Claire and Mahara

Mahara and Claire

Claire and Mahara

Nau mai haere mai (Welcome) to Claire and Mahara's blog.

I'm assuming if you're reading this you're either our friends or probably lost. If you're the latter - we're a young Kiwi couple embarking on a trip through South America for 3 months, with a brief stop over in the US, before we land in London; if you're the former you'll probably already know this!

South America » Uruguay April 2nd 2011

So after Argentina it was off to Uruguay for a bit of chill out time at the beach. First stop however was Montevideo. We decided to splash out a bit and booked ourselves into a Hotel...which kinda turned out to be more like a private room at a hostel than anything fancy. It was here in Montevideo that I was introduced to chivitos, which is essentially a really really really frickin tasty steak sandwich. There are dozens of different types, too many to sample in our short stay, but that didnt stop me from trying. It was also in Uruguay that we faced our first, and so far only (fingers crossed), encounter with would be robbers. Claire and I were wandering around the huge local fair. As Claire and I were wandering around some of the ... read more

South America » Argentina March 31st 2011

So I (Claire) drew the Argentina straw. After leaving Bolivia and some epic bus rides we missioned it through Salta to country. We quickly found a group of likeminded people, plus a couple doing exactly our trip but opposite, (including moving to NZ). Our trip to the nearby canon expanded from 6 to 15 people, and our guide was great. I must add that it was more free climbing than walking, but the river crossings and condor sitings were great. But it was even better relaxing after a hot day in the sun with lovely wine. Then there was infamous Cordoba. Well we got there and there was beer, brushetta and the break up. So we decided that the next day we should do something a bit more fun and went horse riding and had ... read more

South America » Bolivia March 30th 2011

So, apologies for the rather late entry as we left Bolivia and the Uyuni Salt flats about 4 weeks ago. I would say I´ve been busy with lots of other stuff....but I dont like to lie. Lazy is probably the best reason. (PS This is Mahara writing - Claire has been pushing me to get it sorted for a while). So anyway, skip back a few weeks to where we left La Paz. We hopped on a bus heading South from La Paz to Uyuni in order to do a 3 day jeep tour around the Salt Flats and National Park. The bus ride down was an experience in itself. It was meant to take 13 hours but ended up taking 17. Eventually we made it into town 2hrs late to start our tour. Thankfully our ... read more

South America February 5th 2011

We arranged before leaving La Paz to be volunteers at La Senda Verde, and the death road mountain bike company left us there after our ride. La Senda Verde is an animal santuary for animals rescued from the illegal pet trade. So this includes monkeys (6 different kinds, photos on facebook), turtles, tortises, Macaws, Toucans, Amazonian birds, a bear, a fox, a mountain cat and a Magar, crazy animals called Coati´s and a pack of lovely dogs. Oh yea, and the Boa Constricta, forgot about him. For the following two weeks these animals became our constant wards. With over 200 mouths to feed and 3 feedings a day, plus a considerable amount of poop to deal with, our days were full. Along with that, we would come up with activities for the animals, particularly the ... read more

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca February 2nd 2011

So after we recovered from the Inca trail (and discovered that the hostel had given away the kittens) we headed off to Arequipa with the best of intentions of Climbing the Colca canyon. However on arrival there we decided that the rain, no condors, and interesting ´stomach feelings´ meant that we might just skip it. By some sheer miracle we booked a room in a hostel and it had 100 channels and a flat screen and thankfully a private bathroom. We spent a couple of days chilling out with the odd trip to the supermarket for supplies. Arequipa cracked me up. The rubbish trucks play Barbie girl and everyone comes out with their trash. Its definitely a way to get people moving. Also managed to get me shaking my thang while heading out and about (much ... read more

South America » Bolivia February 2nd 2011

Bolivia we are here! So we left Puno on the bus and took the relatively short journey around Lake Titicaca to Copacabana, Bolivia (although to Claire the journey was tourturously long as they locked the bathroom door on the bus and she really needed to pee). Now, just to clarify, this place in Bolivia is the original ´Copacabana´. The more famous relative in Rio, Brazil is actually named after this place in Bolivia. Apparently some priest built a church in Rio named after this area and then the beach in Brazil took the name because.....well I kinda tuned out to what the guide was saying after that. Anyway, we are here in Copacabana and we made it in time for the annual Fiesta de la Virgen de Candelaria. It is a pretty amazing fiesta (party) where ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Inca Trail January 23rd 2011

Well, the Inca trail and Machu Piichu has been accomplished! After many sad goodbyes to Adventurist the kitten, we changed hostel to meet up with the rest of the people we were doing the Inca trail with in Cuzco. We used Wayki as they are under indigenous management, which sounded pretty good to us. Day 1: With a 5 am start on Thursday we jumped in a van and got driven to the starting point of the Inca trail. It was here that I realised how much stuff we were carrying vs how much the porters were carrying. There packs were massive compared to ours. We trekked for about 12kms, with a max altitude of around 3200m above sea level to our first camp. The track was Peruvian flat, which we soon learned meant some flat ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco January 17th 2011

Beunos dias all, My last post was before we had even left and it's been pretty flat stick since then. Lot's of planes, early starts and crappy airport food. But finally we have arrived in Cuzco to start acclimatizing for the Inca Trail. Claire has already given a run down on some of the things that happened so just a quick take from me. - Santiago, Chile - we didnt get much time to look around so don't have much of a take. Did manage to meet a Belgian girl whose boy friend is a guide for Mount Blanc. So I have booked myself in and am looking forward to doing that in the future. - Bogota, Colombia - was amazing! I had an awesome night out with a bunch of Kiwi girls, and Irish, Spanish, ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores January 17th 2011

I am in Lima in Peru. We got here this afternoon. Its bigger than Santiago and Bogata, but we drove right through on the way to where we are staying. Some parts are really really poor. Like you see in movies with old brick buildings falling down with plastic and stuff holding them together. Mangey dogs hanging on the roof and running the streets. But where we are staying its really pretty and built up....lots of typical things like pizza hutt, burger king etc. Its got a really different feel here compared with Colombia. Colombia was cool. I wish we were there for longer. We have made quite a few friends. I made friends with a girl at the airport who is about 17 and is coming to NZ on an exchange in a month. ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua January 11th 2011

So the count down is on...we fly out tomorrow and have just been busy finishing our packing and doing some last minute trips around Rotorua to the bank etc...well I have anyway, Claire had things organised a wee while ago. She even had time to get her eyebrows done! As we were packing we even had some of the local cats want to join us (see pic). Despite all this preparation I'm still awaiting the awkward moment in some foreign country when I realise that I've forgotten something. Oh well, as they say, so long as you have your passport, credit card and tickets (even these arent that important these days) you are good to go. Anyway, enough for now. I'd say this is a good start, posting before we even leave, but only time will ... read more

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