Blogs from Rift Valley Province, Kenya, Africa - page 47


Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Lake Nakuru NP May 22nd 2007

Sorry for being so lame with this blog malarky, time always seems so short when we even get time on tinternet but here is an epic blog entry for you and theres some pictures on debs facebook for you too. so heres a run down of whats been going on over the last few weeks. about 5/6 weeks ago we had opur mid project break. emma climbed kilimanjaro and a couple of people climed mt meru but we headed to the beach! we were heading to mombassa in kenya which involved a very cramped, hot, 10 hour journey on possibly the most frightening road in africa (according to the lonely planet guide book!) no toilet stops and 10000 biscuits later we arrived in mombassa almost without bags as debs was sure hers had definately fallen off ... read more

Well our journey in Africa begins...... The first day of our tour started with a long and very bumpy journey to the Masai Mara National Park. We travelled throught the Great Rift Valley and the scenery was spectacular! We went on our first game drive into the Masai Mara and were lucky enough to spot 3 of the "Big 5" - Elephant, Buffalo and Lions (which included a pride with three cubs!) We also saw zebra, gazelles, giraffes, warthogs and many more. Following this we went into a traditional Masai village to learn how the locals live. It was fascinating to learn that their stable diet consists of milk, blood and meat from cows! The men have many wifes and the going rate for a wife is ten cows - so my dad could have quite ... read more
Elephant in the Masai Mara
Hippos having a bath

Yes... this is where I rested up after my long flight over... what a bit of bliss!I have arrived finally in Africa. I have been here in Kenya for two weeks now and so much has happened... but unlike the Western world where the internet is at your fingertips and super speedy as well, it has been quite difficult to get to you all! Even now I have been trying to get going for over two hours after it took me two hours to get to the inernet cafe in the first place! So unfortunately I am not in the poetic mood that I wanted to be when I wrote this first entry from Africa. I also am working on another project (since I am now at the childrens home and it is actually 9.5.07) ... read more
Langata - My lovely host Natasha!
Langata - Me petting a giraffe...
Great Rift Valley

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Lake Naivasha April 12th 2007

Well, not quite. Last week we took friday off and headed up to Lake Naivasha which was about an hour's matatu ride from Limuru. Naivasha town is alot like Limuru except a nicer version with a better atmosphere. After buying our food for the next 3 days, we hopped onto another 45 min matatu to Fisherman's camp right on Lake Naivasha. The camp ended up being alot better than we had expected - flushing toilets, showers, boats, shops and a bar and restaurant. All of us realised that we had come totally unprepared as we all had hardly any money that we could spend. We wondered around the nearby town, bought some avocadoes, bananas, a pineapple, and our dinner - chapatis and mandazis (type of sweet bread). That night was horrible as we couldn't get ... read more
The water hole!
at the end of the gorge
view from our tent at Hells Gate

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP March 15th 2007

So, long time no write, glad to try and keep up on here, but i can't believe i haven't written in so long. So quickly up to date since last blog, which was like two weeks ago. So we did the whole Tiwi shiz, which wascool again, nice to sweet b-all for a weekend again, chill out before the breakdown in da Mara. If you cant be bothered to read about boring boring mombasa theres capitals where my safari begins! We had a gander down the beach, i ended up buying two Ciqoys(defintely not right spelling) which are basically the thin towelly things loads of people wear.They are cool anyway, basically they are sarongs. Yeah so we just played poker in the night and came back late Sunday afternoon in time for tea. Not that tea ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Lake Nakuru NP March 1st 2007

Lake Nakuru Day 6 So we left really early like usual and it’s really hard to see in the dark when you’re trying to break down the tents. That morning we found a cheetah on the side of the road looking at the Impalas/bambi across the way. After we let all the other vans get ahead of us we spotted a pack of 6 cheetahs looking for breakfast. We must have sat there for like 10 minutes waiting for them to eat and the kept inching closer but nothing happened. And our driver said that it could take all morning and we needed to get going. Our next destination was Lake Nakuru and we still had a long drive ahead. So I know this will sound stupid to some of you but it was very ... read more
What the fuck is wrong with our van
Monkey butlers
Fly, Fly, Fly

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Samburu NR February 28th 2007

Day 4 (continued) Samburu It was back on the road again this time to check out the Samburu people. I don’t remember being told that it would cost us $20 to see the Samburu sing and dance. I thought it was shitty that we had to pay to visit a village, but these people live so remote how else are they gonna make money. Mind you my ass was traveling broke, and the only money I had on me was to buy me beers and snacks along the way. Later we were told that there reserve, or the zoo that they live in is owned by the government. And when we pay the park entrance fee it goes to fixing the roads and setting up a main street. So the tribe doesn’t really get a ... read more
Dancing, Dancing, Dancing
My dancing partner
Samburu huts

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province February 26th 2007

Two weeks ago we'd left Mbita for the Rift Valley and what adventure ensued! We experienced our first true African storm in Kisii, Kenya where we were staying overnight. Cleverly thinking (or so we thought), we'd set up our tents in the early afternoon to air out from the last use. After spending several hours away at the soapstone quarries we returned to an absolute minefield. Everybody's stuff was soaked, tents had been blown halfway across the fields and our mats had been reduced to nothing short of humongous sponges. It was a wet, cold night. On a brighter note, I bought some really nice dark-violet soapstone statuettes! A great proportion of soapstone sold the world-over comes from the Kisii quarries making it a multi-million dollar industry in Kenya. It's pretty fragile though, particularly in thin ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Lake Nakuru NP January 16th 2007

A: There aren't enough people in the WORLD!!! It's day 3 of my 14 day adventure, and so far it's been three days of what our driver jokingly refers to as "an African massage", which is a cute way of saying that the roads are bad enough to shake just about anything out of you. It would be the understatement of the year to say that my neck hurts just a little! Honestly, no exageration, most of the roads are more pothole than ashphalt. If the road is even paved at all! It's kind of a tradeoff - either the roads are so broken up that driving is next to impossible, or the dirt road is muddy (read: sloshing around) or dry (read: dust EVERYWHERE!). And the way our driver drives... he finds these patches of ... read more
Our first night camping
Worlds laziest cheetah?
Hells Gate National Park

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP January 14th 2007

So its midnight and I'm talking with the Maasai warrior outside my tent (don't all good stories start that way?)... Seriously...He's the camp askari or security and I feel safe from the predators and hyenas and charging rhinos because he showed me his bow and arrow, his poison, his small sword, and his rungu or heavy wooden club. Evidently Maasai men are known around here as fierce warriors. They seem so graceful and mild-mannered but I guess they pack a wallop. This Maasai was nice and we chatted a bit but we mostly just looked up at the vast milky way above. There wasn't a city for a 100 miles so the night-sky was crystal clear. The half-moon was inching its way upwards. Gorgeous. Then he went for the midnight special: he offered to sell me ... read more
Male Adult Lion
Flood Damage

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