Blogs from Malawi, Africa - page 31


Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe June 10th 2011

This title is more appropriate than you might realize, as our boss often behaves like Michael Scott. This is another topic that will have to be predominantly detailed through email instead of this blog. I have yet to decide if I’m going to make this public, and since the Center for Legal Assistance (CELA) deals with various government offices, best to restrict what I post. My colleagues are all very nice. There are 2 accountants, one projects manager, a projects assistant, 3 paralegals, and an office assistant (the one I mentioned earlier regarding the food). Most of them are in their early to mid twenties, except for the projects manager. I’m not sure how old Robert is. CELA’s mission is “to contribute to the improvement of the justice delivery systems, protection of human rights and upholding ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe June 9th 2011

Until Victoria arrived, Alice cooked dinner every night. I’m not sure this was planned, but Alice is finishing up Form IV (high school) and has exams this month. If Victoria isn’t cooking, then Toko/Alice/Isaac are, which affords Alice the opportunity to relax following a full day of studying for exams that will determine whether she is one of the lucky few who can go to university. The staple food of Malawi is nsima (pronounced see-ma) – it’s a blend of water and cornmeal/corn flour (depending on whether I’m eating it at work or at home) that looks a lot like big clumps of grits or cream of wheat. You’re served a piece the length of my hand, but much thicker. Contrary to what the guidebook says, it tastes fine. Being the staple food, however, it’s served ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe June 8th 2011

Emma is Mindy and Megan’s internship supervisor. She’s amazing! She knows everyone, and more importantly, they know her. She is a force for human rights and one of the toughest, yet most compassionate people I have ever met. All four of us are staying at her one floor, 4-bedroom house, so even though Dave and I work elsewhere, we’re all getting to know each other really well. That’s just what happens when you’re living on top of one another in an area where the sun sets around 5:30pm and in the absence of street lamps, you’re not advised to wander the streets alone at night. Then there are the blackouts – every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 5:30-8, the city loses electricity. They can be expected Saturday evenings as well. Not too long ago, they began ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe June 8th 2011

I stepped off the plane in Lilongwe, Malawi, and was almost instantly overcome by the realization that I finally made it to Africa. It was pretty much as I imagined – colorful flowers, miles of flat land rolling into the distant mountains… Going through immigration and customs was pretty easy. I think only one of the four of us had luggage searched, but even that wasn’t too bad. Richard, one of the drivers from MHRRC (where Megan and Mindy intern), met us at the airport. As we drove back, we were confronted by all sorts of stereotypes. Women carrying a basket of food or water on their heads with a baby tied to their back, vendors selling goods along the side of the road, and a tremendous variety of plants gracing the roadside. At the first ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Northern April 7th 2011

Well anyone who knows me will know I am nothing if not determined so, finally, through sheer persistance I am able to post my first blog of our trip to Malawi! We arrived in Lilongwe around 1pm on Tuesday and, as forecast, wrinkles were prominent alongside rather large bags under our eyes as I think, collectively, we had about 10 hours sleep between us on Monday night! So we arrived at the Kiboko Hotel and the first thing we did is head to the bar to discuss our plans for the rest of the day! Luggage was abandoned in the rooms (but at least all the luggage got there!) but we were all sick of the sight of it by then. At this point I should mention we had already met Mike our driver and I ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Southern March 19th 2011

Malawi So after the sun, sand and sunburn of Zanzibar, the WI bus headed back on the ferry to the Tanzanian mainland then over the border into Malawi. The terrain got hillier and we camped the first night in the hills at an old farmhouse. There wasn’t a great deal going on here so we went for a walk and explored the local area. We found a lake and spent ages trying to work out if there were any hippos or crocs residing – we decided against the jump in and see method to find out! Also, the next morning we were given some new tent rules. So far we think the Africa camping rules are as follows… 1) Try to avoid coming in the rainy season (Beaumonts failed rule 1 – it rains like crazy ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi March 7th 2011

LAST DAYS IN MALAWI: Well, this is it folks..... our last blog from Malawi although we may continue to write on here from time to time as the journey continues. I left you suddenly on the last entry... sorry about that. I was describing meetings. Our experience of the SUPOCHO meeting, where Derek and I were really excited by the ownership of this community project as the attendance was good and people engaged with it and showed that Webster and Wilfred have the support they need. The other meeting was in a village near to Chintheche where women from a few neighbouring villages are asking for support to help vulnerable people and orphaned children. It was a very different meeting but important as the local politics are getting sorted out to enable the group to function ... read more

Africa » Malawi February 23rd 2011

Boat to Likoma I was up early and got one of the workers at the backpackers to escort me (I had to insist) to the village with all the boats. It was a good 20min walk with all my stuff over not the easiest terrain. My leg was seething and it was such a mission to keep the flies out. At the fishing village, he helped me find someone to take me to Likoma at the right price (MK500). While I was waiting, Immanuel showed up and chatted to me for awhile. He somehow managed to organise to come on the boat as well. I was lucky enough to be on a boat with a nurse who was going to the hospital. She had actually seen me at the clinic the day before. The boat ... read more
Hair Brading by Elfie
Mango Drift & my Hair
Sunset on the backpackers beach

Africa » Malawi February 22nd 2011

After a quick breakfast (I didn't bring much food and turns out there isn't much to buy on the island), I decided I would go for a walk around the island, take in the scenery and maybe find the tiny store they can a shop. I walked along the coast, getting stares from the locals, taking pictures and just breathing in the beautiful lake, the massive baobab trees and the small local fishing boats. I followed the coast and ended up sitting on some rocks right by the shore, just listening to the waves on the rocks and staring over the lake into the distance. I got up again and started heading around the side. I headed back along the path just thinking and taking in as much as possible. The next village I reached I ... read more
My walk through local island villages
Dog bite

Africa » Malawi February 21st 2011

Most of the day was spent idling around and relaxing. I bought my ticket for the ferry and spent the rest of the day reading and playing cards with Tim & Matt. At about 6:30pm I said goodbye to the staff at Mayoka and then to Matt & Tim and headed for the docks. I was going to buy a few supplies in the shops but was worried I would run out of money, so decided against it. At the docks I changed my ticket to get off at Chizumulu instead of Likoma and got MK1500 back which was cool. Although it was only 7pm I decided to get on the boat and find a good seat. It looked like it might rain, so I wanted to find somewhere under shelter as my ear was still ... read more
First Class Deck
Ilala Ferry

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