Blogs from Narita, Chiba, Japan, Asia - page 6


Asia » Japan » Chiba » Narita November 14th 2006

So this is my first post on my new blog to keep all youse informed about what I'm doing over here. Not too much to say yet, sent out that email that most of you probably got. I'm gonna miss you tons, but I'm sure I'll do alright over here. Check back for new posts and pictures. I just added the pictures from the going away party. ... read more
Anh Lovin' Bonanza
Stressin' - Not Chillin' At All

Asia » Japan » Chiba » Narita November 5th 2006

Arrived in Tokyo at 8.30am and made our way via the train and underground to our hostel, which was about an hour away from the airport but quite central to Tokyo City center. The hostel was great and the people there seemed quite friendly. Our first day (Monday) consisted of checking out what was in the immediate vicinity and planning what else there was to do. After a good nights sleep we headed into the city center to explore. We checked out the Imperial Palace and gardens, which was very pretty. We visited the Diet Building (which is similar to the Houses of Parliament) and then walked through Ginza which is where all the designer shops, the bright lights and the advertisements on buildings are. We also managed to visit Ueno Zoo which wasn't as good ... read more

Asia » Japan » Chiba » Narita November 1st 2006

The sun was very low on the horizon in Copenhagen as we taxied out at 3.45 pm. The northern autumn is just starting to show the first signs of shortening days. Also, the light is getting weaker. Just after reaching top of climb and setting cruise towards the east we soon went into the night. Funny feeling being served your dinner at 5pm in pitch black night. We somehow managed to jag seats in 1st class in the A340. There was a bit of a mix up with our seating in business and when we boarded we were shown into the special section up front. Huge area with only a few seats widely spaced. You could walk all around without being near anyone else. The service was excellent with full silver service dinner and top class ... read more
Looking down Ginza, Tokyo
Tokyo Tower
Tokyo Tower

Asia » Japan » Chiba » Narita October 19th 2006

Feeling just a little bit hung over, I got a lift to Heathrow from Dan Yalez (stopping for a fresh air break along the way!). The 11 hour flight was spent sat between two Japanese people whos only way of communicating seemed to be to nod and smile, was this to be things to come? Flight went well, watched a couple of movies, had a couple of inflight meals and even got a couple of hours sleep! Had TV's on seats but the legendary link up computer games which I'd heard from Norf (Uni mate who lives in HK) on my BA flight were not linking and playing Patience on a pad that left is up and up is right etc can only fill a certain amount of time! Flight arrived in, had my bag checked ... read more
British Airways
How far....

Asia » Japan » Chiba » Narita September 29th 2006

School let out early today, so we brought our bags to school with us and caught a taxi to the train station. When we arrived, we noticed a large number of military personnel there awaiting transport. We figured out later they were going to the DMZ to increase security there because of the situation with North Korea. We took the KTX (Korean bullet train) to Seoul. I love bullet trains, in my opinion they are the best way to travel. Then we took an “airport limousine” bus to the airport. Picture this: a bus with lazyboy seating and tons of legroom. It was a very nice bus ride. We had a good flight into Tokyo and took a shuttle bus to our hotel where they upgraded our room to a junior suite. It had two tv’s, ... read more

Asia » Japan » Chiba » Narita September 27th 2006

In ancient Rome, the emperor used to open the gladiator matches or the Christian martyrdoms by saying, “Let the Games Begin”. Easy for him to say—Rome conquered the world without having to deal with the Council for Labor Affairs. Honestly, the bureaucracy has to be experienced to be believed. Caesar quit when he was ahead, and didn’t even try to knock over China. The red tape has to be experienced to be believed! The historical enemies of Rome presented little difficulty by comparison, even though I seem to remember from high school Latin class that the barbarians had a lot of Gaul. So. “Let the Games Begin”. It’s a good thing to stop in Japan on the way here. It keeps the longest leg of the flight to only ten hours or so, and a leg-stretch ... read more
Fuji Yama from the air...
Japan Asia Airlines to Chiang Kai-shek...

Asia » Japan » Chiba » Narita September 8th 2006

Hey everyone! As most of you know i left Melbourne bound for "The Land of the Rising Sun" (Tokyo) on Friday at 9:30am. As i type this, the first of many blog entries, im sitting in a crowded internet cafe in Qingdao China. So much has happened in the past 48hours, hopefully i will be able to give a basic run down in this first entry. Firstly just like to thank all my friends, family and wellwishers who saw me off the week prior to my trip. Token phrase i know, but those cats from Counting Crows were onto something, 'you dont know what you've til its gone'. Was laying in my wooden bed last night and i have never felt so alone from everything i have ever known in my life. Perculiar feeling indeed. So... ... read more

Asia » Japan » Chiba » Narita August 2nd 2006

Doing the soft shoe shuffle 31/07/06 We sleep for most of the 6hr flight to Narita but still arrive feeling knackered, we stagger like zombies through immigration and customs and find a space to rebuild the bikes near the bus stops. People keep wandering up to have a look (see the silly Gaijin getting hot and sweaty). Next to us is the pick up point for one of the buses to Tokyo, each time a bus leaves the porters all bow to it which is really weird to see. As we are about to leave they approach us and the best English speaker asks us where we have been and where we are going, she then translates for the others, there follows a short Q and A session about touring with the bikes then they wish ... read more
Room in a ryokan
Ryokan garden
Shakado Temple, Narita

Asia » Japan » Chiba » Narita July 11th 2006

Yes, that's right. I am spending the night in the Tokyo Airport Holiday Inn. Suffice it to say that after today, I will never, EVER fly Air Canada again. We had a 3 hour delay in Toronto due to the weather so I missed my connection in Vancouver to Tokyo. Air Canada could not put me on another flight for TWO DAYS. They wanted me to pay to stay in Vancouver for two days! I threw a fit at the airport and managed to get myself onto the Japan Airlines flight that was leaving for Tokyo right away and luckily they accepted my Air Canada ticket. But I had to run down to the baggage claim and grab my backpack first because Air Canada would not send it over for me. Can you believe it? Oh, ... read more
For Ronnie

Asia » Japan » Chiba » Narita May 22nd 2006

O'hare has been the best washroom experience ever. Heavenly smell :D The flight to Japan has also been the best airline flight ever. Individual screens to watch movies, tv shows, listen to music, and play games. The food was also quite delicious. Maybe microwave food technology is simply getting better. And so here I am in Narita Airport in Japan waiting to finish the last leg of my journey. the boringness... //// Having slept for most of the layover in Narita Airport (and man was I worried that I overslept and missed my flight!), I boarded the airplane into the business class area (referred to as Executive class :D); I was able to get into business class due to mistake in my flight tickets. The business seats were so roomy, but I was so confused on ... read more

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