Blogs from Tanzania, Africa - page 13


Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Zanzibar City November 13th 2018

Za danes sva si naročila prevoz v Zanzibar mesto, oz. Kameno mesto/Stone city. Glavno mesto, ki je včasih bilo pod Omanom oz. ga je osvojil Sultan iz Omana, kjer so držali sužnje in jih po 10 000 dnevno deportirali v Oman; zraven vseh drugih stvari seveda, ki so bile tukaj – hrana, zemeljske dragocenosti, dragi kamni; Vidi se vpliv Arabcev, kasneje Britancev – vozijo po levi, štek doze in vsa elektrika je identična, kot v Veliki Britaniji še danes. Pa vpliv Evrope, a najbolj je viden arabski vpliv. Mesto je res zmedeno, konfuzno, ulice niso ravne, kar zavijejo, ozke, vse enake. Ko naju je šofer odložil na takem punktu, ko je veliko turistov je nekak vhod v mesto; tu se je takoj nalimal t.i. vodič. Najprej sva bila v dvomih, če bi ga vzela, potem pa ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar November 12th 2018

Spanje do onemoglosti, ene 9 ur skupaj. Zdaj sva se pa naspala in spravla noter za nazaj. Zajtrk lepo s pogledom na turkizno svetlo morje, kako se odmika. Tukaj sta oseka in plima blazno veliki; razlika ene 3 m ziher. Morje se res potegne ful nazaj in potem pride skoraj do obale. Le kaj je za zajtrk v topih drugega kot obilo sadja, en kos toasta in jajc in palačinka. Aja in puter in marmelada. Kava je instant, mleko normalno – »alpsko«. V Afriki je vse naredi si sam, vsaj tukaj; stoli so - tukaj je vse naredi sam: na terasi imava stole narejene »doma«, pomeni kosi lesa, lepo obtesani in zvezani skupaj s kožo živali; sediš na eni bogi kravici, lepo na mehkem usnju pod ritjo. In tako je veliko stolov tukaj. večina; ograje, štenge, ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Jambiani November 11th 2018

PO dveh letih sva se odpravila spet novim dogovodivščinam naproti. Že ko sva bila na Šri Lanki, z Injo v trebuhu, malo pikico, sva rekla, da bova 1 x na leto pa šla sama na oddih. In zdaj 18 mesecev po prihodu najinega največjega zaklada na svet, nama je uspelo. Izbrala sem (Vili je rekel – bilokam, izberi, meni je vseeno J), sem izbrala nekaj, kjer je toplo, cenovno zelo ugodno in ne predolgo za letet. In v okolici ni bilo drugega, kot Zanzibar. J Iz Benetk via Istanbul direkt na Zanzibar, otoček ob tanzanijski obali, večji, kot Sejšeli. Malo adrenalina je bilo na menjavi leta v Istanbulu, kjer sva dobesedno odletela iz prvega aviona v drugega in molila boga, pride tudi prtljaga z nama. Let je bil OK, malo nas je treslo, malo sva spala, ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro October 28th 2018

I kneaded the dough, between my fingers at first, and eventually palm to palm as the flour whitened my hands. I felt it giving way to assertive wrists and succumbing to pressure-- growing in its value with every "thunk" on the wooden surface. Bread: the edible representation of tough love-- what appears cumbersome, almost violent in its making, comes out full, malleable, and desired by all. Last week, I baked the honey yeast loaf with hints of cardamom. Still warm from its makeshift charcoal oven, I concealed it in a satchel with a jar of jam in preparation for my unassuming traipse to the village square. There, in her little shop, mama Enni weighs out portions of sugar, nails, and other small scale goods for eager customers returning from the farm. Working sun up to sun ... read more
Venessa with her rice, beans, and bread!
The Oven!
Project update- our Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato school-garden

Africa » Tanzania » North » Arusha October 16th 2018

Before arriving in Tanzania, I completed an involved personality test. There were 28 characteristics that, after escaping from a vortex of multiple choice, were ranked in order from “most prevalent” to “least prevalent.” Among my top 5 were traits in leadership, discipline, vigilance, curiosity, zest and a category that struck me as interesting: fairness and equity. I was classified, among other things, as a “make-righter.” In other words, I want things to be equally divided and put into reciprocating boxes to make sure everyone gets what’s theirs. Knowing that debts are left unpaid, gifts have gone ungiven, or “I love yous” have not been returned leaves me with ethical anxiety. We don’t steal, we don’t lie, we don’t cheat, and we sure as sh*t pay each other back for the fifty cents I found in your ... read more
Mama's Groups Crafting Initiative
Post-Birthday Coffee with my buddies!
Reasons to check your shoes: tarantulas

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro September 28th 2018

“It would be better if you had a family here in Tanzania..” the customs officer’s rotten teeth show even through his secondary school English, a source of his pride, I’m sure, considering I’ve been using Swahili for the duration of our unfortunate encounter. “I have a husband. No, I do not need two families. Maybe I’ll return with my husband to visit, but yes, I have a husband.” In this strange power dynamic that is the life of women, I cannot be rude to this man without risking the cost to send this package home. Inside are the ornaments made by the Mama’s Group, who will receive all the profits—less if this man feels I have not satisfied his need for authority. I was grateful when I arrived to the post office during his lunch break, ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Zanzibar City September 22nd 2018

The ferry port at Zanzibar is something Glyn described as a well oiled machine. This is sarcasm, as sheer chaos with a lack of information and people blocking the entrance as they swarmed to get through immigration is not oily. But it is sweat-soaked as the heat was intense stuffed with packed bodies and luggage. It was a necessary evil to get us on our way home. Earlier I put a cleanish tshirt and deodorant in my hand luggage so I don't stink too badly on the plane, but things aren't looking hopeful and pity the poor people sitting near Glyn and myself. After packing, we had time for a last wander around Stone Town, buying essential souvenirs and tat before doing a self tour. We were stuck in there for ages getting lost, having gone ... read more
Stone Town
cat in souvenir shop
Stone Town Kitten

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Zanzibar City September 22nd 2018

Tanzania day 14 Lost in Stone town, my name is Taxi and a summary of Tanzania and Zanzibar Homeward bound today so it’s time for the usual conversations after we’ve visited somewhere. Things like could we/would we live here, would we come back and would our cat Cosmo like it? We wouldn’t live on Zanzibar; the attitude to women is far too oppressive and we like holding hands when we are out and being able to give each other a hug. Simple things but in a sexist society they are things that can get you hurt. The only reason we would come back would be to revisit Cheetah’s Rock or, even better, work there. We have enjoyed it here but seen nothing else that would make us rush back-we still have lots of places to see ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Zanzibar City September 21st 2018

Tanzania day 13 Three adventures in one day including giant tortoises on Changuu, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Africa. We had a bit of a shock this morning when some hot water came out of the shower. It didn’t last long but we have called the relevant authorities and the Garden Lodge will hopefully be dealt with accordingly. Claire was so disturbed she threw the toilet roll into the toilet. We failed to sleep though to a 7am alarm despite staying up late last night writing about what an exciting day we had yesterday. There was no noise-we have seen no other guests where we are-but we were both awake by 6:30. After breakfast up on the roof, this time even better as they had avacado, it was time for another trip. Today was our rest day and before ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar September 21st 2018

Today is our last full day in Zanzibar/Tanzania and we'd left it free as a relaxation day, only there's things to do and see. The question was how to fit it all into a day. So I went on TripAdvisor and searched out a driver to get us around and organised. 'Friendly Taxis and Tours' had consistent 5 star reviews, so I contacted them and Salim arrived at just after 8.30am. The first place was Jozani Forest, going south on the island. It is home to a colony of Zanzibar Red Colobus Monkeys of which there are only a few left in the wild. Salim left us with another guide along with 4 other tourists after purchasing the permits we required to enter. We stepped into the forest and quickly came upon a group of small ... read more
red colobus monkey
tiny from on leaf

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