Page 14 of ozray Travel Blog Posts

Middle East » Israel » North District » Nazareth April 25th 2018

Departing from Jerusalem today so met at 7:20am this morning to get bags into the bus and we got away at 7:35am. This is the first day we got some proper rain and the sky was quite an unusual colour. Took about one hour to get to Jericho where we visited Hisham’s Palace. This is an Islamic archaeological site from the 8th Century. It was destroyed by an earthquake. It is famous for it’s intact mosaic “The Tree of Life” but we were not able to see it. In fact all the floors were covered by cloth and dirt so we couldn’t see any mosaics at all. However it was still very interesting and one of the rooms had multiple columns reminding me of Luxor temple but on a much smaller scale. We then had a ... read more
Hisham's Palace
Hisham's Palace
Hisham's Palace

Middle East » Israel » South District April 24th 2018

Left hotel at 7:30 today for our trip to the southern end of the Dead Sea and Masada. Unfortunately my assigned buddy, Juliet succumbed to the cold she had been fighting and decided not to join us today. We got to Masada around 9am and stayed until 10:45am. We all took the cable car to go up but Pierre, Tash, Greg and Steve were keen to walk down so Mahdi said they could leave the guided tour and start walking at 10am. Masada is a fortress built on a mesa like plateau and King Herod had palaces built here around 39BCE. However it is most famous for a siege in 73 CE when Jewish rebels against the Romans are said to have committed mass suicide when it was inevitable that the Romans were about to break ... read more

Middle East » Israel » West Bank » Bethlehem April 23rd 2018

Started off today at 7.45am for our day trip to Bethlehem which is situated in the West Bank. This is the area that DFAT on their Smart Traveler website has listed as "Reconsider your need to travel". I understand the reasons for this but we are so glad we went because we actually felt good that we were contributing in some small way to the Palestinians who live here under some difficult circumstances. Before that however we had a couple of stops. First was a viewpoint overlooking the Mount of Olives where we had a marvelous view of Jerusalem and then a short drive to the Garden of Gethesame, where the Bible says Jesus and his disciples spent the night before the crucifixion. Next to the garden is the Church of All Nations, which is also ... read more
Garden of Gethesame
Church of Mary Magdalene
Church of Mary Magdalene

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District April 22nd 2018

Early start this morning at 7:15am as there would be a long line to enter the Courtyard of the Dome to see The Dome of the Rock. We entered the Old City through the Jaffa Gate and our first stop was The Western Wall commonly known as the Wailing Wall before but Western Wall is now preferred. It is actually the only remaining part of the Second Temple. As it was so early there were not many men at the wall and we noticed that the women’s section was much smaller but had more women. Up close you can see all the messages pushed into cracks and Daisy did write one as well, that she pushed in. We then left the Wall and saw this very long line, not realizing that that was the line we ... read more
Old City
Via Dolorosa
Via Dolorosa

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District April 21st 2018

Opportunity to sleep in today but still woke up early at 7am. We took our time showering, packing and having breakfast and checked out of the hotel around 10:15am. Short walk to what we thought was our Intrepid tour hotel, Holy Land but it turned out it was another Intrepid group booked, not ours. There was conflicting information in our tour notes, so I was half expecting this. Anyway, the Holy Land people were good enough to call the Azzahra Hotel to check that we were booked in there and sure enough we were. Fortunately just another short walk to the Azzahra. It was too early to check-in so we just left our bags there and asked the very nice lady at reception how much it should cost for a taxi to The Israel Museum. She ... read more
Israel Museum - Crusaders
Israel Museum
Israel Museum

Middle East April 20th 2018

Leisurely wake up today as my old University friend John Bostock and his wife Michal were due to pick us up at 10am. They were right on time and it was so nice to see Michal again after a 10 year gap. John we saw regularly over the years because he went back to Australia to visit his parents but his mother passed away a couple of years ago hence we hadn’t seen John for about 2 years as well. First stop was to the Mechane Yehuda markets which is where the locals shop, although there plenty of tourists around (including us) as well. We had coffee and looked around but only bought some dried fruit for snacking on our tour. It was very expensive though and in hindsight we shouldn’t have bought it. We also ... read more
Mechane Yehuda Markets
Mechane Yehuda Markets
Mechane Yehuda Markets

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District April 19th 2018

Went down for breakfast at 7am and met up again with Mary, Paul and Susan. We had an 8am taxi pick-up and were a a little late but all good. Unfortunately we didn’t get the nice young driver from the night before but an older man who we found difficult to understand. He ended up stopping twice for water and then petrol and then he asked if we wanted him to take us to a bazaar but we politely told him that we just wanted to go straight to the border. The border crossing wasn’t as bad as we imagined, seems like they have streamlined it. I read that at one stage they take your luggage at the start and you don’t see it until the end of the procedure but in our case the bags ... read more
Allenby/King Hussein bridge
Jerusalem Old City
Tower of David Citadel

Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash April 18th 2018

Our last day of the tour, we left the hotel around 8am and got to Jerash around 9am. Jerash is a very large ancient Roman site on par with Ephesus in Turkey. I didn’t even know about it until we had booked this tour. They even have a chariot race and gladiators show in the Hippodrome, but we didn’t have time for that. Lana took us all the way through the complex which took over 2 hours. Lana showed us a spot in the amphitheatre in the centre where you stand and your voice comes back amplified. This explained why we saw the group of youths singing in that spot in the Amman amphitheatre. We left Jerash around 11:30 and drove through Amman again to get to the Dead Sea around 1pm. All the resorts here ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » South » Showbak April 17th 2018

Left Petra at 8am for our return trip to Amman but with a few stops along the way. First was Little Petra which is set in a small valley not far from Petra, but also built by the Nabateans. It is believed that it was like a suburb of Petra and housed traveling traders on the Silk Road. This was a very interesting site in itself and if situated anywhere else in the world would be a much bigger deal in itself Next stop was the Crusader Castle at Shobak, where Lana told us about it but just made it an option if anyone wanted to explore the castle itself, which entailed a 15 minute walk up a steep hill. Barry, Pierre, Mary, Paul, Brian and I elected to go and we had about 20 minutes ... read more
Little Petra
Little Petra
Little Petra

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra April 16th 2018

Today was our (very) full day at Petra. Lana took our group minus Pierre, Brian and Margaret who had decided to do their own thing at around 7:45am and she told us some interesting things along the way into the Treasury. We then continued on and she took us to a shop which was run by a young man who is the son of a New Zealand lady, who married a Bedouin. He was selling jewelry and of course, his mother's autographed book which of course, Daisy duly bought. It was interesting, because Jenny in our group was telling us about this story and now here we were talking to the son. He lived in a Bedouin cave in Petra with his parents when he was a baby until they were moved by the government into ... read more
Petra - Water pipes
Petra - marriage spot
Petra - First glimpse

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