Blogs from Jiangsu, China, Asia - page 12


Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing January 19th 2013

Hi All, A quick blog about our hostel Traveler's Soul Inn, I know american spelling :-( The Hostel itself was quiet, maybe being winter doesn't help, clean and the stafff were helpful when the tap broke in our bathroom and steaming hot water squirted everywhere. The only problem with it was its location it was a long way from the city centre although by our last day we'd found out the right buses instead of having to walk. One word of warning do not eat the pizza. The 1886 park was pretty cool though. It was originally a military factory but it had also been a film studio. Enjoy the photos Jah Bless... read more
1885 creativity, science, technology and design park (6)
1885 creativity, science, technology and design park (7)
1885 creativity, science, technology and design park (15)

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou January 19th 2013

New photos on: …..Yangzhou's air, while by Australian standards is pretty woeful, is thankfully much cleaner than Beijing's. On a scale of air pollution on which 300 is considered an emergency & in the USA goes to a top reading of 500, it hit 755 in Beijing last week. That's apparently around 35 TIMES the safe level. The photos of the murky city's air reminds me of an old TV dog-food ad., “So chunky you could carve it”. Another commentator refers to it as, “Like evening in Mordor”. It's cold here, (always a little above or below freezing), but with some, sunny &, by Chinese standards, clear days..... …..Here comes the sun, doo-'n'-doo-da.....this is a brief blog to say to some readers, have a break while I'm away for the C... read more
Alex at the Old Brewery
Patrick, Sheila, Alex at the Old Brewery
Patrick at the Old Brewery

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing January 19th 2013

Hi All, This was my reason for visiting Nanjing. After visiting Unit 731 in Ha'erbin and discovering what the Imperial Japanese army did there and in Manchuria I wanted to visit the Nanjing Memorial Hall to discover what happened here. Nanjing has been the capital of China on two occasions, once in the Ming dynasty and again in1912 when China became a republic.The Imperial Japanese army invaded China in 1937 finally taking the capital in December. The KMT nationalist government had already fled to Chongqing leaving behind an under equipped defensive force. In fact it's said that the gates of the city were locked leaving everyone locked inside. When the city fell orders were given to the soldiers to rape, pillage burn and kill. They were under strict orders to not take any prisoners. Soldiers had ... read more
nanjing massacre museum (1)
nanjing massacre museum (2)
nanjing massacre museum (3)

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing January 18th 2013

Geo: 32.05, 118.78It's another Friday.I love Friday.It's the end of the week.Mahjong. The best game in the world.I played an extraordinary Ordinary hand.I managed to Kong 3 of my Circles.I was very excited. This week instead of a foot massage I decided to have my nails manicured.Any one who knows me would say,"Those stubs.... But you bite your nails!"Not any more.We are going to a charity event tonight so I have painted them a lovely Blue to go with my dress and my eyes. ... read more
Nails with Kelli
Close up of nails

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing January 16th 2013

Hi All, Well our old guidebook has started to show it's age. We managed to get lost today trying to find Nanjing museum and when we did find it it was undergoing some major reconstruction in other words demolished. We did stumble across some cool futuristic buildings. A space-age look shopping centre and Nanjing library. The city is a little confusing as there are trees lining all the streets and it makes them all look the same. We started the day walking to the Zhonghua Gate from our hostel. It is the largest Ming dynasty defensive gate left in China and was constructed in around 1360. A very clever system of dropping doors was used to trap the invaders inside and then the defenders used archers to shoot down on them from above. It must have ... read more
Near Hostel (1)
Near Hostel (2)
zhonghua gate

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Changshu January 7th 2013

Shanghaissa vietetyn vuodenvaihteen jälkeen tulin takaisin kotiin ensimmäinen tammikuuta. Koska keli oli todella lämmin ja aurinkoinen, niin päätin lähteä pyöräilemään kaupungille. En ollut ulkoiluttanut GoPro kameraani pitkään aikaan, joten tälläsin sen nököttämään tangon päälle akku täynnä. Tähän asti olikin tullut ajeltua pyörällä länsimaalaiseen herrasmiestapaan tilaa antaen ja liikennevaloja kunnioittaen. Nyt kummiskin jostain syystä teki mieli koittaa paikallisten ajotapaa. Eli koko ajan täysiä ja sieltä mennään mistä mahdutaan. Tällä tavoin ajaminen on kyllä todella paljon hauskempaa, mutta ei ehkä terveellisempää kuin rauhassa pyöräkaistalla hiisaaminen. Kaikenkaikkiaan ajoin muutaman tunnin, mutta ekat 35 minuuttia tuli pyörittyä Changshun keskustassa aiheuttamassa pahennusta. Video on todella huonolaatuinen, koska mun tietokone ei jostain syystä halunnut käsitellä parempi... read more

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou December 25th 2012

New photos on: …..Christmas is approaching but not with the same avaricious fanfare as in Western countries but the Chinese are catching on to the commercial aspects of the Season of Goodwill & there are tonnes of tinsel to be seen, fake Christmas trees, gigantic in some cities, but the big-arse, (literally), illuminated white reindeer under which you used to walk to the escalators at the Living Mall have thankfully been removed in favour of some very large, but more tasteful, coloured chandeliers. The Chinese versions of Christmas songs endemic at this time of year, are still, even now, bizarre, irritating or both..... ….I haven't been a prolific blogger recently, anyway I think a few people are catching up on the backlog & I have been busy trying... read more
Steve at Subei hospital
Steve and Brad at the cafeteria
Teacher, look at my knives

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing December 1st 2012

Geo: 32.05, 118.78Finally we have been invited to a Chinese wedding and we have another party to go to.Doesn't it always work out that way...PART 1It was pouring with rain. The Chinese don't have a ceremony but they have a series of parties.Sounds like a great idea to me.They also do an amazing range of photos. Different dresses, locations very cute.There are posters up in the entrance.They also had an interesting video which had all of the great Chinese leaders having a meeting. We Westerners had no idea what was going on.... and in the end the bride and groom where on the screen in their army uniform. We laughed when others laughed and applauded when others applauded. It was great. When we first arrived the bride was in a traditional western white wedding dress.She then ... read more
blue dress
red dress
the stage

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Nanjing November 30th 2012

Geo: 32.05, 118.78Yes Halloween is here again.We organised a big party for the school on the Friday night.Lots of scary things.... even the children. Then there was the traditional Duvall Halloween Party.This was the second year in a row. Lots of people, lots of drinking, dancing and eating.Everyone got dressed up. It really was a great night. ... read more
us 2

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou November 24th 2012

New photos on: …..”Ni hao” is a universal greeting in China. It means, literally, “You good”. It's approximate pronunciation is “Knee how”. The connection to the title will become clear in this issue, largely devoted to being in hospital in China. I am, at the time of writing, in good health, however my colleague & co-singer / guitarist, Steve, is not. Read on..... …..I've been to the hospital twice today to visit Steve. Coming back from a party last night (about 12.30am), on his e-scooter he swerved to avoid another bike & clipped his knee against one of those substantial municipal rubbish bins. He didn't come off but found out a couple of hundred metres further on he'd smashed his right knee badly. He felt queasy on discovering the displaced... read more
Knee How?
Don Quixote, Nanjing
Niu Rou Shui Jiao

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