Page 6 of Thirsty Hurst Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Phuket March 1st 2010

Anyone that has known me for some time is well aware of my obsession with the James Bond films. The allure of the action and adventure, exotic scenery and beautiful women is unsurpassed, completely enthralling me. One of my favorites was the ninth of the 22 Bond films was a 1974 film called The Man with the Golden Gun (with Roger Moore as Bond). In it, Bond faced off with the villain Francisco Scaramanga, an assassin who, through thievery, developed the ability to harness solar energy and would attempt to sell it to the highest bidder. Much of the film took place in Southeast Asia, including the most memorable parts on Scaramanga’s island (now commonly referred to as James Bond Island) in Phang Nga Bay. Geologically, the area around Phang Nga Bay is referred to as ... read more
Phang Nga Islands
Enjoying my ride

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Phuket February 28th 2010

I slept late after my outing last night. Once I finally got out of bed and cleaned up, I made my way out to get some food and take care of my bus ticket to Bangkok on Tuesday. I found a tour shop that also handled bus tickets and managed to get one that leaves Tuesday morning and allegedly takes 12 hours. Since I needed an ETA so the hostel wouldn’t give away my room, I questioned the girl if this actually takes 12 hours or if it’s much longer like every other Asian transport has been. She said, “Could be 15 hours.” I’d take the over on the latter. I spent the rest of the day at the beach, mostly reading and napping. The highlight was watching people go parasailing. It wasn’t the people so ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Phuket February 27th 2010

Today I finished my journey to Phuket (pronounced Poo-get and not homonymous with a phrase that eloquently states I don‘t care). It started off early with breakfast and my hotel checkout, which, as is customary of the hotel’s staff, took entirely too long. I thought I was going to miss my minibus to Phuket, but that was late, too. Like all my Asian travels, this ride took much longer than expected. A “six hour ride” took about nine hours. With all my upcoming Asian travels I now plan to bank on them taking 1.5x as long as scheduled. The minibus was a bit worn, crowded and warm (it had air conditioning but it wasn’t all that effective); however, it served its purpose in getting us there for a reasonable price. Besides me, “us” included a few ... read more
Close quarters
Chang beer

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand » Hat Yai February 26th 2010

I left Kuala Lumpur today on my two day trip up to Phuket in Thailand. Today would bring me to Hat Yai, just across the Thai border, where I’d spend the night until my trip resumes tomorrow. For some reason, Hat Yai is a popular destination for Malaysians to vacation. I learned on the bus today that this weekend is a long weekend for Malaysians because of a public holiday. That explained the lack of room availability and the full bus. But since Hat Yai seemed to be the last place anyone would want to go on holiday, I was left puzzled why they come here. As I enter Thailand, I begin a few weeks in a region with some of the biggest health issues in the world. For the last few weeks I’ve been prepping ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Wilayah Persekutuan » Kuala Lumpur » China Town February 25th 2010

I was awakened even earlier than expected this morning; not by my alarm but by one of the staffers who found it necessary to turn on the light to show a newly arrived guest his bed. I will never understand why some people insist on inconveniencing the lot for a few when so simple a solution as a cheap flashlight is could be bought. With no hope of going back to sleep, I made my way out of bed around 5:45. Breakfast was already out downstairs so I was able to eat and get cleaned up before taking the metro out to the Petronas Twin Towers. The towers’ skybridge is opened to tourists free of charge on a first come first served basis. Most advise getting there around 7:00 to ensure making it in the first ... read more
Out front
Skybridge legs

Asia » Malaysia » Wilayah Persekutuan » Kuala Lumpur » China Town February 24th 2010

The bus ride to Kuala Lumpur was mostly uneventful. We passed through immigration early on, having to get off and register with Singapore immigrations when we left Singapore and again with Kuala Lumpur when entering that country. At Kuala Lumpur I had to fill out the customary form. I was mostly finished, having not checked a few boxes on the back when the agent said “Just go ahead. Your bus is waiting.” I was amazed at the lack of concern. On the ride I spoke a bit with a man named Alan. I believe he is British (at least he sounds that way) and is living over here while he travels back and forth between Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. The most amusing part about Alan is that he looks and sounds exactly like Anthony Hopkins as ... read more
Kuala Lampur Tower
Looking way up

Asia » Singapore » Chinatown February 23rd 2010

When most Americans my age or older think of Singapore, they remember the 1994 incident involving American Michael Fay. While traveling in Singapore, 18 year old Michael got himself into trouble for theft and vandalism and was subject to getting caned (essentially whipped on the rear by a rattan cane) six times. Bill Clinton intervened and the sentence was reduced to four lashes. My lewd and unruly behavior at times gave me great pause when entering the city. If things like chewing gum and jaywalking are illegal and subject to immense fines, I can only imagine the penalty for some of my tendencies. Singapore lies within the Malay portion of the world, a land of islands at the midpoint of monsoon winds. The monsoon winds, blowing from the northeast the first part of the year and ... read more
Singapore Sling

Asia » Singapore » Chinatown February 22nd 2010

I left Australia today after almost three weeks. It’s the longest I’ve been in another country so far. I can think of few countries where I could say that and still wish I’d be there longer. My day in Darwin was less adventurous than expected. This morning I did my weekly check-in back home and finally finished getting caught up on postings. I also went to the Parliament House to check on tours. They only do guided tours on Saturdays so I was SOL. I did a self guided tour but found the information that was provided to be a bit too timeline oriented and detailed for someone unaware of the city's and territory's basic past and current state of affairs. I had really hoped to learn more about the latter. My interest unsatisfied, I later ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin February 21st 2010

On February 19, 1942, Australia experienced a first-hand reenactment of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Just before 10:00 am, the same Japanese force began dropping more than twice the payload onto Darwin about 10 weeks after Pearl Harbor. It was the first time that a military force attacked mainland Australia. The first raid lasted 20 minutes, followed by a second raid two hours later. Over the next 21 months Darwin would sustain at least 62 more air raids, in spite of a small group of Americans patrolling the skies in Kittyhawk fighters (though they did help to reduce the aerial attacks). I read about this while walking through Darwin in Australia’s Northern Territory today. I had realized that the city was involved in some WWII bombings but I did not know of the significance or ... read more
Tree of Wisdom

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns February 20th 2010

It was raining again when I awoke this morning. It rained throughout the morning, afternoon and evening with few lapses. I am apparently here during the wet season. At least I’m fortunate that I got my dive and zoo trip in on the first two days during the good weather. Ernesto and Ivan (another roommate) departed this morning. Ivan, a guy from England, and I very well could run into each other in the next month or two as we have almost identical tentative itineraries. He was off to Singapore today while I head there Monday after a brief stay in Darwin. With the rain impeding my plans to go back to the Esplanade lagoon, I opted instead to get rid of the mop on my head while I’m still in an English speaking country. I ... read more

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