Page 10 of ozray Travel Blog Posts

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Uros Island November 9th 2018

Woke up this morning to a beautiful view of Lake Titicaca which we couldn't see last night. This morning we were picked up at 07:00 and Condor Travel rep went with us in a taxi to the port for our tour of the islands of Lake Titicaca. All the boats were tied together and we had to jump from one to another to get to ours. Only four other people were on the boat but it quickly filled to about 40 before we set off at 07:30. After just 30 minutes we arrived at the first Uros floating island and a lady who is head of the island with her husband gave us a demonstration of how they build the islands our of reeds. The guide interpreted for her. The housing is very cleverly made out ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa November 8th 2018

We were driven to Yanque to meet up again with the same group as yesterday. When we arrived, Peter said we had 10 minutes to look around as there was a local market on in the main square with local women and men (dressed as women) dancing around the central fountain. Peter explained later on that the men dressed as women is a tradition passed down from the past when families always tried to match their daughters with a rich family, so sometimes boys would disguise themselves as girls so they could go out together. After 10 minutes I couldn’t see Daisy and Peter was also looking for her as well. I assumed she was shopping and checked all the market stalls but it turned out she was just watching the dancing and Peter found her. ... read more

South America November 7th 2018

This morning we were asked to be ready by 07:30 but didn’t get picked up until 08:10 as the bus was picking up 14 people for the trip to Colca Canyon. Our guide is Peter and the driver is Dennis. There is one other couple from Bardwell Valley in Sydney, and couples from Switzerland, Netherlands, Spain, Argentina and France, so a real mixture. Peter was a very informative guide and first topic was how to combat altitude sickness. The reason being that today we would reach 4.910 metres above sea level which is around 1400 metres higher than Arequipa. He said the number one best thing to do was to chew coca leaves with geepa (not sure about the spelling) but this is like a hard jelly like substance with flavouring that helps produce saliva. I’ve ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa November 6th 2018

Another relaxed start to the day, we didn’t go out until 11:00. First stop was the Iglesias de la Compania which is right next to Place de Armas. Fantastic stone carving like many buildings here. Then down the road a bit to the other University-run museum, Museo Arquelogico Jose Maria Morante. This is also a small museum of just 5 rooms but they had amazing mummified bodies all in a sitting foetal position. One was also placed in a reproduced burial chamber so you see how they found them with ceremonial articles. At the third room we asked the lady in the room if she spoke English and she did. We thought she might have been a security person but wasn't wearing a uniform so Daisy asked her a question and she turned out to be ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa November 5th 2018

Up early for our 04:30 transfer to Cusco Airport. It was a little early but it wasn’t far and we got to the airport over two hours before our flight. We had coffee and pastries for breakfast at a little shop after being scared off by the prices at a larger café. The total we paid was just 18 soles compared to that amount for just one sandwich. Flight took off on time and instead of sleeping I was glued to the view I was getting from watching out the window. After initial cloud it was clear most of the way and it was fascinating watching the changing landscape as we crossed the Andes. It was only about 40 minutes in the air. It was a simple matter of paying 30 soles for an official taxi ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco November 4th 2018

Up at 3.25am for my Alternative Rainbow Mountain (Palccoyo) tour. It is called "Alternative" because the original Rainbow Mountain (Vinicunca) tour is now extremely popular but is also a difficult trek because of the altitude. The alternative one is actually three smaller mountains and the hike to the top is about one hour instead of 2.5 to 3 hours, so figured it was much more achievable. Whatsapp is used extensively through South America and the tour guide Carlos sent messages to each person when it was their turn for pick up. I was picked up at 04.05. First stop after 30 minutes was a Bakery where were all given some bread to share but later on at a roadhouse called Quinta Restaurant near Checacupe we had breakfast. There was an unscheduled stop along the way and ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco November 3rd 2018

Today we joined another for group to visit two more remote sites. Similar to yesterday we went to tour agency office and the man escorted us to Place De Armas, found our group and we followed the guide again to the same bus stop. First stop was to the Andahuaylillas Church although he encouraged us to go into a shop first before the church. Seems to be a common thing like in China. At the church, there is a 15 soles entry fee as it is not on the Cusco tourist ticket. Then we noticed a sign saying no photos so I just a took a peek into the church and decided not to go in. Daisy went in with the guide and a handful of others. I just waited outside and spoke to two guys ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco November 2nd 2018

Plan today was to stay in town and check out museums and monuments but it didn’t turn out that way. We had a relaxed start and left the hotel at 09:15 to visit the Museo de Historia Regional which was very informative. It starts from pre-historic times and progresses through the years with the most interesting rooms being about the Spanish conquest and subsequent failed revolts by the Inca people. There are quite a few parallels between what happened here and what happened with the Australian Aboriginal people. After that we decided to walk to the San Pedro Church but along the way we noticed the street was full of tourist agencies and a girl approached Daisy but I decided to ask them about tours to the four Inca archaeological sites that are just out town. ... read more

South America November 1st 2018

Up at 04:00, finished packing, quick breakfast and out the door at 04:40. When we made it to the Machu Picchu bus stop at 4:50, there was already a very long line of tourists waiting for the buses. We thought the buses started at 06:00 but the first one left at 05:20 and by then the line had doubled! The buses just came continuously from that time 2 or 3 at a time and we got onto the tenth bus with two behind us at 05:40 During the night there were thunderstorms but the morning looked clear as far as we could tell (it was still dark). With much anticipation we winded our way up for the second time, wondering whether we would get clearer skies. We passed one level of clouds on the way up ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Aguas Calientes October 31st 2018

Up early this morning for our 06:30 pick-up. Luckily for us, the driver and man at our hotel picked up our heavy bags onto their shoulders and carried them to the van, so we just had to carry our overnight bags. The driver drove us to the station and asked us to wait. A Condor Travel rep came down and explained to us that we were suppose to leave the bags at the hotel as they were being picked up from the hotel, which meant the driver had to take our bags back! We felt really bad about that but looking at our instructions, it was ambiguous and wasn’t stated clearly that we were to leave our luggage at the hotel. We had a 45 minute wait for our train so I ate some of the ... read more

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