Blogs from Maldives, Asia - page 15


Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll January 9th 2011

The Maldives Trivanthinum Airport must have been built in the days of Biggles. We went to the airport by taxi, from Kovalum, and entered the Airport from it’s seafront entrance. The road into the airport enters the terminal area, and goes around the car park. As you face the Airport building, the architecture shows, with the wave shaped corrugated iron awning , and rust colouring, that this is a very old airport, and nothing has been done to maintain the exterior since it was built. After a security interrogation by the guard at the entrance door, we lined up in two queues to have our luggage scanned, and banded. Once through the banding, we lined up at a counter behind other people in the hope that it was the correct counter for our flight. I say ... read more
Inside a Dhoanis
Male from the Mookai

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll October 18th 2010

一直以来就钟情于美丽的海岛,自离开大学进入社会工作,就开始一步一步的实现梦想,踏足于各个美丽的岛屿上。有史以来,国内热门的都七七八八到过了,包括有登嘉楼潜水金三角-热浪岛Pulau Redang,停泊岛Pulau Perhentian和登嘉乐岛Pulau Tenggol;吉打州的浮罗交怡Pulau Langkawi和明星小岛渡假村-YTL Pangkor Laut Resort;靠近柔佛州丰盛港的性格小岛-拉华岛Pulau Rawa;沙巴州内Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park 里最大的一个岛-嘉雅岛Pulau Gaya和世界著名潜水天堂西巴丹岛Pulau Sipadan. 国外的,有令游客觉得可蔼可亲,十分亲切,泰国的普吉岛Phuket Island与甲米岛Krabi Island;还有时常散发着浪漫气息,印尼的巴厘岛Bali Island。但,至尊无上的目标,是被人称为海岛天堂的地方-马尔代夫,还没实现, 因为去那儿真的不便宜喔。哈哈,几年下来, 旅费几经辛苦终于存够了,就在今年, 成功实现目标! 马尔代夫(Maldive), 位于印度洋上的一个岛国,在印度和斯里兰卡的南下方,回教国家,共有1,190 个岛屿,其中200个有人居住,现有97座不同星级的渡假村,分佈在大小不一的岛屿上, 美金为主要货币。马累(Male)是该国的首都,马累市和马累国际机场都分别在不同的岛上,意思是如果从机场要到市镇, 那是需要乘搭水上的士的。我们的班机到达马累国际机场已经半夜十二点多了,走出机场, 当时看到很多”请投我一票”的海报, 别以为是什么政治选举活动, 其实是网上搞得”世界自然遗产” (World’s Natural Heritage) 选举, 马尔代夫被列为其中之一. 跟渡假村派来的人员会过面后, 在还没有上船前, 我们先到机场的便利店买上几瓶矿泉水, 因为从网上得知渡假村会比较贵. 过后, 上了快艇向着黑暗驶去, 心情莫名兴奋. 天堂岛渡假村(Paradise Island Resort and SPA), 是个五星级渡假村, 距离马累国... read more
Swimming Pool
Sky & Sea

Asia » Maldives April 26th 2010

Fisherman'S paradise in the atolls of Maldives:- We started our trip in Club Med-Maldives for 3 days accompanied by two of our closest friends Tuyen and Jean who used to live in Hong Kong. Maldives is definetely a safe haven for couples and honeymooners. Spending 3 days in this isolated island is absolutely perfect and I wouldn't mind staying in this place for a couple more months. I am sure that some of the staff who work in this place would agree that running an island is probably the best job in the world. The only cheesy part of Club Med are the games and competition they have every night, but its funny to watch as long as you do not volunteer. Best thing I love about this island is waking up for breakfast in our ... read more
Diving in Club Med
ben's baracuda
Bon fire in the beach

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll April 25th 2010

Waar zal ik beginnen… de Malediven… zucht… de gedachte alleen al doet me weer terug verlangen!! Laat ik daar nou maar ff niet mee beginnen, maar gewoon bij het begin wat dacht je daarvan!! Het weekend na de vorige update was het Formule 1 weekend hier. Uiteraard altijd weer een top weekend, met veel herrie en het hele circus eromheen (monteurs die je op straat naar het circuit ziet lopen, het park dat wordt afgezet, etc.) Ik werkte die week een paar dagen thuis voor die demo die ik de week erna had en met lekker weer en een open balkondeur was het heerlijk genieten van de herrie vanaf het circuit als ze weer eens een proefrondje reden! Jacq werkt vlak aan het park/ circuit en die vond het ook helemaal geweldig en stuurde zowat elke ... read more
Badkamer/ tuin
Loungebed zwembad

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll April 12th 2010

We had the best week, weather-wise, sailing from Malaysia across the Indian Ocean to the Seychelles. There is a poem about life in the tropics and it captures the feeling of cruising in this part of the world. The gist of the poem is that the moon seems closer, the sunsets are brighter, the clouds are fluffier, the ocean is bluer and love is stronger--life in the tropics is more like living! We agree. Captain Dag said it was the most beautiful morning he had ever experienced and that’s saying something from someone who has been at sea most of his life. To see the clouds mirrored on the smooth ocean is like looking at a beautiful, vibrant water color painting. The day before our arrival in the Maldives there was a “Sundowner” party on the ... read more
Indian Ocean Sunset
Dhonveli Beach
225 Yamahas

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll March 29th 2010

Well, we’ve enjoyed 3 wonderful days at sea. Last night we were treated with an impromptu sundowner out on the bow. Drinks were served, our resident guitarist Jerry Vasi played, and it was an outstanding sunset. We anchored at Male this morning at 8:00am. The Maldives is one of a thousand tiny islands spread over 26 atolls straddling the equator in the heart of the Indian Ocean and offers some of the world’s most exotic island getaways with its balmy climate and stunning beaches. It is considered one of the world’s best dive destinations. Over 99% of the total area of the country is ocean, and this marine environment is one of the healthiest anywhere in the world, with an incredible variety of sea life. With an average ground level of only 4-5 feet, it is ... read more
A Great Shot!
A Fireball

Asia » Maldives » Addu Atoll February 26th 2010

Our 3rd Anniversary Trip to Maldives!!! Best trip of our lives!!! We had a wonderful week on the Chaaya Reef last December, we celebrated our Wedding Anniversary on 8 December onthe island and had a wonderful time. The resort staffs and especially Dave the resort manager made the stay so very special. Especially the diving and spa treatments, they were icing on the cake. My wife especially love the detox treatment they had with exotic essential oils, she loved it so much, she bought some of the oils as well, it turned out to be a professional Canadian brand special for spa and massage institutions, CanaCare Aromatherapy was the name of the brand, the funny thing was, we came half way around the world and we bought something that was originally from where we came from. ... read more

Asia » Maldives February 19th 2010

Leslie has changed his own travel plan last minute and decided to visit his grand-parents in Europe...I don't know in which order to put it...for the snow, for Bonne Mamy cooking...or simply to enjoy more time with his grand-parents. On our side, it's time for one more little diving trip. I've been wondering all this week how to write this blog. We spent a week in a seriously amazing place...with a very seriously attached price tag (not for us). So I may start by writting a disclaimer. Do not try to add one plus one to try to figure out how crazy this place was...we are no rockstar, but I made my homework seriously to end up with a great deal and some smiles. First rules...I don't care what they think...I'll do it....this could sum up ... read more
Manta time!
Love these sunsets!
our bath...we did bring our own candles for info! Imagine and smile!

Asia » Maldives » Addu Atoll December 23rd 2009

Maldives was amazing. The guest villas and those for staff, all had open air bathrooms. That is, there was a high wall around it, but no ceiling or a roof. Imagine taking a bath under the stars. How much more romantic can it get? But nature is a nature, and it rains even in a paradise on earth, even if only for one full month in an year. When the rain started I did not find it irritating or unpleasant, you were getting wet instantly as soon as you stepped outside, it was so heavy, but who cared, it was warm anyway. But then the time came when I had to go to bathroom. No roof – remember? I had to use an umbrella each time I went to the bathroom. It was not funny, stop ... read more

Asia » Maldives » Addu Atoll December 19th 2009

I am a big city girl, I have seen animals in a Zoo, or in some homes in the shape of a cockroach, or an occasional lizard at the side of the road somewhere in the country side. I thought that’s how God created the world – people live in houses and apartments and animals, birds, fishes and insects live elsewhere. Well I was wrong. My first evening and first night on a Maldivian Island was an adventure as it is. Small island, very clear sky, stars that are so close you think you could reach out and touch them, peace and quiet and endless sea. My room, or to be precise my villa was huge and comfortable and very exotic too, it did not have a ceiling, it was covered with palm leaf roof. I ... read more

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