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Asia » China » Shanghai September 1st 2008

Today was day one with my new ayi, Xiao Chen ("sh-oww Chen"). Ayi means Auntie and her role in our house will be to help with housework and cook dinner each evening before she leaves at 6pm. She will also watch the kids on occasion, but since they can't communicate with her either, we will limit that until we have more Chinese under our collective belts. I know many of you are thinking less than loving thoughts about me and my cushy situation here in China. Prepare to be less fond of me. Well, it was day 1 and it went fine. I felt really weird being here and not being able to talk to her. I prepared a letter/list using Google Translate and it took me a long time. I said a few key things ... read more
living room/dining room
E's bedroom

Asia » China » Shanghai August 31st 2008

We ate well today. Seriously, I'm still full from dinner and I may be for several days. We had a nice Sunday. We slept late (8am) and eventually left to meet our friends (those same friends!) for brunch. The weather has cooled quite a bit the last few days. Even with sporadic rain showers, it's much more pleasant weather for exploring and being outside. We ate outside for brunch and it was so great to be both outdoors and not sweating. The place we went is owned by an Australian guy. The manager is also Australian and we met him after breakfast. Mark and I have been here before. The area is called Taikong Rd and it's full of small streetlike walkways with art galleries, stores and restaurants. It's my favorite shopping street so far. The ... read more
shops in Taikang Lu
flower bike
photo shoot

Asia » China » Shanghai August 30th 2008

Today was filled with frustrating cab rides, followed by a long presentation about being new to the city and all the stress and challenges that we will face here. Overall, we were glad we went. The kids went to William and Sophie's house--so they were excited. One speaker talked about Shang highs and Shang lows. Some days, hours, minutes will be amazing and some will not be. Just like at home, but at home we have a much bigger support network. We hired an ayi -- a housekeeper/cook/helper and she seems very nice. She speaks no English. We will do a trial week and see if we are compatible. I feel very strange hiring help for more than just a weekly housecleaning, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't very excited. The idea ... read more
such fun
spin me!
partner change

Asia » China » Shanghai August 29th 2008

I went to the school new family orientation today. It was good. They had vendors from the area with pamphlets and cards and the goody bag had a huge book of business cards--this really pretty silk book with plastic sleeves filled with cards from stores, restaurants, hospitals,etc. The parent group put them together...must have taken a lot of time. I think (no surprise to those who know me) I am going to get involved in the parent group. They have a meeting on Tuesday next week, so I'll go to that and learn even more. I met a bunch of other moms today. Can't remember most names, but I am sure that will come with time. The funniest thing was when they introduced the co-president of the parent group and she stood up to wave. She ... read more
Emily admires her complimentary 2nd drink
massage chairs at Best Buy
tag teaming on a video game

Asia » China » Shanghai August 27th 2008

Wednesday 8/27 I got my facial today. I earned it. Before I went, I did lots of laundry and hung it up to dry. This laundry business is a full time job. I have to wash the uniform shirts every day, because I don't have enough shirts yet. There's a 2nd hand uniform sale on Friday and I hope to stock up on shirts! So I did the laundry, had a quick lunch and headed over to the mall across the street. I wanted to check out a gym before my appointment. When I got to the gym it was, not surprisingly, full of Chinese people. I guess I need to stop being shocked by the fact that I am the minority and nobody understands me here...but so far, it still shocks me. I go out ... read more
the final product
the messsssss!

Asia » China » Shanghai August 26th 2008

As a follow up to yesterday's post, I read that yesterday's rainstorm was the heaviest one-hour rainstorm in 130 years in Shanghai. Isn't that a fine bit of trivia for the record books? No rain today! Today was a great second day of school (really first day since actual first day was canceled). Emily gave it a 10 out of 10 and Nathan gave it a 7 out of 10 on the how good was your day scale. After the kids went to school, I went for a walk in the park. The weather was much better than yesterday. It was so nice at 7:30 when the kids left, but by 9am it was warming up a lot. I had my iPod and David Gray sang while I walked past people doing ballroom dancing and Tai ... read more
first day of school shangha 007
first day of school shangha 013
first day of school shangha 014

Asia August 25th 2008

I really could not have written a more exciting story if I were trying to make one up. Today was INSANE...but so bloggable I was almost ok with it just because I had such a great story for all of you! It started out with a rainy Monday. I pulled out the raincoats and boots I had purchased for the move. I knew it would rain a lot here and also that we'd be out in the rain more than we're used to since we don't have a car. I didn't (unfortunately) buy boots for Mark and myself. Just the kids. Oops. Need to get some rain boots. You'll soon learn why. Last night when packing the backpacks, I made 2 emergency contact cards and showed them to the kids. I put our mobile numbers on ... read more
not quite awake
gearing up for the journey
let's go!

Asia » China » Shanghai August 24th 2008

Sunday, 8/24. Today we had a nice breakfast at home (I made banana pancakes with our imported pancake mix and local bananas). Yum. Then we lazed about and did a couple loads of laundry. No Sunday paper, though we can get the news online. We finally motivated at about 12 and decided to head out to explore the French Concession. It was not too hot today, and it was pretty decent walking around weather. The plan was to do a walking tour we found in a guide book, but we didn't make it through the whole tour. These things are probably not written for families with young kids. We gave it a shot. Saw some nice sights and had a good lunch at a German cafe. The French Concession has pretty gardens and tree lined streets. ... read more

Asia » China » Shanghai August 23rd 2008

Saturday 8/23. This morning, there were extremely heavy rain showers. We had plans to meet "the friends" at 10, so we took our time this morning and eventually left the building. I had the only umbrella, so I walked to the main gate and asked one of the guards to help us get a taxi. He did, and sent it over to the front of our building. The taxi along with our map I had printed out got us to very near the restaurant, and Mark's keen sense of direction got us to the restaurant itself. Our friends were not so fortunate, and it took them 2 taxis and a couple calls to the restaurant to find the place. It was a bit off the beaten path. Jo found the restaurant in her living in Shanghai ... read more
the crew at breakfast
love the signs here
Lego robotics place

Asia » China » Shanghai August 22nd 2008

Friday 8/22/08 Our morning started with an 8am ride on the subway. I have many years of Chicago el and suburban Metra riding experience, but I have never before been on such a crowded train. Mark had warned us, and we had taken a train in the evening rush, but this was absurd. They have monitors who help pack in the people and make sure people stay in lines and let people off before boarding. This is a rush hour thing, because normally it's every man/woman/child for him or herself when trying to board the trains. The kids were squished up against us and had the height disadvantage--they were staring at butts and bellies and had no source of fresh air. I picked Emily up for part of the ride but she was just too heavy ... read more
Emily and her teacher.
Nathan and his teacher
playground fun

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