Blogs from Laos, Asia - page 533


Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane July 10th 2006

The following day I went back to the police station, where they informed me I would need to head to Vientiane to get a new passport. They told me passports get 'lost' in Laos quite often (which was proven by the fact an English man was also in the police station reporting an identical theft). Once they had handed me an official police report of the incident (costing 10,000 kip - $1), they attempted to explain why I should wait a few days before going to the capital. I'm still not quite sure, but I took their advice and decided to stay in town for a few more days. On my way back to my guesthouse I saw Ed again (yep, you guessed it, drinking tea at the bakery). I joined him and after a few ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane July 10th 2006

Friendly. It is the only thing that everyone agrees on about Laos, and I wasn't dissapointed. Immigration, Taxi Drivers, Guesthouse staff - they are all really friendly! After checking into my guesthouse I went out to start one of my favourite activities - sampling the local cuisine. My lunch was Lao Laap - a salad of chillies, minced chicken, beansprouts, lettuce, cucumber, mint and shallots. It was absolutley delicious, and seemed to be very easy to make. I spent the afternoon running various errands (and having an afternoon nap - shameful!). The rain had turned the unmade roads into a thick red paste, which covered most of the made roads too albeit in a much thinner manner! I managed to disprove the Lonely Liar and find an international ATM which was very handy given that Id ... read more
Beer lao.  Awesome

Asia » Laos » East » Phonsavan July 9th 2006

First a bit of history... Xieng Khouang Province lies East of Luang Phabang towards Vietnam. It's a pretty isolated place, whose population is mostly made up of minority ethnic groups such as Hmong, rather than Lao. Apart from some noteworthy and fascinatingly mysterious archaeology (see later) there wouldn't be much reason to know of the place were it not for a shocking historical fact. Xieng Khouang Province holds the unfortunate distinction of being one of the most heavily bombed places on our Planet. In the 10 years from 1965 to 1975, courtesy of American B-52s, the countryside here was at the pointy end of over 6,000,000,000 lbs of bombs. That's six billion pounds. There are fewer than 250,000 inhabitants in the entire province. The maths doesn't even bear thinking about. The region's proximity to the theatre ... read more
Hmong Romeo and Juliet
Jar versus 500lb bomb
Nasty critters

Asia » Laos » East » Phonsavan July 8th 2006

After the excitement of the kayaking trip, Alex and I needed a couple of days' rest before moving on...It had been our intention to leave Luang Phabang for the province of Xieng Khouang on Friday, but difficulties in finding transportation pushed our departure from Luang Phabang to Saturday. More on that later. The morning after the kayaking trip I woke up with my whole back and arms horribly stiff and sore. I was in charge of steering the kayak (coxing experience from college came in very handy here !) and navigating through the rapids required much twisting around to keep the kayak perpendicular to the rapids...Alex suggested a Lao massage to loosen up stiff muscles so we headed off to the "Garden Spa", a rather fancy name for a little house in a quiet backstreet of ... read more
The Bright Lights Of Phonsavan
Over the hills and far away...

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang July 7th 2006

Over to Laos. The morning after my last entry the group from the bus headed to the Thai-Laos border. Everything at the border went extremely smoothly - most likely due to the very efficient lady at our guest house who had arranged our visas the night before. Although we had woken up at around 7:00, to catch the '8:30' slowboat...we were still at the boat terminal at 11:30, waiting for the engines to start. The boat was full of 'pharang' - or white people (ignorant rich people, that is). Once the boat left the border town, the views around us were amazing. What an amazing part of the world I'm seeing. The slowboat trip is a great way to get from Thailand to Laos, but the keyword is definitely SLOW. The first day we spent about ... read more

Asia » Laos » South » Si Phan Don July 7th 2006

4th July We were up early for our bus. The 4 of us went and climbed aboard, along with another guy from Germany. The other 3 guys, that had told Jon and Kylie couldn't make it as the banks wouldn't accept their cards so they were stuck with no money!!! (We later found out that one of the guys had to go way back up to Vientiane for some money) Shows you all how organised we are!!! As we came to pay (it should have been 6$) the woman put us down at 10$ each. Does she think we are thick!! So 6$ it was until the others didn't show up, then it went up to 9$ each. As we headed south to the four thousand islands (this is where the Mekong river gets split up ... read more
Smile you're on camera.
Buffalo in the rice field.
View from our bungalow

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane July 6th 2006

It goes without saying that the first port of call after checking into a guesthouse in Vientiane after nearly 22 excruciatingly painful hours on the road was to relax for a while and have a short nap. This was only interupted briefly by the need to eat before retiring to bed for a much needed proper sleep. After recovering from my zombie-like state I managed to have a walk round and check out the city. The overwhelming impression was how quiet it was compared to Hanoi, and in fact compared to almost anywhere else I have been on my travels. There is very little traffic (crossing the road actually became safe and almost enjoyable) and it's much, much quieter thanks primarily to the absence of car/moto horns (thankyou Laos, thankyou). Even as the capital city it's ... read more
Under the Arc de Triomphe
Looking out over the city

Asia » Laos » North » Muang Ngoi Neua July 6th 2006

In Chiang Mai I met up with my friend Hisham who I met in Phnom Penh in Cambodia. The plan was to head to HouayXai In Laos to do the gibbon experience. I really have a hard time talking about this still... arghh. The Gibbon experience is a 3 Day trip where you basically live in treehouses and zipline through the jungle canopy all day... gibbons are small apes who were once thought to be extinct and the I think the program helps to protect them and their habitat. Apparently they sing in the mornings. And all of this makes up the gibbon experience - which I continually hear is just an unbelievable experience. I was really excited to do this so when we learned that they hadn't received Hisham's email stating when we'd arrive and ... read more
The lovely road from HouayXai to Louang Namtha
adorable Laos girl on the 'vip' bus to OudomXai
Boys fishing in Muang Kua

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang July 5th 2006

It's July 5th. I guess that means yesterday was the 4th. I just realized that, so happy fourth of july. There's not much of a celebration for it over here. After my last entry, I spent one more full day in Vang Vieng. I rented a 100 cc motorbike for 24 hours for 5 dollars. They just take your money and your passport and send you on your way without a word of instruction. I spent one afternoon sitting in some restaraunt laughing with the locals at the travelers almost crashing. There must be an exceedingly high injury rate on those things. First, I took mine about 50 km away from town on the only paved highway in the country. I ended up at a sign to a cave, so I paid the parking fee, the ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane July 5th 2006

Hey everyone I am actually in Vang Vieng but thought I would just stick this one on now cos the internet connection in Vientienne was brutally slow. After we got back to Bangkok we caught a bus from the Khao San road to Laos, poor old Dulce - on the way to the bus she stacked it complete with 2 tonne backpack as she walked past a dump truck down a narrow grotty alley! To be fair she got herself up and got on with it - but I swear to god she must have contracted weils disease on that path, Bangkok alley ways are absolutely manky and snotting it is never good! ;-) The bus was pretty uneventful apart from the dodgy driver that wanted to overtake anything and everything and had the bus rocking ... read more

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