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Asia » China » Shanghai October 12th 2008

Greetings from 70-degree Shanghai. This weather run we've been having has been amazing. Unfortunately, I am again sick with a nasty cough/cold which has really put a damper on the last few days. I missed class Friday, and have been pretty miserable all weekend. That said, we still managed a few fun things this weekend between my many naps and coughing fits. Before I get to the weekend recap, I have to share that I took my first Chinese over the counter meds. I purchased these drugs at the grocery store about a month ago when Mark had a cold. He was not very eager to take them, though, so I saved them. Sure enough, I needed them. I was pretty sure one was a decongestant/fever reducer and the other was a cough syrup. I had ... read more
Nathan and Thomas run around the fest
lots of people
The USA table

Asia » China » Shanghai October 7th 2008

We have entered the stage in our language acquisition known in China as Chinglish. In an effort to use as many Chinese words as we can, we are all putting together some very silly phrases and sentences. Whenever we have even 1 word in Chinese to contribute, we use it. Mark had a funny one today after lunch. He was trying to end our long goodbye--I was eager to hang out more and he was eager to go back to he said "any shuí ..." which is Chinglish for any who, as in, any who, thanks for coming to meet me for lunch, and I'll see you later! It's pretty silly, really, but our family's collective vocabulary is growing rapidly. Yesterday, I taught everyone how to say snack! Xiao chi. Now that is a handy ... read more
mustaches are very in this season
cool creation

Asia » China » Anhui » Huangshan October 3rd 2008

Thursday, October 2 - Friday October 3 We didn't have a tour guide the rest of our time in Huangshan. We spent Thursday morning being very lazy at the hotel, but soon tired of that and decided to head out for some sort of activity. We got a taxi to take us to a park we had seen on a map and soon discovered our parks in Shanghai are much different than small town parks. This park had some pretty views and bridges, but it also had a pond with pretty nasty looking water and some large dead fish floating in it. We played count the fishies for a bit and then moved on to see what other things we could find. The kids had way more energy than the adults. Mark and I were sore ... read more
another odd dish
Emily rocks out with her iPod
we found corn juice at the store

Asia » China » Anhui » Huangshan October 1st 2008

Quick note: I'm still catching up on posting the stuff I wrote while on our trip...we are back in Shanghai safe and sound. Many of the trip photos were taken by Mark, so I wanted to credit his efforts. He took some fabulous shots that really capture what we saw and experienced. Wednesday October 1, 2008 We met some other western looking tourists at the hotel breakfast. They ended up sitting at our table and what do you know—they are also “from” Shanghai and are here on vacation. This couple and their daughter are from France and we all chatted over breakfast. We saw them again at our first stop of the day, an ancient village called Xidi (She-Dee—insert your joke here about what that sounds like). Among the hundreds if not thousands of people there, ... read more
building in Xidi
cotton grown by residents
wood used for stove fuel

Asia » China » Anhui » Huangshan September 30th 2008

Tuesday we left the hotel at about 7:15am. The drive to the Mount Huangshan took an hour and then we had to take a bus to the cable car which took us across to the scenic areas. We knew we were going to be walking around and seeing sights but I had not really prepared myself or the kids for the 7 hours of hiking we ended up doing. Oops. They were for the most part troopers. They were for the rest of the time typical kids who wanted to go back to the hotel. It was a lot of walking. Up steep inclines of stone steps and back down only to go back up. It was a long day. We did see some amazing views. The pictures will speak for themselves. I suppose looking ... read more
bamboo trees
the cable car
cable car ride over

Asia » China » Anhui » Huangshan September 29th 2008

Oh where to begin? There is so much good stuff packed into the last 3 days. We have been on a true adventure - just as we planned. The kids are amazing. So brave and willing to adapt. They are my heros. Whenever I want to whine and complain I look at them dealing with it all and I just try to suck it up appreciate that we are all here together. The bus: Not so bad! I had such low expectations and then it turned out to be totally fine. It was a bit of a struggle to get to the bus station as we took a taxi to the train station, which is near the bus station but not quite attached. We incorrectly went inside the train station and the security line only to ... read more
the bus station
on the road
kids on bus

Asia » China » Shanghai » Jing An September 28th 2008

We have had quite the busy weekend. The weather has been great. Cooler and sunny with clear, blue skies. Friday, after school, I treated myself to a pedicure. I went back to a place I had been to the month before across the street. I remember feeling very nervous and uncomfortable being totally unable to communicate besides pointing and miming my way through. This time, I had a very different experience. I chatted with the woman giving me a pedicure and she helped me practice my Chinese. She said I was great, to which I replied "mama huhu!" and she giggled at me just as I knew she would. Mama huhu means so-so and is the appropriate response when someone tells one who has not yet mastered the language how great he or she is. I ... read more
watching the debate
Nathan's latest creation

Asia » China » Shanghai September 25th 2008

It's almost the October holiday (next week the entire country gets vacation). We crazy Slavens are going to try a new mode of family transport...the bus. A very popular mode for many, it is certainly the last thing I expected to choose to do on a vacation. Take a long bus trip. I'm not a fan. However, we lagged in our efforts to plan a trip, didn't know the ins and outs of booking the train tickets (best to use travel agents in future). SO, it was the bus or bust. The plane is crazy expensive....and a taxi would not get us there any faster but would cost a lot and be less comfy I'm guessing. Good news is, there will certainly be some stories. I expect the loudest people on the bus to be behind ... read more
Nathan and I walk to the train
donuts and pastry

Asia » China » Shanghai September 23rd 2008

I am up very early (pre-5am) because I apparently offered to get up with Mark and make him coffee. I sorta remember being nice and offering, but when he gently woke me up and said "did you really mean it?" I had to think fast, and said "oh sure! of course". I really didn't mind, but the fact that we went to bed after midnight forced me to make 2 cups. I am up for the day at this point and need a little java power to get me through. I don't drink coffee every day, but I use it as a pick me up on days like today. Mark is heading somewhere (insert obscure Chinese city name) via train this morning. He has a sales opportunity and is off to do what he came here ... read more

Asia » China » Shanghai September 21st 2008

Mark left for Ningbo on Friday for a trade show. The 3 remaining Slavens kept ourselves fairly busy and got along fine though we missed Mark. We had a very busy Saturday which involved running all over Hongqiao to get Nathan to his Lego Engineering class, Emily to a birthday party at a classmate's house and then back again to get Nathan and then back again to get Emily. Emily and I ran into 2 friends of hers at the grocery store near Nathan's class. We were lucky enough to hitch a ride to the party with a mom and her daughter from school. It's still very strange running into people in Shanghai. It happens mostly in Hongqiao where the school is, but just last week I ran into another mom from the school in Jing'an ... read more

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