Page 6 of Stevestever Travel Blog Posts

Geo: 17.4977, -88.1867It's always hard to start these entries in a way that not only let's you know what we are up to, but is also interesting for you to read. So I will skip through quickly. Morning in the hotel, free breakfast, uneventful flight, land in Belize airport with still no idea where we want to go first. I quickly learned, no one will hassle you when you keep saying, I don't know. Even the Belize immigration officers told us, well you have to pick somewhere. We ended up changing course in the taxi to the bus terminal and went to the water taxi. We took a 45 minuted high speed boat ride and ended up at an awesome island called Caye Caulker. ( or something like that. It is more of a beach village ... read more
The village street
Chillin like a villain
Ohhh Yum

North America » United States » Florida » Miami June 6th 2014

Geo: 25.729, thank you for the $11.50 bus ride to Miami. It was an awesome double decker with good Ac and reclining seats. Alex placed us upstairs and we rode in comfort to Miami. We did have our doubters on this great ride, with one person in particular, (Tapia), hoping for a funny story to go along with the great price. We made it almost all the way to Miami before her wish came true. Nearing the airport, our trusted driver apparently missed an exit. We quickly learned $11.50 did not buy us a driver that had been Miami before as we sat on the side of the highway listening to him on his cell telling someone he didn't know how to get to the airport. Well, we finally made it. Once at the hotel, ... read more!!
Dont mess with us or we will Kung Fu U!

Geo: 27.8715, -82.6542After a nice dinner of spaghetti with the kids, the bags are packed and final preparations are being made for our departure tomorrow on the MEGABUS, :)This blog entry is more of a test run than anything else. With that said, I will keep this short and sweet. ... read more

Geo: 27.7709, -82.6793Made it home safe around 11am. There were no disasters to deal with. Did have to take a cold shower, cause I forgot to turn on the water heater.... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Gainesville July 6th 2013

Geo: 29.652, -82.3232What a day of travel. I had strategically driven further yesterday thinking it would benefit me today. Well it did, but not in the way I thought. We drove through rain in Tennessee for a few hours. Water was actually washing across the road. The Jeep was not designed for fast travel through wind. After blowing all over the road in the mountains, we made it through Ga to the Fl border. Welcome to the tropics said the clouds. Torrential downfalls with near 0 visibility followed by bouts of total sunshine. Great experience driving with people who put their flashers on while still driving so you cant see their brake lights. To break some of the monotony, we watched a movie that was so bad, Alex fell asleep.Well we finally made it to Laran's ... read more

North America » United States » Tennessee » Jackson July 5th 2013

Geo: 35.6139, -88.8194Vacation is over, we are heading home. I don't know what to say, but we drove from South Dakota, saw Iowa, Missouri, Tennessee. Maybe more or less. We stayed the night in Jackson, Tennessee, or nearby anyway. We found a cheap hotel because the rain has started. They are having flooding problems from Tenn to Ga. Other than that, not a whole lot to speak about.... read more

Geo: 43.7094, -98.0294Yay for me. The one place I have been waiting to visit and look for rocks. (Cause anything else is illegal, so all I was hoping to find were rocks ;))We travelled on a dirt road for many miles out intro some rock beds known for producing beautiful agates and many fossils. Unfortunately, a nasty storm was brewing and we had to cut it short. But we didn't leave without a large chunk of dinosaur bone and some cool rocks. Another visit is a must.After we left we went into the Badlands National Park. I imagine it being like a miniature Grand Canyon. Beautiful layers of history. It was awe inspiring. Of course we climbed and explored.From there we headed further East and stayed at a camp at Mitchell lake in the town of ... read more
South pool at 9/11 Memorial

Geo: 44.0812, -103.231So the inevitable is happening and the end is very near. We left Deadwood, and our cool little cabin and jumped on 90 East. Well, I am fibbing a bit. We headed to Mount Rushmore. One of te main rewards of this trip was the finale fireworks display at Mount Rushmore. About the time we claimed a campsite in the black hills, we found out they were cancelled due to the fire danger. Bummer!!So we did what anyone else would do. Went to see the amazing monument, left, since there was nothing else to do, went to the incomplete Crazy Horse, found out they wanted $20, did a uturn, and headed for Rapid City. Along the way we stopped at a bear preserve. So, let me try and build this up in the way ... read more
Another camp

Geo: 44.3767, -103.729Well, I almost didn't even bother posting a blog for yesterday, just because it was a rest and recoup from vacation day. We arrived early in the town of Deadwood, South Dakota. Talk about Wild Wild West. We found a small cabin for the night that had a loft for Alex. We walked the town and had some lunch. We went back to the cabin, played some cribbage, watched some tv, then went to a go cart track where Alex raced the other tourists, then we plays putt putt. I lost $4 in the casino while Alex played in the arcade.I have minimalized our visit, but it was actually historically significant. We saw the spot where Wild Bill Hickock was shot in the back. Also, calamity Jane was buried up the hill.I did some ... read more
Downtown Deadwood

North America » United States » Wyoming » Gillette July 1st 2013

Geo: 44.2932, -105.505We have taken to the pavement one again and now head SouthEast out of Montana and back through Wyoming. Due to great on the fly planning. We are not backtracking yet, so everything we see is new. Tonight camp is set up in the town of Gillette. Nosy neighbors appear to have taken photos of the jeep, so no free night tonight.This morning started out great with us both sleeping in until the heat of the sun turned our tent into a sweat lodge. We packed up and went for a dip in Boiling River. Very fascinating spot where the hot thermal springs flow into the freezing glacier fed river creating a mixture of sensations between hot and cold. On our way back to the car, Alex, with a keen eye, spotted a fawn ... read more
Self explanatory

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