Blogs from Rift Valley Province, Kenya, Africa - page 49


Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP November 23rd 2006

Hi everyone, I think this is the part many of the young people have been waiting to see! And it was magical!!!!! I'll keep the note short for now as it is getting late and I am tired. I will add more detail tomorrow when I send Part 4 of Kenya, which included a special visit to a village in Masai Mara and my hot air balloon ride. What an eye-opener and what an adventure! So, we arrived in Masai Mara, and booked into the Keekorok Lodge where we stayed for 2 nights. It was a long drive and there were challenges when we arrived at the Lodge. I will say that Carl, our senior Tour Guide, is superb! He handled things very well and very professionally (the Lodge had double-booked and many of our people ... read more
Friendly little guy
Beautiful animals
A Rhino

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP November 23rd 2006

Up early for the plane to the Masai Mara this morning. It’s being throwing it down all night and the morning brought more of the same. Terry drove us through the deluge to Wilson airport. We made a dash across the tarmac to the 8 seater Cesna that would whisk us off to the Mara. The flight was only 45 minutes and despite the poor weather, it wasn’t too rough. By the time we landed the rain had stopped and the sun was even threatening to make an appearance. Our guide and driver, Simon, was there at the airstrip to meet us and transport us to Governors Il Moran camp. The camp itself is very small, only ten tents. It’s separate to the other Governors camps and each of the tents overlooks the Mara river. We ... read more
Our tent
When lions attack!

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP November 23rd 2006

Hi there! I'm back, to share the adventure of the long drive to Masai Mara! It was rather interesting. It gave us time in the van to get to know each other a bit better. We had a "shopping" stop along the way, at a gift shop. One of the vans had a flat tire, so everyone stopped to help (we had a convoy of about 20 vans, I believe). We stopped for snacks, had some rain, had a snooze here and was all good! Along the way, we drove by the Rift Valley. This is a major geological phenomenon here in Africa. Look it up for more information. So much to still seems surreal to be here, in Africa! Wow, am I a lucky person! Enjoy the pictures, Happy Pat... read more
Me and Elviera
How many men does it take to change a flat tire?
Where some people live

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP November 1st 2006

Let's play safari jeopardy! You know the game. What are the correct questions to the following answers? 1) Wildebeest Tail 2) Leopard and 3) Pink Flamingos. Questions are provided at the end of the blog! The week of October 30th was spent on safari with the Safari Chicas: Sheila, Janet and Kim and what a special time! We can proudly say that we have all seen in the wild Africa's Big Five: elephant, Rhino, Buffalo, Lion and Leopard. The latter being the most illusive and we were blessed to see two! Our certificates are in the mail! We also enjoyed seeing giraffe grazing on trees, wildebeest & zebra grazing on the plains, hippos snorting, vultures eating, crockodiles sunbathing, baboons grooming, and elephants racing. We also saw jackals, hyenas, monkeys and several species of gazelle and deer ... read more
Rare Leopard Sighting
Safari Chicas
Anybody Hungry?

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP October 30th 2006

Jambo All …with all this safaring and visiting chicas it has been a challenge to find time to sit at a computer. I apologize to those who are in Blog withdrawal. Let me catch you up on our adventures. And I am thrilled to report that I am writing this blog from the luxury of my Imperial hotel room on my very own laptop. Sheila brought it with her and I am marvelling at how I coped 4 months without it and my music!!!! I am now chicaless. The Safari Chicas departed yesterday (Nov 6th) from Kisumu and should be making their way across the Atlantic as I type. We have had an amazing jam packed safari (Swahili term for journey) - and as you would expect we have had both planned and unplanned adventures. I ... read more
Site of Whipping Post
Slave Holding Chamber
Shopping by Flashlight

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Eldoret October 28th 2006

Well since there is not Halloween in Kenya the ex-pats (or at least a few of them) got together for a small celebration. I mean imagine people here dressing up and knocking on strangers doors - it's odd enough when you think about it in the US but even less of a fit here... so anway, the ex-pats in town got together - Kara and Tomeka hosted the event at their home while Karin carved some pumpkins and we both chipped in by baking sugar cookies and getting Martha Stewart on some of the decorations. Shawn and Chero brought their kids Imani and Kippy dressed up as a Sweet Ghost and Sponge Bob Square Pants, Andreas who was not sure what to do with the whole event wore his Tigger pajamas while Hal and Mary Anne’s ... read more
Karin & Tomeka
in costume
Bobbing for apples

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Eldoret October 10th 2006

Slaughtering goats and other fun party tricks in Kenya... *WARNING - if you’re a vegetarian, have a weak stomach or an affinity for goats - please do not proceed Each tribe in Kenya, from which I have met people, slaughter and roast goats for celebration. It is the responsibility of the men and each they learn how as part of their initiation into manhood. As Shubha’s time in Kenya drew to a close our staff kept talking about how we were going to slaughter and roast a goat at her farewell party... Well they were serious. We were kind of excited about the forthcoming event but insisted they not bring the goat to spend the night before at our apartment, threatening that if they did we would prohibit them from killing it because we would surely ... read more
1. Assume the position
2. Slit the neck
3. Leave not part of the neck attached

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Eldoret September 24th 2006

Kruger Farm I have been staying with Shubha and Karin here in Eldoret. Shubha works for the same project that I do, but she departs on October 14. Karin is the director of the PMTCT (prevention of mother to child transmission) component of AMPATH’s (Academic Model for the Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS in Kenya) outreach programmes. Harsha one of our PI’s (principal investigators) who arrived on September 13 to do some work, see how things are going etc… He was the person who actually started our project back in 2003. My first weekend here we spent Saturday at Kruger farm- me, Shubha, Harhsa, Karin and Ronnie (friend of Shubha and Karin’s) drove the half hour out about mid-day so despite the high altitude and comfortable climate it made for a hot afternoon. A family of ... read more
Kruger Farm
Kruger Farm

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Eldoret September 23rd 2006

Grace Children’s Home Saturday afternoon, September 23 Shubha and I drove out to Grace Children’s Home, a small orphanage located here in Eldoret a short drive from our apartment along a red dirt road. The owners Miriam and Joshua have two children and used to be teachers at a local boarding school but became disenfranchised and struck out on their own to open an orphanage caring for HIV positive and negative orphans. At the time of our visit there were eleven kids ranging in ages from nine months to nine years. Two sisters had just joined them a couple days before but otherwise it was the same group who was there last time Shubha visited. Steven, the oldest, greeted us when we arrived, after greeting some of the other older kids playing outside we stepped inside ... read more
all the kids posing calmly for the camer
Kennedy & Johnson

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP September 22nd 2006

After an eventless flight, we arrived in Nairobi, or Nai-Robbery as it is informally known as. We stayed at a place called Nairobi Backpackers, and it was a great place to get things rolling in Africa. It was mega chilled out, and even though it was hot, they had a bon fire going every night, where everyone chilled out and drank Tusker beer. We liked the place. Nairobi itself didn't seem to have a lot to offer, so the next day we went out and organised a 4 day safari to the Masai Mara and Lake Nakuru. We went with a company called Planet Safari. They seemed a bit dodgy, but then again, most companies out here selling safari's seem that way. That night it was time to hit the restaurant that had been making Chris' ... read more

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