Blogs from Giza, Lower Egypt, Egypt, Africa - page 8


Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Giza May 3rd 2009

DAY 21 Yella (Let's go) we are off to the Pyramids today. We take a private van with our guide and the sight of the pyramids from a distance are amazing but as we grow closer it is unbelievable how big these are. Francine has been here before but Angie is in total amazement. We have a great time taking photos and climbing on the bottom area of the largest one. We are able to go into the the middle one and the steep incline down and up is done 90% of the time in a bent position because there is so little room. The air is hot humid and very thick as ventilation is poor, We enter the burial room and take a quick look around and can't wait to get out. We just want ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Giza May 1st 2009

Hello again blogland! Adam here with an update. Today was unreal.... Tran and I woke up real early today with a special mission....see the pyramids! Our tour guide Adel picked us up at around 8:30 in the morning and we started out on our private tour of Giza, Saqqara and the Egyptian museum. There was no traffic today(thank god) because of a holiday in Egypt and many people were praying at mosque. Our first stop was at Saqqara to view the 5000 year old Step Pyramid and its surrounding temples. It was pretty hot here today, about 36 celsius but very comfortable because of the dryness. We pulled up to the Step Pyramid and Tran and I were speachless. To see something that old, that mysterious was something to behold. This pyramid was about 70 ... read more
Inside the complex of the Step Pyramids
Carpet School
Great Pyramids

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Giza April 23rd 2009

Our trip is full, all couples and all Australian. I’ve been keeping a list of Aussie words and phrases that capture the “strangeness” of their relative isolation from the rest of the English-speaking world. The group makeup also shows Australia’s uniqueness: two Chinese couples, one half-German couple, and one half-Malaysian couple. We visited the really famous pyramids that are located just outside (across a street!) the city of Cairo mingling with a crush of tourists, Egyptian and foreign. The pyramids are more impressive than the ones we saw earlier, but are crowded with tourists, touts, camels, horses - and with children running in the deep, loose sand as they train for soccer. Tom had his first camel ride. Did you know that there are actually nine pyramids in this area, not just the big three? You ... read more
The Famous Sphinx
On the Nile

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Giza April 15th 2009

Today I navigated my way through the underground, trying to find my way to the new hotel. I had forgotten to take the address of the hotel were we were all supposed to be meeting at, so I texted my two brothers in England, Oliver and Freddie. Low and behold 10 mins later Freddie was the first to text back with the address and funnily enough sent me on a wild goose chase across Cairo to a street with the same name as the one with the hotel on...oh well...that is the way to learn! I eventually asked a taxi driver and he proceeded to take me 3 miles back across town the way I had come. Thank you Freddie! :) The following day we went to the Egyptian Museum and of course the ever famous ... read more
It is so hard to justify them...
A very small me
I just can't seem to fit it all on my camera!

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Giza April 14th 2009

On our second day in Egypt we went to see the PYRAMIDS! I still can't believe I was in Egypt. Anyway, we took a tour through our hostel where we had a private driver take us to all the sites. We started by going to the Pyramids of Giza, then we to Dahshur and finally to Saqqara. At Giza we took a camel ride around the pyramids. We stopped at multiple excellent photo places and took a good number of entertaining pictures of ourselves in front of the Pyramids! Our tour guide let both Sarah and I drive the camels for a while, which was really fun. We got to go up and touch one of the pyramids. While we were there it started to rain, but it actually was really nice because it cooled us ... read more
me at Saqqara
Sufi Dance

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Giza April 2nd 2009

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Giza March 9th 2009

It's not every day you wake up and think 'I'm off to visit the Pyramids today'. But how cool is that? So with much excitement and years of preconception we headed to the the last remaining ancient wonder for a good look around. I have learn't that expectation can get you into all kinds of trouble. And the pyramids at Giza are pretty surreal for want of a bigger superlative. They are massive, they are sand blown, and they are swarming with people. I know it's not de riguer to slag the pyramids but overall I felt a little underwhelmed by the state of affairs on the site. Of course it's curious as to how Egyptians created them. Big questions need to be asked about the passion for the spiritual conviction of the Pharaohs and with ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Giza February 28th 2009

The next day we started our Exodus tour with Ancient Egypt. Of course we had to “do” the pyramids, the sphinx and just desert in general. We also got to spend a couple of hours at the Cairo Museum. It includes artifacts going back as much as 5,000 years and many mummified remains of pharos, pharos’ wives and some other important people from thousands of years ago. From there we crossed under (yes, under) the Suez Canal and onto the Sinai Peninsula following the route that Moses and the Israelites took across the desert. We stayed the next night at the foot of Mt. Sinai, where Moses received the 10 Commandments and he spoke to God in the burning bush. ... read more
Sunrise over Mt. Sinai

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Giza February 7th 2009

Day 12. For breakfast I had coffee and two cheese omelettes which were so good. Today we visited the Step Pyramid, the Sphinx and the Great Pyramids of Giza. We went to the Step Pyramid first. The Step Pyramid is not really a pyramid. When we visited the Step Pyramid, there were many dogs laying down in the sand. It has four "steps". In the afternoon we visited the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. We saw the three pyramids which were close to each other. We went to a place where you could get a nice picture with the pyramids in the background. The place was crowded with visitors and locals selling camel rides and items. When Grandma was getting ready to take my picture, a local man walked right up next to me, ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Giza February 2nd 2009

We got an email this morning from my brother David saying that he and his family might join us in Italy in April. Joshua and Benjamin in particular are “stoked” at this news and it will make for a great family get together. Through Hanny, we have booked a car and a driver for a day long tour of the old city of Memphis, The Step Pyramid (the first pyramid), and the Pyramids of Giza. After breakfast, we find the trip consists of us and two American girls, Monica and Erica. This is a bit of a surprise, as we thought it was just us, but we are happy for the company. Our car was a quite comfortable SUV with lots of room for all of us, our driver, and our guide. As we drove towards ... read more
Canals in Cairo
Ramses II
In Memphis

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