Page 7 of Thirsty Hurst Travel Blog Posts

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns February 19th 2010

I awoke this morning still tremendously tired after last night’s big night out. I haven’t run in about a week and I wouldn’t do so again today. Instead I decided to lay low while it rained outside and finish setting up my new computer. All my files were replaced and programs installed so the final thing to do was sync my iPod with my computer. Seemingly, it should have been simple. After all, a normal sync just requires the device to be plugged in then the time to wait while files are transferred. Unfortunately, this was no normal sync. Apple, in its desire to either monopolize the music download industry or to bring upon me a slow and agonizing death (or likely both), restricts the ability to transfer non-iTunes songs from an iPod to a computer ... read more
Hula-hoop of fire

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns February 18th 2010

After more than 2,000 miles on the road over the past few weeks I still have not seen any Australian wildlife. No kangaroos. No koalas. No deadly snakes or crocodiles. So today I took matters into my own hands and visited Cairns Tropical Zoo. To get there I took one of the public buses. Trying to figure out which one was a bit of an ordeal. The hostel staff wasn’t sure, the bus company’s website was a joke, its information office was closed and the signage at the transit center was less than helpful. I finally ended up asking a driver on one of the other buses who pointed me to the right stop. A few other people were at the bus stop who also appeared to be going to the zoo. One was a little ... read more
Black cockatoos

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns February 17th 2010

Today I set out on an activity that I’ve wanted to do for years, but have always found excuses to not do it - it costs too much to get certified, I don’t have the time, I’d rather do it someplace that is renowned… Today, I finally went SCUBA diving. Most places require people to be certified before they can dive. The process is a bit laborious and seemed overdone to me, with a high upfront cost in time and effort with no idea if it’s even worthwhile. But the beautiful thing about Cairns is that you can dive without being certified AND you can do it in one of the best diving spots in the world - the Great Barrier Reef. Having booked yesterday with a company called Down Under, I made my way to ... read more
Divers and snorkelers
Lots of fish

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns February 16th 2010

After almost 30 hours on the road I finally arrived in Cairns this afternoon. The rest of the trip was uneventful, with a stop for breakfast and then straight through to Cairns. Along the way, I finished reading another issue of Men’s Health and resumed my reading of In a Sunburned Country, a collection of Bill Bryson’s tales from a few of his trips to Australia. It’s very interesting reading the accounts of his experiences here, especially in places that I can now relate to. As silly as it sounds, one of the more fascinating tidbits was about the Australian flies. I had to chuckle at his description of these stubborn flies that will relentlessly persist in annoying you as I recalled several flies following me throughout Sydney. At the time I had thought that maybe ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Rockhampton February 15th 2010

For each entry so far I’ve registered the location of where I was at the end of the night. Tonight, I have no idea where I am. I am somewhere along the 1,700 km (about 1,100 miles) stretch between Brisbane and Cairns, my next destination. As the date changes, I’m about 16 hours in with 13 more to go. This is a long ride. I woke up early to catch this bus. Many told me it would be better to fly but I already had my ticket and the urge to see a bit more of Australia. Who knows who was right? In any event I was up early and my laptop was still dead. Time for a new one and maybe I can retrieve files. I called my parents (the typical Monday morning call) and ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane February 14th 2010

After a big night out last night, as well as some lousy nights of sleep and early mornings of late, it felt great to get a good night’s sleep. And I needed it for the day of touring ahead. At 11:00 I made my way down to the city center to meet up with a free walking tour similar to the ones I did in Europe. In fact, I’d later find out that the Australian ones were started by one of the guys that used to do marketing for the Europe tour company. That explained why the brochures were identical, other than the colors and the subject matter. It’s good to know that all those years of banking engrained an ability to recognize font consistency like none other. I was pretty excited for it. This was ... read more
Shrine of Remembrance

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane February 13th 2010

This morning, I left Byron Bay after my brief visit to head up to Brisbane, Australia’s third largest city. The ride up took about three hours; with the clock getting set back an hour once we reached the state of Queensland. Along the way I read more of Fatherland and listened to my iPod. I arrived in Brisbane late morning and left my things at the hostel while I went out exploring. My first stop was to get some lunch. I had also wanted to do a brewery tour of XXXX Brewery, so I figured I’d combine the two at the XXXX Ale House. After a 10 minute walk in the blazing sun, I was ready for a nice cold beer. By the time I got to XXXX, the tours were finished and they weren’t serving ... read more
Jo and Jamie at the pub

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Byron Bay February 12th 2010

I arrived in Byron Bay this morning after an overnight bus trip from Sydney. I spent most of my time trying to get some sleep, which was difficult but no more challenging than on a plane. When I wasn’t sleeping I read and listened to my iPod while lost in thought. I hadn’t yet written my entry from Wednesday on the Sydney opera experience. As I reflected on my thoughts at the opera’s intermission, I couldn’t help but believe my questioning my good fortune was missing something. Sure, I owe a lot of gratitude to many people, especially my parents for the opportunities they’ve given me. But also to myself for taking advantage of the opportunities that have come my way. And for the sacrifice that was my life for many years: toiling away in the ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney February 11th 2010

This morning I checked out of Wake Up! Sydney hostel but didn’t have to leave right away since I won’t have to catch my bus until tonight. This gave me the better part of the day to see a few more sights. And joining me today was Kelly, a friend of mine from New York who is now back in Sydney. We agreed to meet up at Milsons Point, just across the Harbour Bridge from Circular Quay. I caught the train down early to make sure I could find our meeting place, which wasn’t a problem at all. With lots of extra time I walked around Milsons Point, mainly down towards the harbour. On my way down, I saw some more trees with a horde of parrots in it, having just flown there from another tree. ... read more
Circular Quay
Ferry ride
Shelly Beach

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney February 10th 2010

Last night I had a terrible night’s sleep. I needed some rest after several busy days but I can’t say my roommates were cooperative. Around 12:30 am, some girl just arrived and flipped on the light switch while a few of us were sleeping, including a guy that just had a long flight from London. Ever hear of carrying a small flashlight in your bag, you ditz? When I looked at her incredulously, she stared back with a deer in the headlights look and squeaked out a “sorry”. What’s worse is with the blinds open and some light shining in, you could see perfectly well even without a flashlight. Around 1:00, the London guy, a heavyset fellow that was out cold, began a heavy snore. But not just any snore. It was a very strange one ... read more
Harbour Bridge
Purple carpet

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