Blogs from Tiger Leaping Gorge, Yunnan, China, Asia - page 9


Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge September 17th 2007

Tiger Leaping Gorge was closed to the public. A hiker got caught in a mudslide and was killed. The rains have made the gorge a dangerous place to trek. It is not the first time someone has died on the trail either. Mudslides and falling rocks during the rainy season have claimed a handful of lives in the past several years. I was repeatedly warned not to hike the gorge. Once in Lijiang by the person who ran a tour company; once on the bus to the gorge by a lady who ran a cafe at the start of the gorge; and once more by the police who grabbed me by the arm as I tried to walk into the gorge. I do value my own life. I am not crazy. The best I can explain ... read more
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
The high road
Somewhere along the gorge

Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge September 3rd 2007

Tiger Leaping Gorge-finally. When we were planning this whole trip one of the first things Mathias researched was the Gorge. The deepest chasm on earth we believe (but can't prove because Wikipedia is blocked in China). Safe to say the most impressive sight we have seen in China and probably also in our entire lives. To start from the beginning. When last I wrote we were about to go on our way to the historical town of Lijiang, a stepping stone to the gorge. Well thats exactly what is was-an overpriced, kitschy full to brimming with snap happy chinese tourists stepping stone. We hated it. Yes apparently it's a WHO site (they have a sign in the town square asking tourists not to forget to pay the 8euro "town maintenance fee"-and also asking locals to enforce ... read more
Tiger Leaping Gorge
Tiger Leaping Gorge
Tiger Leaping Gorge

Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge August 14th 2007

Tiger Leaping Gorge is one of the deepest gorges in the world, and the trek through it is spectacular and relatively grueling. There were nice little guesthouses along the way where Brett and I could talk with other travellers while looking out at the 5000+ meter mountains that tower over the gorge. We lucked out in that we got two beautiful sunny days of weather for our trek, and that the previous heavy rains caused huge landslides that closed most of the gorge's lower road off to marauding Chinese tour-bus travellers. The only bad luck was that we were hiking just before the gorge's massive number of wild growing marijuana plants come into bloom. Literally, there were wild pot plants twice my height all over the place, which I had never seen before anywhere. Brett and ... read more
funeral procession
fun with compost
woman with child, dali streets

Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge August 11th 2007 (todo en nuestra pagina web) BAISHUITAI (11/8) A las 9:10 salia el bus a Baishuitai (25¥/p), en el que tardamos 3 horas en hacer 100 km. Cuando llegamos estaba lloviendo, asi que decidimos coger alojamiento en la casa de una señora muy maja que no sabia ingles, pero por señas nos entendia muy bien. Nos cobro 40¥ por la habitacion y luego comimos y cenamos en su casa. Por la tarde mejoro algo el tiempo y fuimos a visitar una aldea cercana, yendo entre las terrazas de arroz y los maizales. Luego siguio lloviendo toda la noche. Al dia siguiente madrugamos a las 6:30 para subir a ver las terrazas blancas calizas solos (parecidas a Pamukale en Turquia), aprovechando que no llovia y todavia no habia bajado la niebla. Es una pasada lo que puede ... read more
Alojamiento en Baishuitai
Cabana de lenadores
La amable familia Naxi que nos acogio (con 2 extranjeros)

Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge July 26th 2007

Ten dzien zaczal, sie jak kazdy inny... Pobudka wczesnie, bo o 6 rano, szybka toaleta i na dworzec autobusowy. Jak juz wspominalem we wczesniejszym wpisie, tym razem nasz zespol liczyl 3 osoby... Izraelka i nasza dwojka. Po 3 godzinach tym razem juz spokojnej jazdy, asfaltowa droga dotarlismy do Quitao - miejscowosci z ktorej najczesciej wyrusza sie na podboj Wawozu Skaczacego Tygrysa. Pogoda byla piekna, wporost idealna do marszu. Na pierwszy dzien trekkingu, zaplanowalismy sobie polowe trasy ( okolo 15 km ) i nocleg w TeaHorse GH. Czas potrzebny do przejscia tego odcinka wynosi okolo 6h. Wejscie do wawozu kosztuje 25 Y, ale pewien Amerykanin, ktorego poznalismy w Zhondgdienie, dal nam wskazowke jak mozna uniknac tej oplaty. Sytuacja wyglada w ten sposob, ze 400m za kasami biletowymi znajduje sie Jona's GH, Wiec kiedy stanelismy juz przy kasach, ... read more
Podczas jednego z odpoczynkow
dzien 2, odpoczynek na szerszym odcinku trasy
Wawoz jeszcze raz na unnym odcinku

Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge July 25th 2007

Z Zhongdien pojechaliśmy do Baisuitai obejrzeć tarasy skalne (nie pamiętam jak to się dokładnie nazywa). Planowaliśmy tego samego dnia pojechać dalej, do miejscowości Daju, leżącej przy wschodnim końcu Wąwozu Skaczącego Tygrysa, jednak busy nie kursowały z powodu nieprzejezdnych dróg, a prywatny minivan był za drogi. W autobusie do Baisutai poznaliśmy Izraelkę Tal, chciała razem z nami wybrać się na trakking po wąwozie. Razem zdecydowaliśmy się powrócić do Zhongdiengu, spędzić tam jeszcze jedną noc i zaatakować wąwóz od drugiej strony, z miasteczka Quitao, leżącego na trasie do Lijangu. W hostelu od pewnego Amerykanina dowiedzieliśmy się, jak wejść do wąwozu nie płacąc za bilet:). Tego dnia trafiliśmy również do sklepu ze sprzętem turystycznym i zrobiliśmy pewne zakupy ;). Kupiliśmy trzy kurtki, spodnie oraz czapkę North Face ;), po 2h targowania, 107 $ w sumie !! (moja to 1 ... read more
W nowej czapce i kurtce:))
Obsuniecie ziemi na drodze do Quitao

Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge July 22nd 2007

One of our big aims on this trip was to see Tiger Leaping Gorge in the headwaters of the Yangtze River. In Lijiang we were close and so we rented a car and driver for the day and left at 9 a.m. A rental like this is not as expensive as you might expect - it cost us 260 yuan which is about $37 Can.for the whole day. The driver could not speak a word of English but knew what we wanted to see and was very helpful. Leaving the city we travelled over mountainous roads with some spectacular views, mountains higher than any we have seen before on this trip. The highest areas were rather like the highlands of Scotland, above the tree line and grassy and stony. We saw several honey camps along ... read more
"Boy Lama" with Norma
Approaching Leaping Tiger Gorge
Waterfall on Tributary falling into the Gorge

Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge July 20th 2007

Day 1 We left Lijiang in the morning and headed to the start of the Tiger Leaping Gorge. We knew we had to pack light but also with enough food and water to support us which meant we left the bulk of our luggage at the hostel in Lijiang. We set off at an easy pace in the morning and decided to do the high course instead of the low course. We were joined by Clancy (another Gapper) and two English speaking Shanghai people who were great because they spoke fluently and were very westernised. Me and Jess due to height lead most of the way walking up the incline at a fast past. On the way it was great because it was fresh air and no one trying to sell anything touristy. Unfortuently Hannah became ... read more
Relaxing at the guesthouse
Another view

Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge July 14th 2007

Lelde/ Nu ta, atkal jau kads laiks nav rakstits un tagad japagust atstastit jau sabijushus notikumus un tos, kas vel prieksha. Viens no jaukakajiem piedzivojumiem risinajas neliela miesta Chautu, kur atrodas diezgan slavena Lecosha Tigjera Aiza (tiger leaping gorge). Pirmkart jau ieejas biljete nebija (salidzinoshi) darga, ka ari viss pasakums daudz jaukaks un skaistaks sava zinja ka iepriekshejie. Tatad iebraucam Chautu pecpusdiena ap plks.15.00, kamer atradam viesu maju, paedam utt, uzsakam gajienu ap plkst17.00. Pa celjam visas nogazes garuma ir vairakas viesu majas, kas piedava naksmaju un pusdienas. Pirmaja diena mes ljoti forsejam, lai paspetu uz otro viesu maju, jo pirma ... read more
The gorge
At the start of the gorge.

Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge July 6th 2007

The day after we came back from LuGu Lake, we checked in NanMen Hotel. The hotel manager recommended a driver with an 8-sitter minivan. He asked for 180 Yuan for one day trip to the Tiger Leaping Gorge, we thought it was a fair deal, so we asked him to pick us up at 8:00am. The next day, the driver showed up on time, unfortunately, the weather was not cooperating. It started drizzling early in the morning and then turned into rain. We've heard incidents of rock-slide in Tiger Leaping Gorge area when it's wet. The driver assured us that it will be perfectly safety even under this kind of weather, so we decided to go along with our plan. On the way there, we stopped by a temple, supposedly from where you can get a ... read more
Tiger Leaping Gorge
On the way to Tiger Leaping Gorge
Tiger Leaping Gorge

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