Blogs from Upper Egypt, Egypt, Africa - page 79


Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Luxor November 26th 2005

Shane and I are now in Luxor. After watching a spectacular sunrise in the White Desert and a fine Egyptian breakfast, we headed to Farafra Oasis (another 40 km from the White Desert). We said our goodbyes to Mohammed and Ahmed (and tipped them very, very well to be sure!) before negotiating a minibus ride to Dakhla Oasis (a little over 300 km from Farafra, where we met a couple from Belgium). Luckily, our driver drove like a bat out of hell and we got to Dakhla in about three and half hours. There we left the couple from Belgium as well as Sandy and Ron. I had had enough of the sand, the flies, and the run down little towns - I wanted back to civilization (I am a city girl, after all!). Shane and ... read more
Hotel Nefertiti
Luxor Temple
Luxor Temple

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Luxor November 11th 2005

Baksheesh, it has become the backbone of my distress here in Egypt. You see, baksheesh is tipping and well everyone wants baksheesh for absolutely anything, and I mean anything. I do not mind tipping at all if I feel it is warranted but it's ridiculous here. People will point you in the direction of a cafe and then ask for baksheesh. I was walking down the street the other day and this 9 year old boy stops me and asks if I want to ride his bike and I oblige but after 30 meters he says STOP and then asks for baksheesh. The worst thing is that often you give people money and then they say they want more. On the other hand I had a very good experience yesterday when I gave one of the ... read more
The 3 symbols of the afterlife
The beautiful Nefertari

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Luxor November 10th 2005

Mehebeck= I love you Gamila= Beautiful Salam Alekum= God be with you or Hello Ma'A'salam= Goodbye Shokran= Thank you La Shokran= NO Thanks you (Most helpful) Emshi= Go Away Maya= Water These words make up my entire Arabic vocabulary. Of course when the writing looks like this there is no way I can read it. أثممخ قهىيس ه حثىهس فاثغ فث م ةث ه شة اعىل هنث ش اخعقسث شىي ةغ شلا Translation from Right to left of course. My name is Adam and I am hung like a donkey. None the less my time here in Egypt has been amazing so far. Our last day in Cairo was spent relatively close to the hotel. We ventured out to see the University. Unfortunately it was the last day of celebration for the end of Ramadan ... read more
Climbin the Mast
Temple of Isis
Captain Erek

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Luxor November 6th 2005

Ah, Egypt, where the Nile flows north to Lower Egypt and we headed south upstream. We were confused too. We took a day train from Cairo to Luxor (9 hours for a whopping $6) to get a feel for the Nile Valley landscape. Egypt's geography is comprised of only 4% fertile land--mostly this narrow strip of palm trees and crop fields along the Nile through which the train tracks and the highway run. The remaining 96% is desert, broken by the occasional oasis. From the Nile we could almost always see sand dunes or barren rock in the distance--a reminder of the desolation that dominates the vast majority of the country. We rode past small villages of mud huts and thatched roofs, where women gathered along the river to wash pots, rugs, and colorful clothes. Every ... read more
Luxor Street Market
Carriage Driver Napping
Luxor Temple

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Aswan November 6th 2005

My name is Aghmed. Well that is what I tell everyone. So many people ask me my name that I have given up with Lloyd, way too hard. So Aghmed works and when I am feeling a bit crazy i throw Mohhammed out there as well. I have met so many people that say 'oh wow, my name is Aghmed too" Staying in the Noorhan Hotel for 10 pounds a night which is $2.85. I did however have to go and buy my own toilet paper for a pound. It was rather amusing having to gesture to the shop keeper what I wanted, yes indeed. Our good friend Gaddie has arrived and is now travelling with us in Egypt. He has certainly brought some new funk to the table. We are in Aswan in the moment, ... read more
Dinner of Pharaohs
Some crazy Egyptian kids
Cruising the Nile

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Luxor July 24th 2005

I'll tell you the facts as they were told to me, or as best as I can anyways, can't guarantee that they are correct though, as our tour guide tends to repeat himself at least 3 times and often with story corrections further more I also think that some of the details are a matter of opinion as you can hear different versions of the stories being told when you stand near the other tour guides.... so here goes.... Spent the next day cruising the Nile whilst I sun baked again all day before arriving at Luxor - The ancient city of Thebes, which has a population of about 500,000. As we arrived we took a brief tour and you see all of the farming land and donkeys and sheep roaming around the streets. We visited ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Aswan July 23rd 2005

Yesterday we sailed on a felucca down the River Nile. It was very peaceful and scenic. The current goes from south to north and the wind from north to south so when you are heading into the wind the breeze is nice... The Nile River goes for 5,000 miles and is the longest river system in the world. When we docked on the side of the Sahara desert, I was surprised at how clean the Nile water was, we bottled some and it was crystal clear.... they say that the Nile refreshes itself everyday by the strong currents. A couple on the tour decided to drink the Nile water, they say that you can drink it but they don't recommend it and I don't intend to try it either!!! guess we'll just check to see if ... read more
Pyramid & Sphinx

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Aswan July 18th 2005

Ok, getting back to the story!! So I arrived in one peice to Aswan, 800 miles south of north Cairo. it's very hot, about 39 degrees at 9.30am. However they tell me during July and August it can get up to 50 degrees in the shade!! thank god my tour got put back to now instead of next month! don't think I would have made it! There is no humidity here. Our guide said that it rained for about 10-15 minutes just once this year. Aswan is surounded by the Sahara Desert and is a prodominately African city. Most of the buildings are made of stone and cement. Aswan has the biggest granet quarry in Africa. It has been running for 5,000 years so far and they say that is it an endless quarry as they ... read more
Overnight Sleeper Train
In front of the Dam
The Boat

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Aswan June 28th 2005

Tell King Tut “I want my Mummy” …words from a song the kids learned in school years ago. Since we’re in Egypt, the land of Pyramids, Tombs and MUMMIES, wanting our “mummy” is precisely how we find ourselves feeling. Egypt has a way of making even the toughest among us feel like a child. Standing at the feet of a vast temple, thousands of years old, with awe inspiring artwork carved into it’s facade is akin to a child’s wide-eyed wonder on Christmas morning. While the travel challenges of Egypt remind us of being a kid in the back seat of the car whining “Are we there yet?” From the moment of our arrival we realized things in Egypt were going to be more challenging than the previous 4 months of our journey. When entering ... read more
Moses Scene
Nile River
Unfinished Obelisk

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Thebes June 27th 2005

Our trip to the Valleys of the Kings and Queens was great. We got up early to beat the heat and the other tourists! Althought it being the summer and very hot, there were not as many tourists as there are in the other seasons when it is cooler. We went first of all to the Valley of the Kings, you are allowed to go into three tombs. Our guide pointed us in the direction of the tombs of three different Ramses - Ramses I, Ramses IV and Ramses IX. The Valley of the Kings has about 63 known tombs - most of which are not open to the public. Tombs are closed for restoration and to rest them from the erosion and ruin that tourism brings, that is the sweat of visitors and the air ... read more
Temple of Hatshepsut
View from Temple of Hatshepsut looking south
Temple of Hatshepsut figure

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