Blogs from Georgia, Asia - page 31


Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District » Tbilisi June 5th 2011

ok, sorry i havent written in a while, been busy with internship work. this weekend was a lot of fun. on saturday we went to the hold narihala fortress and the sulphur baths. first i will talk about the fortress.i have no idea how old it, but it is old and has been built, destroyed and rebuilt a million times and has passed through the hands of georgians, persians, and russians at some point in the last 10 centuries. it was quite a trek up to the fortress. tbilisi reminds me a lot of sf because of the hills. it doesnt help that it felt like a billion degrees outside and it was humid and i was carrying a back pack up the huge hill. but it was worth it for the view. the fortress is ... read more

Asia » Georgia May 28th 2011

We are still sitting in Georgia, to be exact we are sitting in the middle of a forest in the Telavi Region, a stream is trickling down from the left of our tents and the birds are doing their thing up in the trees. We have now been on the road for four months and it has flown by with such pace that sometimes you forget to just sit and reflect. I think this may be a bit of a curse for all travellers? Like in life you rush through what you want and don't actually just stop and think - wow, just what exactly have we done so far? When we started this blog it was mainly for family and friends, but also for people like us who were complete travel novices, both stuck in ... read more
A camp visitor
Tent life
Our tent...Aptly named The Ritz

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District » Tbilisi May 25th 2011

FYI-this is the unoffical blog meant for family and friends, it reflects ONLY my views and of nobody else i am alive and well in tbilisi gerogia. after 27 hours in transit i finally landed on sunday at 4am in tbilisi. i couldnt see much from the airplane but i was still really excited and nervous. i don't speak georgian and while many georgians speak russian i was and still am a bit nervous to use it because of all the conflict/dislike between the two countries. I was greeted by host mom, her daughter and my classmate who is interning with me in georgia. as the sun began to rise on the drive home i saw my first glimpses of tbilisi. it is really beautiful. there are lush green hills surrounding the city with beautiful old ... read more

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District May 22nd 2011

Moving on from Central Turkey we took the long, and very trodden road towards Goreme. Famous for its Mars like terrain with cave dwellings, rolling chalk and basalt hills and very very phallic like fairy chimneys. The town is well known on the tourist circuit for its hot air balloon rides over the amazing land and yep that's what we did! Getting up at 5am to catch the sunrise was worth every penny and we both got to fulfill dreams and tackle fears as we rose up in the air. It was breath taking, the silence and serenity as you drift 1800m above ground to then be taken on a tour of the valleys below, amazing, best thing so far! Oh, we also hired quad bikes and put our petrol head hats on which came in ... read more
Photo 22
Down town Mestia
Deserted Tbilisi

Asia » Georgia April 22nd 2011

Tbilisi, capital of Georgia, has the population of just less than 2 million, and one of the most positive surprised to start my first trip in Caucasus. Despite The Georgian decided to leave CIS earlier and struggled to be part of "Western World" and destroyed the former Soviet way of corruption, Gerogia was still a totally different world compared to those I have ever visited. The whole journey took almost 3 weeks: 11 days in Georgia, 5 days in Iran and few days were gone to on and off of the plane. The travelling pace in Georgia was pretty slow, and the sights weren't the most important thing to see, however, road trip, especially once we left Tbilisi, means forever : The 104kms German made mashrutka ride took us almost 7 hours to reached. We arrived ... read more
Tbilisi Metro
Freedom Square

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District » Tbilisi March 13th 2011

Quick Note: When traveling half way across the world don't end blogs mid sentence. It worries people. Mostly mothers. Since I last wrote we went on a journey through the country side of Georgia, many things happened, some funny, some educational, all memorable. Below I will do my best to summarize the events in an exciting and hopefully entertaining manner. After posting we headed out to play some pool and then hit up a restaurant for some beer. Pool itself wasn't very exciting; I posted a modest 6-0 record representing Canada to the best of billiard abilities. The restaurant is where things got interesting. We asked Koka for a pitcher of beer. He had no idea what we were talking about. After a few moments of conversing Koka understood that we wanted a lot of beer. ... read more
The Crew
Pool T
1 Litre Beer

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District » Tbilisi March 9th 2011

Hopefully this works. It did. I am now internet cool. Enjoy the pics, far too many for witty comments. March 9th. Spent the day reading up on British Petroleum. Trent was up at 4 am and couldn't find the z's again. Got to the university by 1030 am and spent the morning consulting with Lali and the rest of her staff on how the day would be spent. Ran to Dea's for lunch and managed to get some work done for the university. After lunch we headed over to the... read more
Georgian Technical University

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District » Tbilisi March 8th 2011

How clean is a whistle? I mean really. Got a hold of a few pics from Yesterday. We awoke this morning to Dali having breakfast ready, again. Bread, cheese, tea, coffee, and hot dogs were on the menu and we all dove in and respectfully filled our bellies. It's hard to describe the day. We started out going to vineyard out in the country. It was an old farm, full of pigs, goats, a few sheep, and even less cows. There were two farm dogs, Basa and Schmeigel. Basa was a beast; she was the daughter of a wolf and a normal dog and it showed. They also had making wine down to a pretty good science and we were allowed to sample far too many different types by 11 in the morning. Having worked on ... read more

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District » Tbilisi March 7th 2011

Day 2..3...Lost track from all the flying? Location: London/Baku/Tsibilisi Wow! We made it! What a trip that was...after stopping in London for 1 hour we managed to down a pint of Guiness, hassle security with maple syrup, and eat delicious Fish&chips! We got to Gate 21 at London Heathrow to board our final plane to Georgia...the plane was as big as a tin can and for the next 7+ hours I would be pressed up against the window seat sitting beside this + size individual who sweated profusely and listening to opera on his ipad at mega loud decibels!! Baku was roughly 5 hours away and while being scrunched up like an accordian I decided to get some rest and try and relax. Sadly we where only in Baku for 45 minutes to refuel, but the ... read more

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District » Tbilisi March 7th 2011

Disclaimer remains "I don't believe in Jet lag" Blake- " I don't know if thats a topic up for philosophical debate" Lawyered. Unfortunately or I guess fortunately nothing exciting happened on the 17 hours I spent aboard a plane to arrive in Georgia. Mike, who is a teacher from Selkirk, had a girl pass out from watchign 127 hours and whilst in her seduced state of mind relieve herself in her seat. I guess that's exciting. More sad. I did manage to pull of a few 'that's what she said' joke at 33000 feet which sent the stof into a fit of laugher and may have awoke some passengers near us. The picture will be on here soon. Moral victory. We arrived at 1 in the morning and after being laughed at by the customs officer ... read more

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