Blogs from Trivandrum, Kerala, India, Asia - page 10


Asia » India » Kerala » Trivandrum January 7th 2007

Hello all, Well i cant actually believe it, theres only 11 days left until i leave! Where has the time gone?? Well since my last blog, new years eve came and went, Marianne my sister had arrived by this time and we spent the evening at a few beach bars in Palolem, and then on to my usual haunt of Cafe Del Mar. This was totally transformed for the evening, i have never seen anything like it, there was literally a sea of people spilling out all along the beach, and it seemed like every Indian in the land had turned up for what they seemed to think was a free grope fest. Not impressed- although has been the most action I've seen all holiday! Bumped into Frank here, one of the guys I'd met during ... read more
New Year's Eve
Me & my monkey!!
Marianne feeding the monkeys nuts!

Asia » India » Kerala » Trivandrum January 7th 2007

Sorry it's been so long, but after a long spell of lazyness, i'll finally update you on where i've been! :) Just after new year i went to Trivandrum, the capital of Kerala, and Kanyakumari, the southern most tip of India. Neither place was spectacular, but nice enough, and I went with Abhi so we met his friends and (more!) relatives along the way. Trivandrum has a really nice palace museum with lots of gorgeous wood carvings. Kanyakumari isn't that picturesque, but some of the back streets near the harbour were fascinating. No electricity so at night it was lit just by gas lights. Fishermen drank and were playing cards in the sand, while others were mending their nets. Children were running around, women on the streets haggling for food or chatting with neighbours. It's a ... read more
Trivandrum - temple
Trivandrum - fort entrance
Kanyakumari - spice shop

Asia » India » Kerala » Trivandrum January 7th 2007

Sunnuntai 7. tammikuuta. Andrew koputti klo 9 aamulla ovelle. Olisin viela voinut nukkua hieman. Oli aamiaisen aika. Shiji taas haaraili ja tarjoili aamiaisen; toastia, intialaista toastia, granaattiomenaa ja mehua. Aamiaisen jalkeen Andrew alkoi lukea kirjaansa ja mina menin ottamaan pienet siestat. Klo 12:30 Andrew taas koputti. Oli lounasaika. Apua! Vastahan soin. Vinod Suntecista oli myos paikalla silla han oli tehnyt lounaan; noodeleita, vuohenjuusto kastiketta, kurkkua ja porkkanoita. Taytyy ottaa rauhallisesti ruoan kanssa. Tassa on ainekset valtavaan painon nousuun 30 paivan aikana! Andrew uppoutui taas kirjaansa. Kyselin Shijilta alueesta ja han naytti ikkunasta golfkentan, entisen kuninkaan palatsin ja Suntecin paajohtajan Nandan asunnon. Nandan talo ei ollut kaukana ja paatin menna kavelylle katsastamaan paikkoja. Suhteellisen pitkissa shortseissa ja t-paidassa lahd... read more
Shijin makuuhuone

Asia » India » Kerala » Trivandrum January 6th 2007

Lauantai 6. tammikuuta. Huoneeni ulkoa kuului jutustelua. Herasin suhteellisen virkeana. Kello oli jo puoli kymmenen. Tosin en ollut nukkunut kuin 4 tuntia, mutta oli parasta sopeutua paikalliseen aikatauluun. Andrew oli jo pukeutunut ja halusi menna kauppaan. Laitoin akkia vaatteet paalleni. Vaikka aikaa ei ollutkaan kunnon suihkuun niin tokkopa taalla tama haittaa... Lahdimme sittenkin Suntecin toimistolle Muralia katsomaan. Murali on paajohtajan assistentti, ja oli tehnyt matkajarjestelyt ja ollut kontakti-ihmisena. Suntecista palattuamme Shiji oli jarjestanyt meille lounaan. Kanaa ja riisia, yms. Oikein hyvaa. Han kokoajan tarjoili meille. Kysyin etta eiko han syo, niin han kieltaytyi. Onkohan tama yleista etta kodeissa on tallainen ’palvelija’? Taytyy kysya asiaa Kranthilta kun han Vikas:n kanssa tulee sunnuntaina. Lounaan jalkeen jarjestin vaatteet komerron ja otin pienet to... read more
Shiji ja Vinod
Shiji ja Maisema

Asia » India » Kerala » Trivandrum January 5th 2007

Perjantai (/ Lauantai yo) 5. tammikuuta. Olen ajatellut kirjoittaa ensimmaisen blogini/ matkailupaivakirjan. En tieda kuinka tama tulee edistymaan silla toita on edessa runsaasti ja aikaa kovin vahan iltaisin. Tassa kuitenkin ensikuulumisia ja -vaikutelmia ensimmaiselta Intian reissultani, jolloin olin Trivindrumissa Keralan maakunnassa Tammikuun 6 - Helmikuun 3 paivana. Tama on tyokeikka sinalta etta meidan neljan hengen MIT ryhma konsultoi Trivindrumilaista ohjelmisto firmaa Suntec:ia. Olemme tehneet syksyn toita etatyona ja olemme nyt paikan paalla viimeistelemassa projektia. En ole ajatellut kirjoittaa itse tyosta mitaan, mutta meidan tehtavaksi on annettu suunnitella SunTecin uusi aluevaltaus heidan ohjelmistoille. Syksyn aikana olemme tulleet siihen tulokseen etta SunTecilla olisi parhaimmat mahdollisuudet tarjota ohjelmistojaan vakuutusalalle. Ryhmassa on lisakseni mukana And... read more
Trivandrum 1
Trivandrum 2

Asia » India » Kerala » Trivandrum December 10th 2006

we reached trivandrum.. also known as the crazy name that is hopefully posted above that everytime i try to pronouce ends with a giggle... we left the crazy city of margoa... where we had dinner with Prashant and Nilita (his wife and business partner). this dinner was probably one of the things i will remember most about india. this being the hospitality of strangers to us. we left our paradise of agonda for the hustle and bustle of margoa. we arrived and had a little adventure trying to find the agency - india invites. our taxi drive asked someone who asked someone who asked someone. finally "someone" knew. the thing about india is that there aren't any street addresses. our destination was "coelho apt's, across from the san sebastian church, margoa". SOMETIMES there is a street, ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Trivandrum December 5th 2006

Today was supposed to be an easy day. It wasn't. We got up at 6am to pack -- except we got a call that our driver was there to pick us up (45 minutes early!). So we scrambled to get ready and left about 6:20a. Got to the airport, checked in -- and had to check our bags (and I stupidly let them bully me into checking my insulin and food because they scared me into believing they wouldn't allow them). We were done and through and waiting to board, when we got an announcement our flight was delayed. It was supposed to leave at 9:15a but got delayed until 12:35p. Ugh! And it wasn't even the fog that was the cause! We played cards and read to pass the time. I'm not sure what time ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Trivandrum November 20th 2006

day 91-92ish We had cunningly planned to catch the sun setting and rising over Kanyakumari - the southernmost tippy toe of India. Sadly our timing was out, and we missed sunset. Kanyakumari is, unsurprisingly perhaps, another pilgrim destination. At dawn, hundreds of black dhoti*-clad Indians were bathing themselves in the (probably auspicious) waters of the Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea, which swirl around the point. Creating entertainment for us, were the lads trying to strike heroic poses for the camera, whilst trying in vain not to slip off rocks. The rain clouds which rolled in, obscuring the sun's rise (utterly spoiling our cunning plan) marked the beginning of a very wet day. A couple of hours busride north, in Trivandrum (aka Thiruvananthapuram), we were drenched while on our way to lunch. The streets ... read more
sunrise at kanyakumari

Asia » India » Kerala » Trivandrum August 20th 2006

Introduction :- The cleanest of all Kerala cities, with one foot in a different era, still shy to embrace the western way of life, but eager and happy to welcome visitors from everywhere, Thiruananthapuram, the capital city of Kerala is a joy to explore !!. General description:- When one enquires about this city, inevitably one will hear about Sree Padmanabha Swamy first. The city and Lord Padmanabha, the patron deity are inseparable. The Legend’s tell us the story of Sage Vilvamangalam’s first darshan of Lord Vishnu as Padmanabha who crashed upon his path as a tree before revealing himself as the infinite power! Praised by Anantha, the five headed serpent, the Lord was persuaded by the sage to stay in the city. According to Legends,his massive form reclining on the heads of Anantha, is believed to ... read more
Padmanabhaswami Temple, Trivandrum!
Nut selling old Lady !
East Forte, Trivandrum !

Asia » India » Kerala » Trivandrum January 26th 2006

The same rickshawman came and took us back to the Trivandrum railway station in the afternoon. He took us to the biggest temple in Trivandrum in whicw only Indian people can enter. There is a swimming pool just besides the temple. People after swimming and getting cleaned, can then go to pray. Our train was "Rajasti Train" which is the best one in India travelling between Delhi and Trivandrum in 48 hrs. Dinner and breakfast have been served on the train and meals were quite good. After 16 hrs. journey, we arrived at Madgoan at noon time on 27th Jan. In all trains 30 percent discount is applied to those over 60 years age.... read more
swimming pool of the temple
 the temple
 the rickshaw

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