Blogs from Pucón, Araucanía, Chile, South America - page 3


South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón March 30th 2013

Hi everybody, Our first outing in Pucon was hiking the beautiful Huerquehue National park about 50 Kms from base. The funny thing in Pucon is even though they are surrounded by National Parks and camping opportunities for locals and tourists alike, there are actually no tents to be found for rent anywhere in the city (we thought renting would be more convenient for us on our journey in South America), Carmen and I spent hours asking every tour agency without success. Resigned to a couple of day hikes I headed to the Rangers administration office in Pucon to request a map and after hearing the difficulty we were having the Park administrator kindly offered us to stay in the ranger's dome at the campsite. With both our sleeping back and food we set off for a ... read more
Huerquehue National Park
Huerquehue Lago Chico
Huerquehue Lago Chico Bridge

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón March 15th 2013

Après un petit déjeuner délicieux avec salade de fruits frais et jus de framboise frais (et tarte, et toasts fromage & jambon !), direction les thermes « Géometricas » à 1h30 de Pucon, avec des pauses au bord de lacs à l’aller. Il y a plein de termes dans la région, le nombre de bassins et le style diffèrent, mais celles-ci ont la réputation d’être les plus belles. Il y a 17 bassins, avec des températures allant aujourd’hui entre 36 et 42 degrés, idéal pour une fan des douches brulantes ! il y a même deux bassins à 5 degrés pour se rafraichir. Le lieu est vraiment merveilleux, à l’intérieur d’un canyon, au milieu de la verdure, avec un système de passerelles/couloirs au beau design rouge en bois très bien intégré. Même les toilettes sont zen ... read more

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón March 13th 2013

Début de matinée à aller voir le centre de Osorno quand même, on m’avait averti qu’il n’y avait pas grand-chose, c’est vrai mais c’était bien vivant et ils s’auto-proclament comme écrit sur la statue du taureau « terre de la viande, patrie du lait », je n’aurais pas eu le temps de tester ! 5 heures de bus plus tard, arrivée à Pucon. Ville très touristique cela se voit mais que je trouve mignonne (sauf le café en faux volcan de la photo !) et ce n’est plus vraiment la haute saison, alors ça ne fourmille pas. Et puis il y a le lac avec sa plage de sable noir et le volcan Villarica quasi l’un à côté de l’autre, j’ai jamais vu ça moi. Demain, si le temps le permet je vais faire l’ascension de ... read more

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón December 26th 2012

The clouds are gone and the sun is out. The view from the front porch of the cabin and out the huge glass window is of clear blue Lago Villarrica and the volcano, Volcán Villarrica. Smiles all around, beautiful view. After breakfast we head out to Parque Nacional Huerquehue (Huerquehue National Park), about an hour away. We like to see national parks back at home in the US and like to stamp our park passport book but here we settle for pictures in front of the sign. This is our second Chilean national park for those counting at home. We set out on the Sendero de los Lagos (Lakes Trail) to see…you guessed it, lakes. The trail passes through some real nice forest of Araucaria trees in the beginning which looks pretty nice but then the ... read more

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón December 23rd 2012

The next part of my journey would take me through the wind-swept plains and snow-covered mountains of Patagonia, and down to the End of the World. I had signed up to a 34 day overlanding trip with my favourite company, Dragoman. We'd be covering thousands of kilometres in a giant truck laden with camping equipment and outdoor cooking gear. The truck was called Elle, and she was a tough lady capable of driving over rough terrain. Our trip would take us into the true wilderness of Chile and Argentina. Our crew consisted of eighteen people of varying nationality, age and background. It was an interesting and eclectic mix of personalities, and over the coming 34 days we would get to know each other very well. We would become a small community where everyone has to work ... read more
Gorgeous Waterfall
The Perfect Volcano
Our Volcano Assault begins

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón October 22nd 2012

After Chiloe we have ventured northwards to the town of Pucon on the shaws of Lago Villarrica. The surroundings are pictureque as you may expect of Chile's Lake District.There are a smattering of lakes, white beaches and lush forests, farms and snow capped peaks. The back drop to all of this countryside idyll is Mount Villarrica. This mountain also happens to be a volcano. An active volcano. A molten rock spewing death bringer which last visited hellfire upon the countryside in the 1980s, but has an angry an violent hisory stretching back further than written records. It's also open at the top making it easier for it to spray armageddon for miles in every direction. So why would we come to this potential Mordor? Well, the volcano isn't as scary as I made out and science ... read more
What a view

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón August 24th 2012

Day 4 Pucon a Chile Wanaka/Queenstown a small town of tourist/excursion shops cafes and bars. That afternoon we took ourselves to the local hot pools on a local bus our Spanish is improving (slightly) much more natural than De Bretts. We encountered a quite unusual “spiritual” man who was trying to read our auras?! Apparently no one is going to mess with Rhi and Amy has come across some F*ckwit blokes in her time . . . The trip there and back was an experience in itself the bus driver taking a detour to drop something off to a mate! Again we were unfortunate in that our volcano climb was cancelled because of the high winds and snowboarding was out as for the same reason. Not letting this keep us down we caught another local bus ... read more

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón May 10th 2012

Gold to Crimson This was it; after almost a year and a half among lakes, mountains, volcanoes and glaciers, I was leaving Patagonia. For the eighth and last time, I crossed the southern Andes. On the weekly Sunday afternoon bus from Junin de los Andes, Argentina, we passed through wild west scenery with native forests of prehistoric araucaria trees and Lanin Volcano, whose clouds kindly parted for my last view. After passing through the Paso Tromen (to the Argentines)/Paso Mamuil Malal (to the Chilenos) our funky old bus was stopped by a herd of cattle walking down the middle of the dirt road that is the international highway. We had entered Chile. For the last month, I'd been chasing autumn foliage in Argentina's Lake District. In April, I thrilled to the first leaves yellowing in the ... read more
Volcano Vicarica with much melted snow
 autumn yellows fading, reds appearing
one of many great sunsets and cloud displays

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón April 1st 2012

The bus from San Martin to Pucon was an early 6am start and I recall getting up around 4.30am in order to get ready and take a stroll to the bus station. It was pretty quite with just a few shops open and the ticket office (although I’d purchased my ticket the day before). It was still dark but felt safe and the bus arrived late. Once we got going though all wa fine and it was a short 6 hour bus trip across the border into Chile. Pucon is another charming little alpine town in the heart of the Chilean Lake District. The town sits on Lake Villerrica and there is a little beach where you can chill out. It’s a great place to wander around dipping into cafes, artisan markets and museums. I stayed ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón March 20th 2012

Coming from Bariloche, we had to change buses in San Martin de los Andes, Argentina, in order to cross the border and arrive to Pucon. We got fortunate not to get stuck there and were able to snag a pair of the few remaining seats. The 6 hour ride was smooth enough, except for the border crossing which was located at the base of the imposing Lanin Volcano. The process was more strict than we expected. They take their agriculture very seriously; all of our bags were unloaded and scanned, and we had to declare any raw foods. Fortunately they didn´t toss the pizza or stirfry we had made the night prior but they did take a couple delicious Fuji apples. Fruitless, we got back on the bus and continued down a dirt/volcanic ash road for ... read more
Villarica always in view
Mirador to Volcan Villarica
Jurassic Lagoon

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