Blogs from Malawi, Africa - page 32


Africa » Malawi » Northern » Nkhata Bay February 20th 2011

Day 6 This morning - I sat on my balcony that over looks the lake (unbelievably beautiful view), played on my laptop and read my book. It was a good morning. In the afternoon the backpackers was offering a boat race (in the local dugout canoes) and the prize was free pizza - 3 people in a team and it was a relay. The guys decided they would enter (Tim, Matt and Joost), while Tessa and I opted out. My ear wasn't great and I wasn't all that keen on getting it wet. Turns out no other team entered so we decided to do a girls verses guys boat race. I was convinced the guys would win but wanted to give a good go at it. Carol (the doctor friend of Tessa and Joost) was ... read more
Boat Race
Boat Race Ending
Me in Lake Malawi

Africa » Malawi » Northern » Nkhata Bay February 17th 2011

Day 3 We had a chilled morning, quick swim in the lake and then collected our clothes from town. As we were walking down the road we ran into Matt and Tim again. They were heading to Mayoka. The party started early with a free lunch of Nsima (pap), beef stew, beans and veg. We played a round or two of killer pool while chatting and having a few drinks. The party continued well into dinner and after. It was good to see Tim and Matt again - with the hilarious, classic Tim quotes. They also got along really well with Jen, Naomi, Grant, Edward and Matt - so our group is expanding. We all went for a sunset cruise on the lake. It was so beautiful. Naomi and I pushed Tim in and then ... read more
Sunset Swim
Me & Tim at Mayoka
Sheltered in the Boat

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi February 17th 2011

NKHATA BAY: TEMPORARY RESIDENTS! It's been a long time since I have written. Forgive us folks! We have been very busy and now that our time for leaving beautiful Malawi is in sight we are very keen to get as much done as possible to help SUPOCHO and have all the information we need to bring back to the UK and get on with the task of fund raising. What can I say in a short period of time? The Internet has been playing up for days but today is good! Our house share is going well although the moving in process was hard. The day after we actually moved was the first day of BIG rains for Nkhata Bay and we had a flood in the house! Derek and I returned from a trip into ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Northern » Nkhata Bay February 15th 2011

Day 1 Rasta Kelvin's Restaurant After we had checked into Mayoka Village (the same place Don and I had stayed almost a month before), we decided to go for lunch at Rasta Kelvin's up the road. What I had forgotten however is that you need to pre-order food because it takes so unbelievably long to cook - 2-3 hours minimum. We must have arrived at about 12 and only got to eat at 4:30 - but it was a very chilled way to spend the afternoon. Later on Grant and Edward arrived, so our little family was back together again. Even though we had eaten we went with Grant and Edward to dinner in town. We went to a local restaurant called H&M (Harry and Maria - husband and wife). Matt, a South African guy ... read more
Matt, Naomi, Me, Jen @ Rasta Kelvin's
Dinner at H&M Restaurant
English Premier League Soccer Game

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi » Kandi Beach February 14th 2011

"Let sleeping Mzungu's lie" We woke up at 5:15am to catch the early morning (5:45am) pickup truck back to Monkey Bay (MK250). It was a bumpy, very uncomfortable hour drive back, but we chatted to some of the locals and each other, so time passed quickly enough. I reckon I am a little bit bruised from the trip. In Monkey Bay, surprisingly the 7am AXA bus was on time and we hopped on for the trip to Salima (MK780). Most of the guys just slept for the trip (about 3hours). When the ticket man came around again to check our tickets he woke up all of them - they weren't impressed and Jenny said later (as a joke) that they need to "let sleeping Mzungu's lie" - I think that is my favourite quote of the ... read more
Kande Beach
Valentines Day Date1
Valentines Day Date2

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Cape Maclear February 11th 2011

Day 2 Snorkelling We negotiated with some of the local guys on the beach to hire a boat for 9 of us to take us to the little Momba island to go snorkelling (MK780 each) and then another MK400 per person for food which was a lot of rice, tomatoes and braai-grilled fish - it was really good. The snorkelling was so different to anything I have seen before - lots and lots of tiny fish - blues, yellow, black. It was so nice to be in the water and with fins and mask. After snorkelling they took us around to look at the Kingfishers. The locals throw fish into the water and call the birds - they then swoop down and catch the fish out the water - its incredible to watch. Party on the ... read more
Snorkelling Expedition
Our family

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Monkey Bay February 10th 2011

The next day I chatted to Mike for a bit before he set off back to Salima. Turns out in the storm I had broken my phone - it got wet. I sat at the breakfast table for a few hours and ended up having a really good conversation with Edward about politics, South Africa, USA, China, the future, investments etc. It was an interesting and in depth conversation. It was Grant's birthday so after wishing him happy birthday, I set off with them into town to try get my phone fixed. We waited in a tiny 'African Mobile Service' shop for about an hour while this guy took my phone apart and used chemicals to displace the water and then used a box and a light bulb to dry it - amazing, and after all ... read more
Birthday Dinner
Monkey Bay Town
Monkey Bay Bay

Africa » Malawi » Southern February 9th 2011

I spent an entire day trying to go from Chipata (Zambia) to Monkey Bay (Malawi). I caught a private taxi to the border with two English girls I met, then another one to Mchiniji in Malawi. From there I caught a minibus (matola) to Lilongwe. On the mini bus I met Mike, a young Malawian who was heading to Salima. We caught a bus to Salima, a minibus to Golomoti, another one to the middle of nowhere (a storm hit and we had to wait in this random little town until another minibus came past) and then finally one last one to Monkey Bay. Luckily Mike was with me and helped translate from & into Chichewa (Malawian language) where needed. He is the son of a pastor of a church in Lilongwe and was very good ... read more
Matola to Golomoti
Truck to Middle of Nowhere
Middle of nowhere - just before the storm hit

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi » Chitimba Beach February 5th 2011 on day 28 of my 40 day tour...and am going to try for a 2nd entry!! i left you on day 4 (o dear!! this may take a while!!) so..left the canyon and headed for the Namib desert! lots of sunshine! its been really wonderful! the scenery has been sandy, dusty, dry! i got to sleep on top of our truck one night..aroung 12 of us up there..involved a bit of clambouring and being hoiked up by the guys!! but well worth it! sleeping under the stars (but without the scorpians and snakes) really is an amazing experience!! about 4 shooting stars that i saw, and so many stars..i cant even describe!! hiked up dune 45 (famous dune) to watch the sunrise! wow is sand hard to walk up!! AND GREAT PLACE FOR A DODGY ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi January 18th 2011

Settling in Nkhata Bay: The last time I wrote, we had just gone back to Nkhata Bay to put some more time into supporting SUPOCHO and the computer school. We were there for a week and it was an important time. We made a decision not to go all the way down to Mulanje to see the beautiful sights of the mountain and tea plantations. Basically, the constant travelling gets very wearing after a while and we both want to put as much effort as we can into helping SUPOCHO set up as possible. So we are presently travelling slowly down to Blantyre so we can visit the IT Schools Africa project worker there. We are hoping the lap tops will have arrived from Mozambique, but at the last communication 2 days ago, they still hadn't ... read more

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