Blogs from Maldives, Asia - page 17


Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll April 28th 2009

Well, I've just gotten in after three days of being in transit. Best shower I've had for awhile. They wanted me to go straight to the school but I really need to lie down in an actual lying down fashion. Maybe unpack I made my first Maldivian purchase.. TP! Woot! I apologize about the lack of excitement and/or detail but i'm pretty much an empty shell of some sort of brain eating living dead at this point. To all who care to know, I am alive and very excited for my first sleep.. my first swim and most of all my first class. I'm going to go ahead and check the most important one off that list right away! Loves and Carrots April ... read more

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll March 31st 2009

So here you go, finally some photos (we are so lucky to have these, thanks ZAR)... read more

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll March 31st 2009

Sorry folks, no photos for this blog. Something has gone ary with our memory card and the camera won't show us the photos. Hopefully, part 2. Also, put up with spelling mistakes, i'm not using an english keyboard. OK Near the end of our first full day at the resort, the biggest decision we had to make was which cocktail to order from our private plunge pool and be brought to us by our butler while we watched the sun set over the vast Indian Ocean... We were greeted at Male International airport and taken by speedboat to our resort in the late evening and upgraded on our arrival to an Escape Water Residence (website- We were also given a lovely bottle of sparkling wine and fresh fruit. Once check in formalities were completed, we ... read more

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll March 23rd 2009

Bandos Island Resort in the Maldives. It was absolutely beautiful! One of those few, untouched places. SCUBA diving was great, with a wide variety of fish. The only sharks were small back-tips, though. We did a night dive and got to see the plankton lights - if you've never done that you should; it's amazing!... read more the shade
Beautiful blue water
Water at night

Asia » Maldives December 31st 2008

When I was younger I always dreamed of going to the Maldives and staying in a water villa (A villa on stilts over the water if you didn't know). I knew it wouldn't be cheap, I was just about to start a new job and probably wouldn't be able to get a xmas and new year off for a very long time so whilst I was young and before I have kids and can't afford it (not that I can afford it now) I decided to go. Probably the biggest problem with the Maldives is once you have been you're going to struggle to find anywhere as nice to go for your honeymoon, the only other problem is if you don't dive or like water sports there isn't much to do apart from eat, relax and ... read more
Me diving
On the beach
Lion fish on a night dive

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll August 15th 2008

We've been meaning to wrap this up since we arrived home almost 1 month ago exactly. The Maldives were incredible. Each day we made sure that we filled with as much as we could. We loved to run to the gym in the morning (sweating profusely on our way there), pump some iron (more sweat), have brunch in the primary restaurant, relax in our above water hammocks or on our ocean deck, go diving or snorkeling, maybe grab a quick massage, have dinner, and retire. The island is amazing and mostly man-made. Bicycles are the transportation device of choice and at just over 3.5 kilometers end-to-end, make getting around an adventure (the soft sand makes is an almost certainty to wipe out). We enjoyed the 3 restaurants: Lebanese (we loved the most as it is situated ... read more
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll July 12th 2008

R&R Wednesday, July 9, 2008 Another startling wake-up call blared at 7:00AM for our 8:00AM departure to our island hotel. We slowly got ready and peered outside. Turquoise water and sandy beach outside our patio were just the beginning of unanticipated beauty everywhere around us. Leaving our cool room, we instantly felt the pressure of the 80 degree 85% humidity climate. A welcome change from the cold we had until Dubai, it was now time to feel the heat. We quickly made our way to the airport and were greeted by one of the many hotel hosts. One & Only Reethi Raw had arranged transfer via Yacht to take us to our hotel, about an hour away on the water. One & Only is one of over 85 hotels located on separate islands in the ... read more
Our transportation to the island
Getting excited
On our way

Asia » Maldives » Lhaviyani Atoll June 30th 2008

It was a sad dawning to this day - our last full day in paradise! Do we have to go back to real life? Can’t we just stay here? At least for another week? Once again Gail headed off for her last snorkelling trip, this time to an impressive wreck site about an hour away by boat. This ship grounded on a bank years before and has now become a fantastic dive and snorkelling site. Plenty of beautiful coral and fishes. Unfortunately no Manta Rays were seen, but at least we had seen those in Bora Bora. Ali was the keen photographer, capturing little Nemo’s everywhere! After a delicious lunch we went home to sit in the sun for a short time before getting ready for our last massage at the Coconut Spa. We nearly skipped ... read more
Off to the Wreck
The wreck
What a wreck!

Asia » Maldives » Lhaviyani Atoll June 30th 2008

The heavens reflected our sadness this morning. The rain was pouring torrentially and apparently was set to stay like that for a week! Good job our time there was spent under the sunny rays instead of rain clouds. We were very fortunate. The alarm woke us up and we had to shower in the cool rain, before finishing our packing. A chap arrived to pick up our bags and drop us off at the breakfast hall, all-be-it in a very sodden state as the cart seats were sopping wet and the rain was lashing in on us. We enjoyed our last breakfast and our Sri Lankan chef whipped up a delicious omelet for our last meal there. We ate with the sounds of the rain pouring down and were wondering whether our little air taxi would ... read more
Heavy rains
Sodden girls not wanting to leave

Asia » Maldives » Lhaviyani Atoll June 29th 2008

Once again, another early morning. Walked out onto the beach to see the moon still high in the sky and the clouds rolling in for a glorious dawning of a new day before heading back to bed until a more decent hour! The morning brought rain, hard tropical downpours which ruled out a mornings snorkelling and tanning. Instead we caught up on blogging and just hung around chatting. At lunch we hailed our normal cart, but the seats were wet and so we were rather damp by the time we arrived for lunch. After we then took a walk along the beach back to our bungalow via the jetty. We discovered under the jetty lived plenty of hermit crabs languishing in the shade. We picked them up, examined them and then watched them race off. The ... read more
Gail in the dawn light
Morning clouds
Liisa in the early dawn with the moon behind her

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