Blogs from Mcleod Ganj, Himachal Pradesh, India, Asia - page 34


Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Mcleod Ganj February 24th 2006

so i was asked to do the photos for the press conference the other day...because their camera didn't have batteries or i did and it was cool...although they were dark, cause the room was dark...and drank some tea and ate muffins and whateva...the TCHRD just released 2 special reports ( on capital punishment and torture) and the big 2005 annual report ...which you can download the pdf for off the website...respect. back upstairs and chokeyi asked if i was going with the guys down to dharamsala to go to the english one...i said "yeah?? sure" and away was in a coffee house/ cafe...and four of us hooligans met with the indian press was much less informal...but we got our picture in the most popular paper and apparently the most gossipy one around ... read more

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Mcleod Ganj February 21st 2006

so.. i work in an office. and it is really starting to feel like the show. i can't quite explain it and maybe it is because i really have never worked in an office enviornment before but it is like "the office" i even have characters that resemble dawn and kinda gareth and david brent and it is lot of fun. i mainly just mind my business reading world bank reports on equity...ha. (like they know fu*kle about development equity) but yesterday, the internet in the office went down and we all just kinda hung out and me and thinley leaned on the reception counter talking to and joking with chokyi,(dawn) and it was fun... i took some photos. cause if you don't know me by will never never never know me... thought about bringing ... read more
"the warlord" agloe.
tashi and choekyi
thinley and choekyi

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Mcleod Ganj February 19th 2006

today was a beautiful day in the neighborhood. i woke up early and ate my usual muesili on the roof and did some thangs around the house and some exercises...then ventured out and went to the green shop and recycled and got more water...a very cool place, with a very cool absent minded sweet old man. highlight for sure. i got some much needed supplies for camp. and got some coffee at moonpeak and went to and walked around the greater temple circumbulation path....and it was so pleasant and peaceful for many reasons. then i met tenzin and talked to him and went and ate a veg burger and fries and mt. dew at the green hotel and then went to a movie..."travellers and magicians" check it. respect. then...more coffee at Tenyang coffee house and then ... read more
older woman on the path
the proud man tending to the flowers at the monastery
the dogs

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Mcleod Ganj February 19th 2006

i just would like to take a second and show some respect to my friend murry for teaching me about gentle persistence, great patience and most of all love for all the people in his life. murry- the blog thing waits to post your comments until after i have accepted/ rejected them...but i am glad that i got to read each one and all the murry wisdom they individually held....and to answer your question... i have yet to "adapt" to the aroma...but i am slowly getting used to it being around. you are also in my prayers. thank you. i love you, too.... read more

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Mcleod Ganj February 17th 2006

this one is entitled..."so". it goes like this.. so... i shouldn't eat food i don't know anything about. so... i haven't vomitted that much since a losing battle with a bottle of southern comfort. i forgot. so... i am officially homesick. so... i wish there wasn' so much trash. so... i wish this computer would just let me upload photos. so... i miss my girlfriend...what? so... i realized i love HyVee like a fat kid loves cake. so... i miss hanging sticks and popcorn and movies and a persistent cat that made everything happen. so... i miss coming home to troll in a towel...her? so... i love looking at beautiful mountains everyday. so... i love the fact that i finally got a proper towel. so... i totally miss baths...and cowboy boots. so... my dad got a ... read more
me and the peak
my kitchen
tenzin and sherab

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Mcleod Ganj February 16th 2006

so i tried to go to the internt cafe yesterday and post one and put the photos up, but for some reason the internet was not connecting. i was sad. so i am at work now and just finishing another day at the office...wierd. i ate lunch with the guys again today. i ate alot today....but about an hour ...hour and a half ago...the feeling switched from i ate too much to YOU ARE GOING TO VOMIT! i tried not to some of you know how much i hate vomitting....but i kinda felt better after a nice healthy projectile vomit. it was weak. now i am waiting around to go home in the rain...and then meet eager english students who don't really understand that i am no longer their teacher...i think i might postpone...that would ... read more

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Mcleod Ganj February 12th 2006

so... went up in the mountains today. it was truly majestic. i saw alot of trash it was kinda like colorado. sorry holders... i found made some new friends from punjab and one old tibetan guy who was rebuilding a hippie cafe by a waterfall near Bhagsu. i just kinda went off the path and started climbing up HUGE rocks. so i would like to add those technica mtn approach shoes to the list. hehehe. slick shoes. so was no walk in the was kinda like when i dragged mark all the way up medicine bow only in really thin air. sorry about that mark. so i also had a very good conversation with friend and new tutor/teacher last night at a tea was cool. he is nepali and has been a ... read more

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Mcleod Ganj February 11th 2006

ok so there isn't a bleepin' HyVee in the joint. i have walked up and down all four roads in this town and i haven't seen one Super Saver. grocery shopping is proving to be difficult. i got an apartment today. i couldn't sleep at all last night...trying to decide. so i got up early and got an espresso and toast @ MOONPEAK ESPRESSO aka " the light"...and headed to the temple at His Holiness's house. and as i sat there i came to realize that OF COURSE i would get the less expensive, simpler, more modest *wink*, one .....and it was something that Tseyang said to me as we approached the Dalai Lama's place yesterday..."he said that he wanted his house to be simple and that we should pay more attention to the nature of ... read more

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Mcleod Ganj February 10th 2006

ok so i slept the entire day yesterday. which as many of you know...i can do these days. it would have been cool if i would not have slept through my friend tseyang coming by TWICE and ringing the doorbell and knocking on the door to take me through the orientation for volunteertibet. i felt like a heel. but she left me a nice note saying that it must have been a tiring day (truth) and that we will just do it tomorrow..she really is very nice. so i got up early today and had breakfast at the hotel... it was ok...peanut butter toast on tibetan brown bread and coffee EEk. and a plain pancake which was heavy on the egg. but welcomed none the less. so i went on the tour with Tseyang and saw ... read more

Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Mcleod Ganj December 26th 2005

It took me a while to get off to sleep last night, due to the racket being generated by the group that seems to have occupied every other room on the floor. Until about 1AM, they were running up and down the corridor, shouting, singing, and slamming doors. Some of them still seemed to be under the impression that my room was part of their booking, so I had numerous rings of the bell and knocks on the door. In a complete break with tradition, and inspired by the surroundings, I decided to adopt a policy of tolerance, so I switched on the TV and found myself watching "Freaky Friday", which didn't quite fit with my understanding of karmic payback. Due to the limited space available in my backpack, I decided to post home some bits ... read more

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