website known as that serves as ... read more
The guys at the Boer game

Theres no school today and I have the house to myself at the moment so Im going to take advantage of this time to get the rest of that blog entry in that I wanted to! haha I just have to figure out where I left off in my notebook since its not insanely organized, my thoughts are just sort of...well..there. Ah okay! Theres a boy my age in Chacocente that ive become pretty good friends with, and Im glad that I have because this kid NEEDS friends. Hes in a very tough spot because hes 19 and wanting to be grownup and move on but doesnt have the education or resources to really do that. He still lives with his parents and younger siblings, but has a baby of 5 or 6 months back in ... read more

Wow! I am really sorry that I havent updated this in forever. I really havent had much time because Ive been enjoying the time at the project so much that I have been leaving later and when Im at home in Sabana Grande I dont like getting on the computer because Im with all my friends there haha. Ill try to get as much in as I can in the next half hour but then I have to leave to get my next two buses so If I dont finish, I will try again tomorrow!! Ugh it has been like three weeks since Ive updated. Lets see. Hm. Okay wayyy back I was talking to Veronica, my older adopted sister at Chacocente haha, about how she used to work in the sweatshops. Now Ive always known ... read more

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