Blogs from Ho Chi Minh City, Southeast, Vietnam, Asia - page 259


Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City October 17th 2005

Hey all! This entry is not going to be that interesting because we've just been going to class and now that I'm ill I haven't had the energy or the will power to do anything remotely interesting! This week has been pretty intense with TEFL classes. We've been waking early and enduring 6 hours of learning how to write and model a lesson plan... let's face it, I think that after last year, I'm pretty good at it! So this week has gone slower than the rest because I have been pretty bored. We've met some more people who are doing another second language certification (TESOL) which lasts for a month. There's a few English dudes in that class although most of them are older than us. Tom and Sam are our age (hailing from London ... read more
Big Joe
The Opera House

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City October 17th 2005

Welcome to Vietnam! Leaving Cambodia was a little hard to do, but I've read so much and heard so many great things about Vietnam I was excited to get started on that portion of my trip. Spent a couple of days in Phnom Penh seeing the last few things I wanted to, but mostly getting the logistics arranged for getting to Vietnam. There's essentially two ways to get into the country; either take a long bus trip straight to HCMC/Saigon, or meander your way through the Mekong Delta. Considering I'd spent five hours on a very bumpy road in a mini-van stuffed to the gills with 23 (!!!) other people getting to Phnom Penh from Kampot, I was eager to avoid the bus necessity of option 1, so the Mekong Delta it was. Marlo, an Aussie ... read more
Had to Get One with the Hat!
Vision of Tranquility
Hard at Work

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City October 10th 2005

When we left Adelaide for Saigon it was about 12 degrees, just nice for a furryKoala, but by that evening........well, lets just say that I wish koalas had sweat glands because it was HOT, damn hot .....real hot!!! That's Ok if you are with a lady koala, but it's not good in the jungle! We spent a few days in Saigon and the Mekong Delta, with some short trips on the mekong river. Everywhere you go there are people selling something.....anything! The next day we went to Cu Chi Tunnels and were shown through by an ex-Viet cong soldier called Phoo, who knewall about the tunnel traps and their effects, and was quite happy to show us how they worked! The tunnels were quite an experience for a tree dwelling marsupial. We also did a day ... read more
A beautiful day to sail 2

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City October 7th 2005

It's been five days in Saigon, and it feels like so much longer. My life here is so different than what I left, and I'm quite disconnected. My group is awesome, all very fun. I suppose I'll introduce them all: I've got Marta, my partner in crime -she's Portugese, and quite adventurous! Yesterday we ate Pho (pronounced fa) at a stall in Bin Thai market. 10 - 15 minutes after we'd finished, we both got the sensation that we were stoned. I couldn't stand up straight and the world seemed to be pushing against my temples. My limbs felt weak, and my whole body was lethargic. For the next hour and half or so, we wandered around in a stupor, and navigating our Vietnamese language class was less than appealing. Later, we realized that there ... read more
HCMC rooftops
motorbikes galore!
Outside Bin Thai

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City October 7th 2005

I remembered that my ridiculous goal was to be able to cross the street blindfolded seeing that when you cross the street here, you don't need your eyes to get you across to the other side... the bikers do in order to swerve around you. My other goal was to ride on the back of a motorbike blindfolded...this latter one was achieved yesterday! Moira and I decide to go to the China Town district and visit the Bin Thai Market there. The guidebook had said that it is an "interesting" place to visit so I was glad of the company. We got a motorbike ride to the market and after asking in 'near perfect' Vietnamese that we wanted to go there we then bargained a price. It must have sounded good because my driver then kept ... read more
Bin Thai Market
Bin Thai Market

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City October 6th 2005

Hey guys, I haven't posted an entry for a couple of days as we have been busy sorting our jobs for the next year. We've been looking at schools to work in, which has been taking some time as there are loads of them wanting teachers to teach English, we just have to be careful which we pick. We've also been looking at houses as we will be moving out of our guest houses soon too. The house front doesn't look good but I think that with some perseverance we can get a decent one! So our group is now complete. It consists of Julie (UK), Sarah (US), Moira (US), Brian G (US), Joe (US) and Brian M (US). It's been great to be able to get to know them better these past few days. We ... read more
Lan and Moira

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City October 1st 2005

Xin Chao from Saigon! I arrived safely at Ho Chi Minh on the 29th although my plane found itself in the middle of a thunderstorm before landing at Saigon! The lightning was immense!! I was met at the airport by Hien who has been extremely kind at helping me to settle in. Another of the Language Corps girls, Julie, arrived half an hour after I did, so it's been great to have a partner to wander around the streets with. I have had no trouble with jet lag! It worked out perfectly as I was so tired from my trip that as soon as I got to out guesthouse I passed out on the very comfy bed! I have air conditioning, a fan, a fridge... I even have a private bathroom so I am well happy ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City September 30th 2005

My journey really has just begun......I arrived in Ho Chi Minh City and had no real expectation, I actually thought the city would be a lot larger, I settled myself in the Pham Ngu Lao area and soon found a cosy, clean and cheap guesthouse, I wandered the nearby streets just to get some grounding, city life really is not my thing as soon as I get there I want to get out......I soon came across 2 girls an english girl and a aussie who invited me to join them for a drink, thats the thing about travelling it is not just experiencing teh country but it is the people that you meet both local and of course fellow travellers, everyone has a story to tell and people are so more open, I get a lot ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City September 25th 2005

The minibus to the border wasn't quite what I or the others has been expecting. Unlike the big organized buses I'd previously taken across Cambodia, we were squished into a minibus that spat exhaust back at us. But rather than deal with another delay into Vietnam, we grumbled and accepted. Should have grumbled a little louder once at the border, as I was duped out of $1 which I later found out was a custom official pocket liner. At least it was a small amount! We had a chance to leave our luggage at the tour company in Saigon in order to look around for a decent hotel. Is it Saigon or Ho Chi Minh City? Officially, and on any map it's HCMC, but in day to day conversation it is still lovingly called Saigon. Having ... read more
Modern Mary
HCMC Post Office
Mekong attenae

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City September 17th 2005

Leaving Cambodia We finished off Phenom Pehn in style with a night out on the town. We chatted to one of the barmaids in a nearby bar and asked her where the 'hip Cambodians' hang out and we ended up at this excellent club called Sparks with live music and dancers performing in between the dj sets. I heard the best remix of a Shania Twain song ever ;) and with the help of a few beers we joined in with the chilled out, loose-limbed Cambodian dancing! Then it was down south to Sihanoukville for a few days on the beach. And although we didn't find the beaches to be as nice as Thailand, we took a worthwhile journey to Ream National Park (where Will showed off his excellent off-road biking skills) and we had an ... read more
Will shooting (again!)
Tunnel Entrance
Notre Dame Cathedral

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