Blogs from Kampala, Central Region, Uganda, Africa - page 37


Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Kampala February 25th 2007

Hi Friends! I’m back in Kampala from a whirl-wind tour of western Uganda & Rwanda. Let me first say, the countryside is gorgeous: rolling green hills in every direction. I was looking back through the pictures I took this morning, and they just don’t do justice to the landscape. We started our trip with a stop at the equator in a little town called Masaka. This was a very touristy site; while we were there a group from China were very excited to get their picture taken with Americans! They almost wouldn’t let us leave. Then we drove on to Mbarara where we stayed the night, had some good Ugandan beer and relaxed. The next morning we split in to smaller groups (my class has 23 students!); one group visited a refugee camp, another visited a ... read more
Western Uganda
Millennium Village

Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Kampala February 17th 2007

but all are from Jinja and the source of the Nile, which I've uploaded a selection already. But, here's a picture of the house I'm living in. Isn't it bright and festive?!? I'll have more photos when I get back from Rwanda, I really haven't taken my camera out while in the city. I'll try harder. :) -B... read more

Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Kampala February 13th 2007

hi everyone- so nothing too exciting to report. i mean being here is an adventure in itself, but really i've just been attending lectures durning the day and hanging out with my host family at night. this weekend my host sister and her cousin took me to Owino Market. it's a fabric and clothing market in the city. it was packed to with people and products. most of the clothes/shoes/bags are second hand and they sit in a pile in front of the vendor and you have to bend down to sort through everything to find what you want. so my sister calls it the "bend over boutique". there are narrow pathways between the vendors so you are literally cheek to cheek with the other shoppers. on sunday my family took me to their church service. ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Kampala February 7th 2007

Muli Mutya everyone! Sorry that it has been a while since my last entry. Since I wrote last I moved in with my host family, the Kiggunu's. They live in the Ntinda neighborhood of Kampala, just one of the many hills here! They are so sweet! My father is James, he is a computer scientist, I think he has his own business, not sure though. My mother is Julian, she works for the South African High Commission in their offices. Their oldest is a girl, Maaso, 20, her name means big was a nickname given to her by her grandfather. Then there is Trevor, 8, he is so bright and is an excellent artist. Every night when I get back from school he is drawing a picture -many are of fighters and jet powered cars...oh ... read more
Kampala, Uganda

Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Kampala February 2nd 2007

CAUTION: riddled with spelling errors, i think...i'm a terrible speller and this thing doesn't let you spell check! So today we were given a partner and a subject to learn about in our an field study exercise called a drop-off. I was partnered with Kati and very intelligent, talkative girl from Ohio who goes to school at Sarah Lawarence. Our subject was Religion. We thought this task might be a difficult one because we were unsure of how open Ugandan's would be on this subject. So we headed out from our hotel and decided to walk towards a huge Mosque that I had seen on my very first morning out. I had asked one of our directors about this Mosque and she told me that it had just been built and was yet to be opened. ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Kampala January 31st 2007

Got in late last night to Entebbe (where the airport it). The flights were long -all in all I had three layovers, 20 some hours of flying and a 40min ride in to you can imagine how numb my butt was and stiff my legs were! :) My luggage didn't make it through though...they don't know where it is (I've talked to them this morning and they haven't tracked it down yet). Hopefully it will finds it's way here...otherwise I'll have to become creative with what I've got! Kampala is a beautiful city: very lush and green, deep red soil...very polluted though, your throat burns as you walk down the street. I woke up this morning around 4:30 and finally got out of bed and wondered the city around 7am (all by myself!). I felt ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Kampala January 27th 2007

Today was the first time that I met Fred's mom. The visit went well. I had my first taste of Jack fruit as well as a nice visit with Fred's mom Margie and brothers Solomon and David. Fred's grandmother also stopped by for a quick visit. We travelled back to the hospital via taxi. Back at the hospital we had dinner and then spent a quiet evening at home playing cards with Fred's cousin, Emily (who is also a doctor) A very low key day!... read more
Margie's Garden 2
Margie's Garden 3

Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Kampala January 20th 2007

Faith and I went shopping in Kampala today...we took public transportation - a taxi. While taking a taxi is not something I've done very often at home, it is very much a way of life for the locals. Taxis are like mini vans which hold approximately 20 people - I was grateful that we got to sit in the front. So, after about an 45 minutes of stopping every couple of blocks, we finally made it to Kampala. However, the taxi driver dropped us off further than we actually wanted to go, so we walked back through Kampala in search of "African Village" so I could do some souvenir shopping. We only had a couple of hours to go shopping, so it was frustrating that it took us 30 minutes to make our way back to ... read more
A Casino???
A side street...

Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Kampala January 17th 2007

Luckily, the roads in Uganda appear to be much much better - like driving on silk! :o) The only downside is all that redish browish dust flying everywhere... i blew my nose tonight and it was pretty dirty up there!! lol I dont have time to right much, and no USB hookup, so unfortunately no pics, i just wanted to say "HEY I"M IN UGANDA!!!!!!" and let my mom know that i'm ok! I like Uganda a lot more than Kenya, not sure why... maybe just because its more tropical (ie. warmer!!) than Kenya was. Anyhoo, we're chilling out in Kampala tomorrow, then off to some lake somewhere, THEN we go into Rwanda to track the gorillas!!! So excited!!!! Border crossing was a little nerve wracking today, but no problems. I hope Rwanda isn't a problem ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Kampala January 14th 2007

I headed into the city center for the first time on December 27th. I went in to town by Boda Boda with Muireann. She negotatiated a price for us and off we where on this small dirt bike like mode of transportation. For those of you who know me, I am petrified of motorcycles so I held on for dear life. They driver was fairly tame....just weaving in and out of traffic, on the shoulder, on the sidewalk...wrong side of the road, you name it! Once in town we headed to change money...the streets were very crowded with cars, motorcycles, bikes, livestock, people, and taxis. Crossing the streets was have to have good timing and just run as fast as you can. We headed to Muireann's work place, "Uganda Crafts". I bought many souvenirs here ... read more
Drum and Carving
Carved Table

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