Blogs from Dominican Republic, Central America Caribbean - page 38


We're finally here! And it's a blast! Started off kinda rocky at the airport in St. John's...why?...well, I was a little over on my baggage weight allowance...try $70 worth! So, I quickly decided that I didn't need that small suitcase afterall! Kerri and Julie had to "streamline" their suitcases as well, and Kerri's mom took what we couldn't fit in - God love her...if she wasn't there we would have had to pay! Anyway, so after a few tense minutes of wondering what to do, we finally go everything checked in...and justin the nick of time, because the place started filling up quickly - and Jenelle was the one who said we were going way too early! Grabbed some Tim's (cookies and juice), and headed upstairs to go through security - I got on through without ... read more

Okay - so, my TravelBlog account is approved and up-and-running, and I'm pretty much packed and ready to go...BUT, I still have to study for one more exam that I have tomorrow morning! Thankfully, it's my last exam EVER! (And, I'm going to need this vacation, believe me!) So, with that said, I will get back to my studying and say my prayers that I'll ace the exam in the morning. All I have to do then is to wait for Jenelle to get off work, pack our bags into the car, drive to St.John's, and hopefully get a nap before heading to the airport around 2:30/3:00 a.m. Oh, and hope that I will be able to access computers at the resort! Wish me luck! Ciao! ... read more

Well, it's still 5 LONG days until I'll be sitting on the beach at SuperClubs Breezes sipping on daiquiris and soaking up the warm Caribbean sun, so I decided to get a start on my TravelBlog...bear with me, I'm new at this! ... read more

I went to Jarabacoa this past weekend and had a blast. I love it up there. It brings back memories of growing up in rural Alaska with the mountains and country. Except in the bush we didn’t have a colmado on every corner to buy food at. Friday, after school got out, I had to take a guagua to La Vega and then another from La Vega to Jarabacoa. The trip was enjoyable thanks to Presidente, nothing like relaxing after a long week. I met an older man in his seventies in one of the guaguas who lives there. He was sent here in the sixties by Johnson with 20,000 other troops to settle the civil war that had developed between the Loyalists and the Constitutionalists. It will be exactly 40 years ago on the 28th ... read more
Katie and Autumn looking away

so yesterday i came home from a day of teaching english and ninety degree weather 32 C. i unlocked the door to my room (which is weird because for about 2 months i didn't even have a door) and flung my laptop and books on my bed, stripped my uniform shirt off and proceeded to do what every guy does no matter what country your in- go and look in the fridge. There's something to be said about the psychological relief that takes place when you look in the fridge. It is a feeling of security or what? It is always one of the first things I do, and usually there isn't a whole lot there. Anyway, while I was musing over the lack of food in the house, my door slammed shut like it has ... read more
Woodlin can cook!
the Dominican flag
mangu with eggs, unions, and salami

Alcazar de Diego Colon. Ojo, yo no soy el sanki que sale en la foto. Jean Berger read more

Grupos de hermanos de la ICPD en Adrian Tropical. La pasamos super ! Jean Berger read more

Hola Amigos or gas...time to dust off my Spanish 101 Well, we booked the tix! I leave tomorrow for the big T.O. We're bringing some school supplies and other things we take for granted here in Canada based on some website recommendations, I hope we're not taking this stuff in vain. Tiory is sooo excited, I however feel a little disconnected, I'm not sure why, it just doesn't feel like it's going to actually happen...I'll keep my fingers crossed. Let's see, I've packed sunscreen, bug juice, a first aid kit, underwater disposable cameras, my digital camera, extra toiletries, 2 hats, 2 no 3 pairs of shoes, a duffle bag of school supplies, 3 no 4 pairs of sunglasses, 3 swimsuits, 2 cover-ups...hhmm, I wonder if I have room for any clothes? Ah, books! I almost forgot ... read more

Para los que no sabian que en Republica Dominicana hay sinagoga, aqui les muestro una foto de la que hay en Sosua, Puerto Plata.... read more

Aqui les muestro una foto del Museo Judio en Sosua. Esto fue el sabado de semana santa 2005... read more

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