Blogs from Pucón, Araucanía, Chile, South America - page 5


South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón May 24th 2011

Have any of you climbed a snow-covered active volcano??? I haven't so its on the bucket list!!!!! The snowcapped Volcano Villarrica looms majestically over Pucón at 2,840 meters above sea level. Climbing to the top is non-technical and, on clear days, easy. However, we had a couple of extra challenges. We only had 1 full day in Pucon and the weather forecast was rain (which meant snow up on the volcano) and there had already been heavy snow falls during previous days. Thousands of people make the climb each year, most of them in January and February, taking in the spectacular views of Volcans Llaima, Choshuenco, Quetrupillán, Lanin, and Lonquimay in the horizon. However, this was May and heading towards winter!! The plan was that the Hotel owner would wake us up at 6.00am if the ... read more
On way to volcano caves, Volcano Villarrica (2)
On way to volcano caves, Volcano Villarrica (3)
On way to volcano caves, Volcano Villarrica (4)

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón May 13th 2011

Friday 22nd April – Thursday 28th April All was well as we left San Martin de los Andes, the rain had stopped, the floods in the streets were subsiding and the sun was rising over Lago Lacar. With the border crossing to Chile a couple of hours away it was a chance to get some extra sleep, so we blew up the air pillows, donned our eye masks and reclined our seats. Happy times, until…… bump! We awoke with a start. One look outside was all we needed to realise that we were in the middle of a blizzard, there was 1 foot of snow on the road and the back end of our bus was now in a ditch. What to do in this situation? Take photos! We waited in the same spot, unmoved for ... read more
Pucon, Chile
Volcan Villarrica, Chile
Pucon, Chile

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón March 4th 2011

The Volcano: If there´s anything to guarantee childish whoop whooping and uncontrollable laughter, it´s sliding down the side of a snow laden volcano on a bit of plastic, with nothing but your feet and an ice pick to slow you down....amazing! In fact picking up exhilarating speeds was a given!!! Loved it! One of our volcano expeditionist pals, Mark from Wigan, got so good at picking up speed, or just not as good at applying his ice pick break, choose your perspective; that he flew right out of said flume. Luckily he managed to fly down and land in the same said flume, not before overtaking four other flume flyers that were in front of him. :)) The climb itself was hard work at times, just having to concentrate on nothing else but putting one foot ... read more
View from Pucon town
Chisser n her ice pick friend
Metcalf looking like a miner

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón March 2nd 2011

Hey guys, Just a super quick entry due to the fact im sat in wet clothes and Nat is whinging that she is tired and needs to go to bed for her siesta. Only kidding. My clothes are dry. Anyway, we are now in Pucon, Chile, and tomorrow we are climbing an active volcano and hopefully sliding back down it on our backsides. We are putting a small amount of faith in a frenchman, who assures us that it isnt likly to erupt anytime soon, although if it does, i will definatley be pretending im James Bond while sliding down the mountain side with Lava chasing us. We are currently staying in a cool little hostel, owned by a senile old lady called Lilian, who seems to wander around the place in her nightgown and woolly ... read more

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón February 27th 2011

Our bus journey from El Chalten to Bariloche started at 8 am on the 16th and finished at 9 pm on the 17th. A 3 hour ride followed by a 29 hour mission halfway up Argentina - over 2,000km! By the time we arrived in Bariloche we were both a bit grumpy; luckily we had our own room for the first time in ten days! Still, no time to mope around - the next day we set out to explore Bariloche and its surroundings. We took a bus 17.5km out of the town along the bank of Lago Nahuel Huapi - on which Bariloche sits - to Cerro Campanario. From the road we took a chairlift to the top of this small mountain (1049m above sea level) which offered wonderful panoramic views of the region and ... read more
El Calafate to Bariloche
Getting near Bariloche.
View from top of Cerro Campanario

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón February 14th 2011

Hola chicos, first of all thanks voor de comments, wree plezant want we missen jullie hier! We doen ons best om te antwoorden :) Na Valparaiso zijn we al slapend tot in Pucon gereisd. Dit is een toeristisch dorpje aan de voet van de Villarica vulkaan. Even consistent als een ochtenderectie puft deze elke ochtend wat rook omhoog, in dezelfde gelijkenis daarmee laten zien dat alles nog werkt zonder te hoeven uitbarsten. Bagage droppen in de over internet geboekte hostel en richting het strand aan het aangrenzende meer. Dit is echter geen gewoon strand: het bestaat uit vulkaanzand/gruis, een grijs strand dus in plaats van het typische witte droomstrand! Maar dat wit haal je ergens anders in: terwijl je ligt te braden kan je genieten van het zicht op de besneeuwde top van de vulkaan! Pucon ... read more
De Vilarica vulkaan in Pucon
Deutsche Biergarten!!! Jawohl!
Skilift a la Chileno! ja deze werkt

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón February 4th 2011

Dnes sme sa znova - uz po treti krat - stretli na siedmu pred agenturou. Sopku bolo vidiet, nikde ani mracka a vyzeralo to na slnecny den, konecne sme zacali dufat ze dnes sa to podari. Vyzdvihli sme si vystroj, nasadli do auta a isli pod sopku. Tu nas nasi sprievodcovia varovali, ze pri kratery fuka pomerne silny vietor, ktory je tu casty a vatsinou po case ustane. Rozhodnutie ci vystupit alebo nie nechali na nas a mi sme sa rozhodli skusit to. Vystupovalo sa dobre, nemali sme ziadne problemy. Neskor sme sa dostali na sneh, tu sme vytvorili tymi - jeden sprievodca na sest ludi. Mi dvaja sme sa prihlasili do tymu, ktoreho vodca nasadil prudke tempo a postupne sme predbehli vsetky ostatne skupiny. Kusok od kratera sme zastavili, aby sme si obliekli macky, zrazu ... read more
pohlad z Villarica/ view from Villarica
stupame vyssie/ getting higher

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón February 3rd 2011

Rano sme sa uz po druhy krat dostavili na siedmu pred agenturu. Sopku nebolo kvoli mrakom vobec vidiet a mi sme uz tusili co sa stane. Tentroraz sme ani nesli autami pod sopku, asi po pol hodine bol vystup zruseny. S touto moznostou sme ratali a tak sme si neskor planovali pozicat bicykle, pozicovna vsak otvarala az po 9 a tak sme sa este vratili do hostela. A uz sme z neho nevysli, pocasie sa zhorsovalo kazdou minutou a nakoniec cely den prsalo. Tak sme sa len tak povalovali, pozerali TV, hrali sach a damu a tak - troska sme sa na sopku hnevali, ale den nicnerobenia tiez nebol najhorsi. In the morning we for the second time arrived at the agency at 7am. We couldnt see the volcano because of the clouds at all so ... read more

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón February 2nd 2011

Dnes sme planovali odist s parku a ako sa ukazalo bol to dobry plan. Zobudil nas dazd, tak sme vstali skoro, aby sme stihli prvy autobus - do parku chodi 4x denne. Rychlo sme sa pobalili a vybrali k vychodu z parku. Autobus bol, nastastie, vdaka zlemu pocasiu poloprazdny, tak sme si mohli sadnut. V Pucone sme sa znova nastahovali do nasej utulnej izbicky a len tak oddychovali po nasom vylete. Na zajtra sme si znova zahovorili vystup na sopku a to bol dalsi dovod nic nerobit. Today we planned to leave the park and it turned out to be a good idea. We were woken up by rain, so we got up early to catch the first bus from park - it goes 4x a day. We quickly packed our staff and headed to the ... read more

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón February 1st 2011

Den zacal krasne, teply a slnecny. Po stresujucej chvilke sa nam podarilo najst odbocku, ktoru sme potrebovali a zacali sa splhat do dalsieho strmeho kopca s dalsim krasnym vyhladom na zasnezene konciare. Neskor sme znova kracali cez krasny divoko vyzerajuci les. Pri jednej odbocke sme stretli starsi par a nakoniec sa ukazalo ze to boli cesi. Tu som troska zabudla sledovat mapu a zle sme odbocili a museli sme sa vracat, nastastie nie moc vela. Neskor, po obede, sme sa dostali k jazeru Laguna El Toro - pre nas najkrajsie jazero v parku. Na zaver dna nas cakal este krasny vodopad - Cascada Salto Trufulco, nie prilis mohutny ale dlhy. Na ceste naspat sme tiez konecne mohli vidiet sopku Villaricu ponad Lago Tinquilco a tiez dym z jej krateru. Na vecer sa este Stanik okupal v ... read more
PN Huerquehue
PN Huerquehue - araucaria
PN Huerquehue

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