Blogs from Tokyo, Japan, Asia - page 242


Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Nippori April 20th 2006

Hi guys, how's stuff? Good I hope. The culture shock from India to Japan was brilliant - we both really enjoyed it! Sealed roads, no one uses their horn, no beggers, no heat and dust, everything is clean and neat, everyone is wonderfully respectful and doesen't want to know your life history, tell you theirs or think we are strange for trying to establish 3cm of personal space around ourselves. Trains arrive on time - to the minute, and when the girl opened reception at 7:01am yesterday and we both looked at our watches thinking that was great service, she then apologised for over sleeping! To make the shock as acute as possible we spent the first day in Shinjuku, a hugely built up area, enormous department stores, wide traffic lanes, the biggerst TV screens ... read more
Museum of Tokyo

Asia » Japan » Tokyo April 18th 2006

At last I am in Japan !! The flight was delayed yesterday, apparently due to a broken part in the engine (just what you want to hear as the plane is taxiing along the runway towards takeoff !!). Thankfully it was an uneventful and painless flight. Was running late but managed to jump straight on the Keisei Skyliner to Ueno Station once the bored customs man had finished rifling through my bag (I think he just wanted to practice his English). Once at Ueno, I successfully got on the correct train to Minowa on the Hibya line where the hostel is. Not the easiest thing to get your head round the Tokyo Metro when you just want some sleep, and finding the hostel was a welcome relief. Greeted by a friendly American ex-pat, and crashed in ... read more
Ueno Park
Ueno Park
Ueno Park

Asia » Japan » Tokyo April 18th 2006

Konbawa, mini video inutile en grande primeur! La semaine derniere je postais une annonce sur un site web pour trouver des nouveaux eleves pour Brightons School (l'ecole ou je vis). Une fille ma repondu, Sato, et apres une semaine de bla bla par e-mail on s'est enfin rencontre aujourd'hui. Je dois avoue que je me trouve courageux d'avoir fait ca, habituellement je suis tellement pas a l'aise quand je rencontre des filles, surtout pas parler avec elles. Alors imaginez rencontrer une japonaise pour parler anglais et japonais avec... ouch. Mais faut croire que je change et que je deviens un homme (mit a part le fait que j'ai toujours fait pipi debout). Donc on s'est rencontre a 16h00 a une station de metro (un peu stressant, moi je l'ai jamais vu, et elle, a juste a ... read more
Through my window at night
Through my window at night 2
Jesus est pas loin!

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Shinjuku April 18th 2006

Before I kinda go into whatever it is I may write about, I have tons (ok, hundreds) more pics up on my photo site here: ----no reading involved!! What’s it been, three, three and a half weeks? I wish I could post on this blog more, but internet access is sort of few and far between for me. Or else I have to pay out of the nose for it. Speaking of which, I’m kind of sick of paying out of my nose for everything here. I’m sitting in a café that has kinda cheap coffee. 300yen ($2.80) for a 10oz. cup of black. A steal! I’ve experienced a lot of different parts of Tokyo/Japan in these past couple of weeks. In the same day, I went to a Taiko Matsuri (traditional Japanese Shinto drum ... read more
Narita Temple

Asia » Japan » Tokyo April 16th 2006

Comme j'ai bien dormis... pourquoi pensez vous? A- J'ai dormis avec des triples japonaises B- J'ai mange un bol de bebes morts C- J'ai un nouveau lit Comme vous avez probablement tous repondus A, vous avez tort! J'ai enfin un lit, un vrai. Paul a acheter un nouveau lit a son garcon de 8 ans, j'ai donc herite de l'ancien. C'est un beau bolide de formule 1... nan je blague, c'est un lit simple, mais combien confortable pour avoir dormis sur des tatamis pendant plus de mois. Disons que j'ai senti une difference en me levant ce matin, habituellement je suis toujours tres fatigue, mais la mon sommeil est mieux. Beaucoup d'entre-vous ont bien aime le dernier post, vous m'avez meme dit que ca vous donnait reelement le gout de venir (On ajoute Genevieve a la ... read more
mon bureau
Moi qui decouvre Aurelie sur un site web... :o
Moi qui reste cool malgre tout! Genki desu yo

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Shinjuku April 14th 2006

Privacy has never been of any real importance to us on this trip. Dorm beds are the norm or even 3 in a bed when Michael was here, but this is being typed in perhaps the coolest accomodation we have stayed in yet......a "Manga Cafe". This is a 24 internet cafe in which you hire a private (well it has half walls and a saloon door) booth for the night, complete with DVD, Play Station, bottomless soft drinks and, of course, broadband. Strangely and unexpectedly in Japan you have little choice when it comes to internet. No longer does the standard internet cafe (log on free for 15 mins when you buy a coffee, something that sounds so advanced back home) exist. Nope. No Skype, No cafe's, no phone booths and UK mobiles we have heard ... read more
Shinkansen to Tokyo - 250 quid
a large frozen tuna...1000 pounds
...spending the night in an internet cafe because you forgot to book a dorm bed-priceless

Asia » Japan » Tokyo April 14th 2006

Since this entry is backdated (the next few will be too), I don't have much to add so sorry for everyone who is expecting to be quite entertained. The beginning of April was cherry blossom (sakura) time in Japan and let's just say that I am not the only person who thought them to be gorgeous. Pedestrian traffic increased by about 875%, making it even more time consuming to get anywhere (which I didn't think possible in Tokyo). Apparently even when you get to see the trees every year, it never gets old, which is kind of nice I suppose. It's very popular to have a hamani (picnic) under the trees, an experience I was glad I got to have with the family. And unlike in the US, where a picnic might typically consist of sandwiches ... read more
Ueno Park cont.
Ueno Park cont.
Nippori Cemetary

Asia » Japan » Tokyo April 14th 2006

Je me rend a l'ecole en velo, il est environt 8h30 du matin et je crois au moin 1000 autres velos en chemin. Je me rend a l'ecole maternelle ou des centaines d'enfants cours un peu partout, quelques meres un peu timides me disent konichiwa. Je donne un peu d'attention a une japonaise, en retour elle me parle de se marier et de vouloir des enfants.. a mon retour de l'ecole, vers 1h15, je marche jusqu'au McDonald le plus pres. une cinquantaine d'ecoliere sont la, a manger des McFish, coller des photos-stickers de pellicula sur leurs telephones et leurs agendas. Quelques unes me regardent comme si j'etait une vedette (ou p-e un extra-terrestre..) bien que je sois le moins etranger dans un restorant AMERICAIN. Je m'assis a un comptoir comme une dizaine de japonais seuls, je ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo April 13th 2006

Hello all, The day we decided to revisit Odaiba, the weather was rainy and not very pleasant. So, we headed to the opposite side of the island, where we heard there was a lot to do indoors. Here we were not disappointed at all! We spent the entire afternoon shopping, playing games and exploring Sega's Joypolis - an indoor amusement park/arcade complete with rides, virtual reality games and even a 3-D horror show called "Dark Chapel". I think by far though our favorite thing there was the snowboarding ride...we rode it at least 3 times each!!! While shopping at Decks, a large indoor shopping plaza adjacent to Joypolis, we went back in time. Well not actually, but there was a floor that had many western items from the fifties, sixties, seventies, and maybe even the eighties. ... read more
Rainbow bridge in the background
having some fun
winning lots of crappy candy

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Shinjuku April 12th 2006

Japan has 122 Railway companies, 13 Subways, 11 Monorails, 21 Tram systems, 1 Trolleybus and 12 new transport systems coming on line. The Tsukuba Express Railway Company is the newest subway train company. Everything about this company and it's infrastructure is technically advanced and modern. The Sumida river and a number of water canals still form an important part of Tokyo's industrial life. Witnesses are the same all over the world!... read more
Everything has to line up...
The Sumida River Sea Bus
One of a number of water canals

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