Our Southern Most Point

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December 10th 2006
Published: December 10th 2006
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we reached trivandrum.. also known as the crazy name that is hopefully posted above that everytime i try to pronouce ends with a giggle... we left the crazy city of margoa... where we had dinner with Prashant and Nilita (his wife and business partner). this dinner was probably one of the things i will remember most about india. this being the hospitality of strangers to us. we left our paradise of agonda for the hustle and bustle of margoa. we arrived and had a little adventure trying to find the agency - india invites. our taxi drive asked someone who asked someone who asked someone. finally "someone" knew. the thing about india is that there aren't any street addresses. our destination was "coelho apt's, across from the san sebastian church, margoa". SOMETIMES there is a street, but most often, there is not. destinations here are found by the above-mentioned method of inquiry. and my favorite part about it, is that it works. and since most of the taxi drivers are men, i must say it is refreshing to see a whole bunch of them asking for directions. tee hee.

anyhoo... we arrived at prashant & nilita's home and they invited us into their office. we sat down and finalized all the travel plans. as of now, we have most of our major travel already paid for. finally, i can check something(s) off the list. after this, they explained where we could go and explore in town, a huge indoor market. the paths were uber narrow and filled with people. it was really fun to see. you could get almost anything there. michael dubbed it the indian target. we strolled around a bit but decided to go to the beach to kill some time.

we came back for dinner and had previously eyed a sweets shop to bring something. we weren't sure if they were hindi, i didn't see the usual religious paraphenelia that gave any clues, so we settled for sweets instead of whiskey (hindu's don't drink & i hadn't figured out a non-invasive way of inquiring yet, later i found out because i asked... wow. genius). we settled in the office and talked. then we were offered soup (which was amazing) and then moved into the kitchen for a FANTASTIC meal. everything was described to us, and we enjoyed it all. then we had rice pudding... i was scared at first, i don't usually like white desserts (???) but this was GREAT. and i ate it all. we met nilita's sister, her sister' new baby, and her other sister who lived down the hall. we had a great time.

prashant walked us to the train and helped us get oriented. the train was a little late, but who cares. we finnally boarded, we pack-safed our bags and passed out. i slept with my passport and money next to my head, wrapped around me in my bag. we woke up later, and spent teh rest of the day on the train.... we arrived finally in trivandrum late, one & 1/2 days later. we went to our hotel were we had reservations, and it was a mildew hell. we couldn't stay there-i am finding the concrete buildings in the cities have really bad ventilation and there is a severe mildew problem. i am also fnding that it is triggering (mildly-don't worry parents) my asthma. we moved on to find a mo' betta hotel. it was ok, but still mildewy... only no where near as bad.

NEXT STOP... the magic academy. i know michael is writing a ton about this - and once again, no pictures, because even though i remembered my cable this time, i can't upload for some reason.... i am not sure i have ever felt closer to royalty or celebrity status before. everyone is so kind. of course, we are tourists, whitey's from america, and i am sure that has a lot to do with it, but frankly, i think the people are just different. i don't want to dimish a culture's kindness to much by filtering it through some over-intelectualized lens, as i might normally do (and will probably do later), so i will settle on the former. there is a willingness to aid, to inquire, to know and it is refreshing. see below for more of the magic show report. i am so glad we were able to get here fro this-what an amazing experience for michael-to learn and teach magic in a foreign land.

we met some other travelors.... they are from spain. mercedes, i am collecting info for ya. i got some connects now... we had a beer with them and then dinner. they were really fun.

today we ended up in alleppey - the gateway to the backwaters. here is where you take houseboats into small canals through the backwaters east into india (not to far). i am struggling with the justification of spending so much on the houseboat... but when its all said and done... it really isn't that much... and when are we ever going to have a first trip to india agian-and this was one of the major things we wanted to check out. i am trying to turn off my rationale... my little annoying shoulder friend that won't shut up. we are going to have a great time. and it will all be worth it i am certain.

tanya, thanks for all of your supportive words... can't wait to talk with you about the trip.

lots of love to everyone... and hopefully we can get these pictures out soon.


10th December 2006

You guys are a blogging MACHINE! nice work. so cool to read the details of your adventure. The traveling has a familar ring to it...but INDIA is so obviously, thru your words, a vastly different and rich place. Amazing to see all the places you go and the experiences you find. Pure jealousy from over here! The travel bug is already itching in me again...or maybe I just need to shower. I'll keep you posted. Traveling together is an amazing opportunity and I am so excited for you two to be further exploring the planet and yourselves...hmmm i think that came out wrong. oh well. it's early and i haven't had any chai--how is YOUR chai???!!! yummy!!! continued safe travels!!!!! peace! xoxo p.s. michael, your magic continues to inspire me--such a cool passion and look how it connects you all over the world. SCREW math, I think you have the right idea. : )
10th December 2006

Can't believe the stories i'm reading.
Guys, i am blown away by your stories. It must be amazing. thank you for sharing them so honestly with us. Can't wait to see more pistures. Glad you are doing so well. Much love, Pat
12th December 2006

Keep Emailing
Mike and Adrianne so happy you are having a great time. Mike I am printing everything and sending it to Zaydie and he is really enjoying your emails. At age 83 he is following closely. Everyday when we talk he says did you hear from them. So keep emailing as you know your Auntie and Grandfather are nervous wrecks not to say your mom isn't either. We can't wait to hear about the next adventure not to say can't wait until you come home either!!!! Miss you Love, Aunt Ina

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