Blogs from Hokkaido, Japan, Asia - page 17


Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Sapporo August 18th 2009

It was my first day of Japanese High School today. _ Needless to say, it is VERY different from a normal school at home, let alone Carroll! I think the only similarity was the time schedule, school starts at 8:55 AM, lunch is at 12:55 PM, and the day ends at 3:20 PM. (8時55分から3時20分までです。) Other than that, I think my entire school lide was nearly turned upside down! A list of differences: School uniforms (せいふく) No makeup, but I'm not sure how leniant they are about this. I was told no makeup, yet I saw many third year students with false eyelashes, eyeshadow, liner, blush, etc. Either way, I still plan on wearing foundation, or at least cover up for those large undereye bags left over from jetlag and camping. No piercings, or jewelry, except for ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Sapporo August 16th 2009

For the last few days, we have done absolutely nothing besides sit at home. = To study and do homework. :'( has Needless to say, I'm almost finished reading all the English material I brought. In other words, I'm now only left with two things to do: physics 20 or Hamlet. I'm not impressed. They're both pretty boring. And I forgot my graphing calculator back in Calgary, and physics on my ipod is just a tad bit hard. And Hamlet, is, well Hamlet. I decided from the start that I didn't want to read it too soon, because I doubt it's going to be a book I would enjoy reading for a second time. Especially since I haven't even found one of those yet. So it shall wait until the end of September, or October, which ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Sapporo August 14th 2009

We went camping in Toya for a few days, and just got back to Nishioka yesterday evening. I HATE bugs. And yet, I think that during those few days, I am now used to them. _ However, they still, and wil probably always, creep me out to a point. The first day was pretty boring. We just drove up and lazed around a cabin, which they called a bungalow. However, on the way up we did buy some pretty good soft serve ice cream. The matcha flavour was actually a bit bitter, and not too sweet! = Dinner was barbeque, something the Takemotos obviously make rarely. Most of the food ended up pretty burnt, and I often felt like doing it myself. At least I remember that the food needs to be flipped! Either way, there ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Sapporo August 10th 2009

Melons... are popular, and also really, REALLY expensive. Cantaloupe - 700-1000 円 Watermelo (すいか) - 1000-1800 円 A melon which looks like cantaloupe, but with a stem attached (ゆばり?) - 3500-5900 円 Clothes are either super expensive, or super cheap when on sale! Shoes can only rarely be found in a size 8 and above. The moths are HUGE! Every other bug here is also HUGE! Japanese men seem to have short legs, or at least the majority of the ones I've seen so far. (I should't stereotype. _) The news seems to use various music sources to add emphasis to different stories. Most of these sources are recognizable from anime. Death Note on the latest murder.... is kind of odd to hear, and just a tad bit creepy. I've also heard music from Spiral, and Inu-Yasha. _ ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Sapporo August 9th 2009

We went to a local karaoke "bar" this afternoon with some of Mioka's friends, including Kumi and Ahe. すごい!!!!!The interior was absolutely amazing! It looked like a hotel actually, with a spiral staircase made of marble... or something that looked like marble anyways. There are also drink fountains with as many free refills as you want. Ahe had a coupon to win some snacks, which involved me rolling a giant blow-up die. I rolled a one (いち) which isn't usually a good thing, except this once. Turns out a one was very lucky, since we got free donuts, instead of say pocky, or other less extravegant snacks. The room is fairly tiny, with a large table in the center and chairs surrounding it. However, each room has a large flatscreen TV on which to display the ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Sapporo August 7th 2009

Today we went sightseeing! I hate driving up mountains, it scares me so damn much with all the tight corners! _ Either way, we drove up Mt. Okura (大倉山) to see the view of Sapporo! The city is huge! I'm sure Calgary isn't nearly so big, even if we looked at from on top of a mountain. _ BUt then again, I could be wrong. = We also visited the Okura Ski Jump. Mioka is a little bit afraid of heights, and was nervous while we used the ski lift to reach the observation deck at the top. I thought it was perfectly fine. I wonder how she'll cope when we go to skii at Lake Louis... =/ We also went to a sheep farm. たくさんのくかわいいおみやげ!There were many cute souvenirs. And of course I wanted to ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Sapporo August 5th 2009

It was hot, very hot, and even hotter today. Mioka-san to okaasan (Mioka and her mother) took me to Sapporo Central to shop in the department stores. Lucky for me, many stores were having the end of summer sale! I was able to by a jumper/one piece and a pullover for a decent price. I wish I bought more though. However I need to save, since who knows what other interesting... and more expensive, things there are to buy here! Okaa san also bought me a bus pass holder as a present! ありがとうございます! Starbucks is sooooo cool over here. The Japnese recycle EVERYTHING!so there are 5 different garbages. Some drinks are also different. They have blended greentea lemonades. Oishii desu!!! (Delicious!) Iced coffee can be the regular blend that we sell normally, but they also have ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Sapporo August 5th 2009

I had tofu for breakfast. =/ No, not what you're thinking. To be more precise, I had a tofu donut for breakfast today. Mister Donuts sells a variety of different types if donuts, including glazed tofu donuts, donuts with matcha icing, and the more common honey cruellers, chocolate glazed, and sugar-coated. These were only some of the donuts available, there were many more that I have not listed. We didn't do too much today, in fact I pretty much just studied. The one interesting thing that happened was that Mihiro came home today, so we were finally able to meet eachother. He's still young, and is super hyper, like every kid his age! If Mioka and okaasan hadn't warned me before, I would probably be more annoyed at this than I am. _ Okaasan also went ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Sapporo August 4th 2009

Mioka-san had her friends come over today. Tomodachi wa omoshiroi to suteki desu. They were very interesting and nice. I was able to meet Mikka-san, Kumi-san, and Yukino-san, also known by her nickname, Ahe-san. Snacks and the Nintendo Wii were the centre of attention, until mioka-san commented on my favourite Japanese artists, Ali Project, or ALI PRO as they are known in Japan. Suddenly mp3s came out and we were showing off our favourte bands, in both English and Japanese. Mikka-san likes Sum 41, and everyone likes Buono and Perfume!! Kawaii desu ne. (Cute) Earlier in the day, Mioka-san adn I met Musselman-Sensei at Nishioka High School. We also met with the principle. I was very nervous. VERY nervous. But they were all very nice. I was given a tour arounf the school, and some students ... read more

Asia » Japan » Hokkaido » Sapporo August 3rd 2009

Interesting Facts about Narita airport: (_) It's been a long flight. In Japanese security, they check for your fingerprints. Domestic flights have smaaaalllll waiting areas. And the food is good. And so flying into Chitose airport was tiring. Not to mention nervewracking. For many of us, it is our first time visiting Japan. Most of us can barely speak the language, let alone string together proper sentences. Through the glass doors by the luggage carasol, our host families wait, noses pressed against the glass. We grab our luggage, thankfully, none have been lost. "Konbanwa, hajimemashite," is repeated throughout the hall. And so, we go of our seperate ways. One of the first questions I am asked is "gohan o taberu?" or, "Can you eat rice?" "Hai," I reply. This question is asked many times, especially at ... read more

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