Blogs from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Africa - page 43


Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Sodwana Bay September 14th 2008

Hi Everyone, Thanks to all of you who emailed me. Alec the same message 4 times was a little ott i think :-) but glad your having a great time. Well everyone I've been very busy since i last wrote and been in some pretty backward places where the internet is a word they have not heard of! Firstly I went to Kruger National Park which was absolutely breath taking, the animals were fantastic, I could talk for hours about it but it would cost me a fortune and I know how you think my stories are boring anyway so i'll do my best to keep it brief! Out of the big 5 (lions, leopards, rhino, elephants and water buffalo) I saw all but the leopard, but it was just brilliant. At one point we stopped ... read more
Kruger Girffe

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Durban September 2nd 2008

Today I finally got around to some sort of posting. I have been here in Africa for a little over a month now, and feel I am beginning to settle in. The first week was an interesting experience. In that week we went through orientation, converted dollars into rand, and had our first tests at finding the cheapest taxi fares downtown. People around campus are very friendly, often warning us (other international students) about the dangers of walking at night in Durban. To this point, I am yet to experience any real danger at night, but I get the feeling when locals will NEVER walk around once the sun is down. Our dress and accent gives us away as foreigners immediately, often times resulting in higher prices or laughter. One thing that takes some time to ... read more
Blue Mountain Pass

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Bhekulwandle August 24th 2008

Hey, it's Shauna writing to update you on our lives here in South Africa. Scott should be back next time with his sense of humour and tear inducing stories, though. I've proven that Scott should be in charge of the blogging duties, since it's taken me over a month to finish this entry. I'm sorry it's so lengthy, we've had so many great experiences here so it's difficult to choose just a few to share with you all! We only have four months left before our year is up so we are trying to take every opportunity that comes our way and to enjoy every minute that's left! Little Lwazi First things first, I wanted to update you on our miracle Lwazi, (the little boy from our last blog who was run over by a car). ... read more
Shauna and Thandile
Picking up Food

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Durban August 22nd 2008

Well it's been a couple of days since my last post. The internet in the last couple of places has either been very slow or too expensive. Since my last post I've traveled through the Garden Route into the Transkei(or Eastern Cape) and finally to Kwazulu-Natal. The weather has been on and off - I seem to get one day of rain and one day of sun everywhere I go. I stayed in Cinsta on the Garden Route at a hostel that was more resort than hostel. The place is perched on a hill with fantastic views of the bay below. I spent a lot of time on a hammock reading or walking the beach! I did manage to get some activities in though - went horse riding along the beach. Now I've always felt that ... read more
Horseriding on the beach
The Transkei
Little lambs

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Pietermaritzburg August 4th 2008

So I got to Pietermaritzburg on Wednesday morning after 30hrs of travel and layovers, and went straight to orientation. Pietermaritzburg is the capital city of the region of Kwa-Zulu Natal which was home to the Zulu kingdom. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were spent pretty much just settling in. There are about 20 American students here, but only 3 of us are from Rutgers. There are also 3 Germans. We've pretty much been hanging out amongst ourselves, but that will change once classes and clubs get under way. Saturday we went on a bus/walking tour of down town Pietermaritzburg which is about 20min away by car. The city is beautiful and choc full of museums and historical cites as well as clubs and cafes, so you know I'll spend quite a bit of time down town. On ... read more

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Richards Bay August 4th 2008

This morning we left the Hluhluwe Game Reserve and headed to the University of Zululand Science Centre. The Science Centre is designed to give primary and secondary students hands on experiences with science concepts. We participated in one such experience while learning about series versus parallel electric circuits. We then continued on to the University of Zululand where we were inspired by the amazing talents of the choir. ... read more

We spent this weekend at the Hluhluwe Game Reserve. This is one of the oldest game reserves in South Africa and is home to a wide range of animals. Immediately upon entering, we saw zebras and elephants. We saw even more animals when we headed out on the evening game drive. This morning, I decided to get one last look at the animals on the morning game drive and wound up getting more than I bargained for. On the way back to the lodge, our truck encountered a rhino on the side of the road. As we approached, the rhino reared his head and bared his teeth. The rhino made it clear that he was ready to charge and it was clear from the driver’s reaction that this rhino is one to watch out for. My ... read more
Zebras and Giraffes

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Durban July 31st 2008

We are now in Durban, which sits right on the coast of the Indian Ocean. The view from my hotel room is AMAZING! (I can hear the ocean as I sleep.) This week we heard from educational experts and community activists from KwaZula Natal (the province where Durban is located). One of the highlights of the week was Wednesday’s meeting with Ela Gandhi, one of the granddaughter’s of Mohandas Gandhi. Gandhi spent over twenty years in South Africa and, after returning to India, his son (Ela’s father) carried on Gandhi’s work here. Ela is also very involved with human rights advocacy and is the head of ICON (International Center of Nonviolence) which works to educate people about Gandhi’s ideas. On Wednesday, we also had a panel discussion on HIV/AIDS and its impact on education in the ... read more
Ela Gandhi
African Art Centre

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Durban July 12th 2008

Day nine: July 12th Free Day in Durban Free day in Durban which involved shopping, our bus caught the shopping bug something bad. We were taken to the waterfront at the Indian ocean, which I put my hands in, people were actually swimming and surfing. We took pictures. We spent most of the day at the mall where we’d dinned on the boat the night before and it was back to Sica’s guest house for our second night there.... read more

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Saint Lucia July 11th 2008

Day eight July 11th: Greater St Lucia Wetland Park There was a lot of eating (great for a foodie like me) and a lot of driving on this trip, I’ve never napped so much in my life. I can only hope noone else got a similar shot of me. We took a cruise on lake St Lucia where we saw many a hippo and crocodiles and a few birds. We had lunch on board. More pictures to illustrate. img= read more

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