Blogs from Ho Chi Minh City, Southeast, Vietnam, Asia - page 255


Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City December 11th 2005

Hanoi: Hanoi is a charming city that mixes the old with the new. It lacks the cosmopolitan air of Saigon but it's hectic narrow streets provide good opportunities to shop, or enjoy a coffee or vietnamese tea in a cafe bar whilst watching the buzz outside. Women in pointy bamboo vietnamese syle hats joke with you whilst they carry goods on two large baskets on a both ends of long stick. Old men with berets and goatie beards play chess alongside the riverside whilst young couples coourt at sunset.. Thousand of people whizz by on mopeds and bicycles make crossing the road a test of nerve, the traffic parts like water around a stone as you slowly edge your way across. We joined the long line of pilgrims, chatty schoolchildren, tourists and to see the embalmed ... read more
One Pillar Pagoda
White Horse Temple, Hanoi
Lake, Hanoi

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City December 10th 2005

Ho Chi Minh was pretty quiet for a few days, until the SEA Games! The Vietnamese Football (soccer) team went the whole way to the finals, which meant that people poured into the streets to celebrate their win in the semi-finals!!! It was CRAZY!!!!!!! I was in district 7 (southern part) and traffic was not too bad until District 1, where sh**t was off the hook!!! Motorbike parades everywhere, literally thousands of people in the streets cheering, waving flags, wearing bandanas, standstill traffic, a sea of people in every took me two hours to drive home! (Usually a 15 minute drive). It was great to be part of a group that was so happy, but more than slightly frustrating at the same time. I kept trying to find alternate routes home, only to find that ... read more
More Flags!
Bizarro Temple!
Yikes! Spikes!

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City December 5th 2005

So a few of you have been asking what my address is in order to send me Christmas and birthday parcels ;) but i'll give you two addresses. If you are sending me a letter my home address is fine which is: 541/117 Huynh Van Banh P.14 Quan Phu Nhuan TP Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam If you are looking to send parcels (this is more for my brother's information so he can pass it on to the parents) please send them to my school's address: ILA - Vietnam 402 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Quan 3 Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam Blog will be updated soon :) Just need to upload my photos first this time! Chao for now! Rooj xxx... read more

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City December 2nd 2005

Our last main destination in Vietnam was 'Ho Chi Min City' (formerly Saigon before the Vietnam war). Saigon was a real mix of Asian and Western culture and was a lot more modern than Hanoi. We were fortunate enough to have a couple of Vietnamese locals (friends of Adele's friend Jane back home) to show us the sights and take us out for dinner. We spent a couple of days visiting some pretty horific but very interesting war museums and crawling through underground tunnel networks that were used in the French and American wars. After Saigon, we took a two day boat trip on the Mekong and headed West to Cambodia. The trip took us though floating villages, coconut candy factories and incense production lines - tour guide commission heaven! Scenery was fantastic though and although ... read more
The menu
The hosts
The restaurant

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City December 2nd 2005

I had to call this blog that. It was that or lost in Saigon but seeing as i haven't yet been lost yet it was the logical choice. That plus the fact that my first night in Ho Chi Minh resulted in my still out drinking at 7AM made this the perfect title.... I flew in from Singapore on the 2nd of December and instantly decided I liked Vietnam. Mainly because the night I arrived Vietnam beat Malaysia in the football - the atmosphere was amazing. I seriously thought I'd missed something major and they'd won the world cup or something! The streets were packed and people were fleeing up and down the roads on motorbikes waving Vietnamese flags and banging empty oil tins. A great welcome after sensible Singapore! I headed out to one of ... read more
Cu Chi Tunnels
Mui ne beach
Fishing on the delta

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City November 29th 2005

Hey all!! How are you all doing? This week has been a pretty funny week :) My first motorbike driving week!! And I have to say I am pretty good at weaving around traffic and balancing myself on the motorbike! I have yet to experience full on rush hour traffic but I'll wait until I feel more confident before that happens. So I am still working loads and I have taken on another venture. I am tutoring a girl 3 times a week in the morning for an hour. The opportunity came up at ILA and I'm charging 15$ an hour so 45$ a week, which I felt really guilty about as we are in Vietnam and money is not thrown around that easily. So on Monday I went for my first lesson with her (after ... read more
The view
My Elite class
Boozy Bird and LIbby

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City November 28th 2005

Sorry this blog has taken a while, and that it's actually 3 blogs compressed in to one, there are reasons for this, laziness being the prime one, Internet being pricey is another and the fact that we're can't really remember much about the last 3 weeks is perhaps the most relevant, so on to the story, we left Hoi An and headed south, destination Saigon but with a couple of beach breaks in between.......................... We had to leave Hoi An otherwise we would have bought more and more clothes!! So, we decided to head for Mui Ne before getting to our final destination in Vietnam, Saigon. We took yet another horrific taxi journey to the train station in Danang where we would get our 12 hour train to Nha Trang, stop for the night and then ... read more
Saigon City rooftops
The Chinese Pagoda
Fiona says a prayer

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City November 27th 2005

glad to be back As soon as I got off the plane the atmosphere smelt and felt different, a different kind of heat and just something in the air that told me I was back in South East Asia and I love it, this is the sort of place I really love travelling in. I was picked up in a cab by my hotel and driving through the streets of Ho Chi Minh city reminded me of arriving in Delhi last year, but about 100 times less chaotic and without most of the bizarre sights I witnessed back then. Even though I new what to expect it was still a shock after spending so much time in America, New Zealand and Australia, the traffic and continual horns beeping, the little streets and bustling activity everywhere even ... read more
Ben Thanh market, Ho Chi Minh
my street in Ho Chi Minh
Jade Pagoda, Ho Chi Minh

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City November 27th 2005

The 16-day, 1000km Bangkok to Saigon cycle challenge culminated on November 26 in a rather thrilling way: riding into the manic city streets of Saigon, where motorcycles number three million, and managing to hit one (well, the odds were high)! No one looks where they're going, but traffic weaves in some shambolic fashion and it seems to work. On bicycles we had access to many parts of the three countries (Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam) that we wouldn't have otherwise. The routes took us through tapioca fields and rice paddies, ethnic minority villages, past rivers, streams, hills and temples. At times the roads got rough - one so tough it reduced me into a fit of tears: Imagine the dustiest, rockiest, bumpiest and most pot-holed road you can, stretch it to 80km, add a sun that beats ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City November 26th 2005

So, a little belated, but Happy Thanksgiving! We ended up having a pretty fun shin dig at our place. Brian and Joe's friend Dan is visiting from the Mekong Delta, so he and I cooked up our part of the Thanksgiving feast. Dan knows a decent amount of Vietnamese, he studied here in college, so we were able to go to a really cool market and buy fish. They were still alive when we selected them, and we watched the lady kill them (one was still alive when she started skinning it). It was slighly brutal, but that's life at the top of the food chain. They were also killing and skinning frogs at the same stand - definitely a first for me to see! Our meal included two rice and fish dishes, mashed sweet potatoes, ... read more
You're Invited!
HCMC Gangstas

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