Blogs from Malaysia, Asia - page 749


Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Pulau Tioman September 14th 2006

After the longest journey so far and a journey I swear I will not do again (Sleeper carriages nextime anyone?) Me and Dave finally got to Pulau Tiomen. We managed to get the first speedboat over from Mersing where, when we were thrown off the bus, I managed to watch Reading V Man city, Live at 5 in the morning!! Mersing was also unfortunately where we bid Henson farewell as he had to head back for Singapore to fly home. By the time you read this mate, You'll be at Uni!! Go forth and tell the world of your travels! Its a shame you have to leave us, the KFC stock market value in the far east must have shot up by about 400% while you've been here!! Pulau Tiomen was voted one of the most ... read more
Sunset From Our Hut, Palau Tiomen
Roper-son Crusoe, Coral Island
Coral Island Beach Palau Tiomen

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Tanah Rata September 12th 2006

Hello... well after spending another night in Penang, we've travelled up to the Cameron Highlands to enjoy some cool, drizzly British weather! We visited a tea plantation and butterfly farm here- which featured a few nasties as well (namely snakes and scorpions). We're now in Kuala Lumpar- staying in China Town.... read more
banana leaf plate!
'Steamboat' in the Cameron Highlands
The view from the rose gardens

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City September 12th 2006

Hello, thank you for all your messages and e-mails (Dad, Racheal, Andrea, Grandad, Kate, Sam, Steve etc). We have moved on from Singapore and are now in Malaysia in a town called Melacca (there are about 5 spellings of it). It is great to be back in Malaysia although it is strange beacuse it doesn't feel different or even very exciting or out of the ordinary, especially being here with Sam. I guess living here for six months before uni had a bigger impact than i throught. Compared to Singapore Malaysia is MAD. No pavments here and cars everywhere. But it's all good fun. It is very hot here at the moment. Yesterday it got to about 33-34 C and its very humid. On to Melacca.... it's a bit like York really (only Malaysian) in that ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City September 12th 2006

Yesterday "Muar KL! Muar KL! Muar Muar KL KL! KL KL KL KL KL Muar Muar Muar KL!" - I'd have thought this was some incredibly strange birdcall if I couldn't see the small Muslim woman at Johor Bahru Bus Terminal screaming it outside the ticket offices. The terminal comprised of a long row of ticket offices for competing bus companies, fronted with an extsenisive, noisy and busy coach park, most of which was drowned out by this woman, who must be KKKL's greates asset. The ticket to Malacca/Melaka/Melacca etc (depending on preference, it seems) cost the equivalent of just over 2 pounds, and the coach turned out to be very comfortable and plush. Melaka is Malaysia's version of York: a small city with an extensive and colourful history that can keep a camera-wielding intellectual enthralled ... read more
A Chinese Temple in Melaka
A Kite On Display in a Melakan Museum
Those Accursed Melakan Gutters

Asia » Malaysia » Terengganu » Perhentian Kecil September 11th 2006

Well it's been a few weeks/months on the road in Asia and the whole experience has involved laughter,sweaing,muggings,illness,drunkeness,injuries,spiders,cockroches,good food and some of the worst food on the face of the earth. Since the last entry i have been to Cambodia, Thailand and Malaysia. I found Cambodia a very depressing pace due the mass killings which happened in the late 70's. The country has a very sad history and because there are still land mines everywhere many people on a daily basis has there arms and legs blown off........i think you can understand my point. The next stage of my trip was Thailand...ohhh Thailand i am still in love with this's all about the diving and the parties...! In Ko Tao i got my Diving qualifications and i am currently doing my advanced courses. I have ... read more
Cu Chi Tunnels
Mekong Delta
AK47 shotting in the jungle

Asia » Malaysia September 10th 2006

Hello again! Been a while since the last entry, and we've been to a few different places in that time, so will try to give you the short version! Firstly we spent 2 days in Kuala Lumpur (KL); had planned to spend 4 but a number of factors changed our minds, namely (1) we saw everything we wanted to see, (2) budget accommodation not particularly good (think no windows!), and (3) neither of us particularly liked it there (probably aided by point 2!). We spent a day seeing the Petronas Towers (went to the skybridge on the 41st floor, 170m above ground), and also saw Merdeka (independence) Square as well as visiting Chinatown; this was basically one manic street with lots of stalls selling some pretty good looking copies (damn the small rucsac!). It was highly ... read more
The Canopy Walkway
Posing in Paradise!
Tea. Lots of Tea!

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town September 10th 2006

Greetings from Malaysia :) We have now left the beaches in Thailand and made our way to Penang in Malaysia. After 10 hours cooped up in a tiny minivan we finally made it across the border. Today, we took the chance to wander around Georgetown admiring the "neo-classical architectural buildings." We also visited the Penang art gallery/museum and Little India. We only have one more night here so the next stop is the Cameron Highlands. Amy xxx... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Kelantan » Kota Bharu September 10th 2006

After the Mayhem of the full moon party we now had the mayhem of re-entering Malaysia and at least 20 hours of travelling to get to Mersing to visit Palau Tiomen. After the apparent ease of going north in Thailand doing the reverse seems to be a lot harder. Everyone was going north I spoke to. In fact you might as well be asking to be shot into space than go south. First it was a night train to Hat Yai from Surat Thani, easily the worse journey so far. All the seats seem to be broke so it was a lottery if the person in front had a seat that went back further than it should, resulting with you having a blokes head in your lap. Everytime the train went over a metal bridge the ... read more
Clock Tower, Kota Bharu

Asia » Malaysia » Penang September 10th 2006

Jess here.... Well, after a day spent relaxing on the beaches, we decided to get a bit more physical and spend an afternoon sea-kayaking among the mangrove forests and canyons around Krabi. We saw loads of monkeys and fed them pineapples- which had to be the highlight of our journey. The scenery was also very beautiful, but the tide was so low (due to the full moon) and we kept getting stuck in the mud. This accounted for a very squishy experience as our toes sunk into the silt! After a grueling 10 hour journey in a mini-van seemingly custom-built for dwarves (even I had no leg room!!) and broken air conditioning, we've finally made it to Malaysia- Penang to be exact. ... read more
Cheeky Monkey!!
More monkey attacks
The Canyon

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Semporna September 7th 2006

We're back in the steamy heat of Kuala Lumpur. After an extra day of not doing very much, we board a plane to somewhere which promises to be very special. We're flying to North Borneo, to the Malaysian province of Sabah. Here, right near the border with Indonesia, where the Sulu and Celebes Seas meet, is Pulau Sipadan, reputed to be one of the world's great dive sites. Pulau Sipadan and a wealth of other tiny islands are dotted around the coast between the towns of Tawau and Semporna. We fly (Air Asia again !) to Tawau from KL before hopping in a minibus (complete with chickens in the back - sadly one of them succumbed to heat exhaustion, poor thing) to Semporna. There followed two day of the most extraordinary diving we've ever done. There ... read more
Don't give me evils !
Juvenile batfish
Fish or alien ?

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