Blogs from Phetchaburi, Western Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 2


Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Phetchaburi July 18th 2008

A sugar-coated, milky-smooth voice, coming out of bright-red, lipstick-plastered lips of the bus' male steward, whispered delicately in Vibert's ear. In a language he couldn't understand. At Midnight! This was Vibert's dream. He shot upright from his recliner seat, his panicked eyes struggling to adjust in the harsh white glare of the bus' florescent lights. Shanna eyed him curiously. Over the public intercom flowed the sugar-coated, milky-smooth voice, coming out of bright-red, lipstick-plastered lips of the bus' male steward. It was midnight and, apparently, we were stopping for 'dinner'. "Rats", said Vibert (or something more Caribbean-ish). He had just fallen asleep. We had departed Krabi many, many ago before and he had found it difficult to fall asleep. 'Dinner' break took a better part of an hour and five hours later, we arrived at our stop. ... read more
The Grand Palace
Shapes and shades

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Phetchaburi June 2nd 2008

For the past two weeks Nick and I have been scouting out places to take the family when they arrive in less than 2 weeks. Our first stop was Chumphon where we spent a few days; this is where you can catch boats to the islands on the East coast of Thailand (Koh Tao, Phangan and Samui). There wasn’t much to do in this small town so we moved on to the bigger town of Hua Hin up the coast. Hua Hin was nothing like we expected, the guide book had called it a seaside town but it was more like a seaside city. There were lots of hotels, restaurants, tailors and a lot of traffic. We walked down to the beach which was near to our guesthouse and were surprised at how clean and ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Phetchaburi December 31st 2007

Yesterday was my day off and myself and 3 of the other girls I'm traveling with decided to head to the National Park for the sunrise. The driver that was arranged to take us spoke no English just Thai and no one had ever worked with before but somehow came highly recommended. Under normal circumstances that would seem pretty fishy I'm sure. So we get to the national park and the driver pulls over and looks at me and says something in Thai. Having no clue what he said I just stay put until he comes and gets me again so that I can pay the entrance fee. While climbing up to the top of the mountain, we had to cross 3 brooks and up a pretty steep hill. We then hit a traffic jam where ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Phetchaburi December 25th 2007

To follow-up with the end of my day in Hua Hin after lunch we did more shopping and snacking until we reached the night market. It was one of the most amazing things-the colors, the smells, and the stuff to buy. Needless to say we shopped our little hearts out and at the end of the day with an empty wallet, I had a huge bag of stuff and spent very little when compared to USD. I had a huge rib eye steak, potato, and salad for 10 USD. We got back to the center late and had a rough time getting up the next day. For me I was back to feeding bears but they were being slightly uncooperative it being Christmas Eve and all. The work got done and we all had time to ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Phetchaburi December 21st 2007

Sorry for the long delay and I'm sorry there are no pictures yet but we only get 2 hours off a night and it takes 30 minutes to get here and so on. On my day off I will post some and some cool video. We took a government bus from Bangkok down to Central Thailand. It was supposed to be 3 hours but ended up being 5-6 hours. It was a relaxing ride seeing the country side and enjoying the sites until our stop! Here we were basically thrown off the bus, our luggage thrown on the side of the road. I grab my bag and am trying to manuever it over a bike without falling and someone is trying to grab it from my hand speaking to me in Thai. I realize he's from ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Phetchaburi August 8th 2006

Hi everyone. Thank you for all your great comments. Time has definitely flown by and yes it is time for another quiz and another chance for you to win a great prize. So have fun in answering the following: 1. On our first day in Bangkok, how many teachers talked to us? 2. When entering Malaria prone areas we had to take anti-malaria tablets which I wasnt very fond of. What was the most amount of pills i tried to swallow in one sitting before doing so? 3. In Thailand, you often have to take your shoes off when entering temples/museums/internet places. How many times have me and Bobby had to take our shoes on and off in one day? Good luck with that. As a third of our trip is now over we feel that ... read more
Wheres Bobby?
Bobby and No at the Forest Reserve
National Park

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Phetchaburi May 7th 2006

After the paradise that was Ko Chang we headed back to Bangkok before heading south to what maybe another shot of paradise in Ko Samui. We thought we'd break up those slices of paradise with a cultural stop at Phetchaburi - famous for it's magical cave temples. But before that, they day we arrived at Phetchaburi we went for a walk round town, visiting a few of the Wats' in town. The best of the ones that we visited was probably Wat Kamphaeng Laeng which has a very nice central temple containing a massive gold Buddha at the front. The windows of this temple all had shutters which were all fantastically decorated with the various scenes and positions of Buddha - such as giving gifts, sleeping or meditating. The outside of the temple was really well ... read more
Buddha looking over his people
The Crystal Palace Eagle!!

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Phetchaburi April 21st 2006

I promised my sister, Susan, I would give an honest account of our thoughts and ideas about places we visit so … Sunday 16th - Thursday 20th April After a long journey from Belfast to Bangkok then on to Dolphin Bay, not exactly native Thailand, more, “let’s indulge rich western folk”. Car journey air conditioned bliss after the intense hit of hot and humid outside the airport. Road side industry seemed to be predominantly salt production and stalls. Many shacks and decaying temples. Not the bonniest of views but hey, WesterHailes looks pretty bleak too. We arrived 8pm, had supper and retired to bed. Katie, having slept for the entire 11 hr plane journey, was awake and in bad form. Distraught and dramatic with it. Wanting to go home to Mac. Had never wanted to come ... read more

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