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September 10th 2010
Published: September 11th 2010
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Information worth knowing!Information worth knowing!Information worth knowing!

It wasn't posted at a school, but at a maze in Rapid City.
(Blue Water Covenant Bible Camp)

Well, from June to September; from Hawaii to Minnesota~~quite a jump no matter how you look at it! This was an exceptional summer for us, full of family and friends, and a month longer than usual, because we didn’t take a project last May. So when the end of August appeared, we were very ready to get back to real life. But first we spent a week in the Black Hills with our daughter Megan and her family~~nothing like seeing something so grand through the eyes of kids! From the helicopter to the bottom of the cave, it was all thrilling! (plus a tour through a Black Hills gold jewelry manufacturing facility for us girls, of course!)

And then we were off to Grand Rapids, in northern Minnesota. On our way up here it felt like we were headed back to British Columbia~~the roads are through heavily treed areas, there are lakes everywhere and the climate has changed from summer to late fall during one road trip! Maybe it’s not fall, but we used the air conditioner when we were in South Dakota, and two days later we dug out the electric heater.
Who knew they moved Grand Rapids?!Who knew they moved Grand Rapids?!Who knew they moved Grand Rapids?!

Maybe it's part of the government's restructuring program! Anyway, we're in the Minnesota Grand Rapids, not the Michigan one.
The trees have lost their shiny look, and I suspect we’re in for a gorgeous fall.

Blue Water Covenant Bible Camp is situated on a lake (want to guess what the name of it?!) It’s a summer-fall camp, more like we’re accustomed to in Montana. There is a family of five that runs the camp, with additional help hired for the summer season. Last year’s season they hosted about 1700 campers, so you can see it’s busy. We have access to a pontoon (boat), canoes, peddle boats, kayaks, and all the lake we would want to swim in! It really is a gorgeous place.

We have six couples on our team; three of them we’ve worked with previously, and three are new friends to us. The women are painting in two locations~~I’m working in a log building with housing on the lower level and a chapel area on the upper. We’re painting the living room, as well as the painting, and then creating a stenciled border. Two of the women are making curtains for the cabin the men are working on. The other two women are painting another bunkhouse cabin. The men are remodeling a cabin that was
See why I think we're in Canada?See why I think we're in Canada?See why I think we're in Canada?

This is a shot of the road going to camp; if you look back to the pictures from British Columbia, you'll find that they look very much the same!
moved her from across the lake~~towed across the ice last winter; they’re moving walls and doorways to make it a more usable space.

Let me go back to the feeling of being far north….the stores here are carrying winter gear in quantities like I’ve never seen. We were in a farm supply store, and they must have had 4,000 winter boots! That may not be accurate, but it’s not off by much. And warm weather coats and hats….wow. Hunting is a huge deal….we’ve seen lots of deer, mostly black-tail (I didn’t know there was such a breed either, but they’re not hard to identify~~smaller than our white-tails, but similar markings.)

With our project beginning on Labor Day, and the camp staff not working that day, we took tour day that day. We went to the Minnesota Forest Museum, where we toured a 1900s logging camp. One of the most interesting things we learned was when the men ate their meals they were served family style in the cook tent; the most important people sat closer to the front, which meant they were also closer to the stove, which meant they were close to the heat! Also they showed
Our Blue Water team!Our Blue Water team!Our Blue Water team!

We're a full six-couple group. The pontoon belongs to the camp, and we're free to use it.
the woolen long johns the men put on in the fall, and took off in the spring~~YUK! They felt scratchy, but like someone said, after a couple months that wouldn’t both you! It was an interesting tour, and a fun day; kind of like having dessert before your meal!

FYI: Bob read that the deer we’re seeing (with the black tails) are really white-tail. Not like the whitetails we are familiar with, but that’s what the information pamphlet said. So…it’s a good thing I’m not a hunter!

Ok, now for the pictures!
Thanks for reading my blog!

Additional photos below
Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


Looking back at the camp;Looking back at the camp;
Looking back at the camp;

you can see our rigs under the trees.
Sadly, this is what the sky has Sadly, this is what the sky has
Sadly, this is what the sky has

looked like for the past few days. It did break Wednesday afternoon, and we enjoyed a campfire that evening. No wind, but quite a bit of rain.
When we hiked to the logging camp,When we hiked to the logging camp,
When we hiked to the logging camp,

this is the era we stepped into. I really enjoy touring historical places where the people dress and talk in period, and draw us right into their time.
Stepping back in time....Stepping back in time....
Stepping back in time....

this fellow sharpens the saws for the loggers during the early 1900s. He was pretty high on the pay scale, because without him, the trees don't come down.
See how even the bottoms of the trees are?See how even the bottoms of the trees are?
See how even the bottoms of the trees are?

That's how high the deer can reach when the lake is frozen over! We'd been looking at the even lines, wondering why they grew like that!
Nothing about this setting saysNothing about this setting says
Nothing about this setting says

"Let's go inside and paint". Luckily that's why we have leaders!

12th September 2010

safety record
Love the safety record posted at the maze in Rapid City! You should be able to see the season changing colors this year! Remember-you're from Montana-you can do this!
13th September 2010

On the road again
good pics. Glad to see you are out doing good again! We are in Myrtle Beach tonight then on to Hilton Head tomorrow to meet up with friends and play some golf. We did a little road trip from DC down the eastern seaboard. Will be home in a week. When are you heading to Arizona? We will probably head down the first part of Nov. Will plan on seeing when you get there.
13th September 2010

Hi, Jill!
Isn't that a funny sign! I was afraid Megan and I were going to be stuck in there forever, and become a statistic! The men and kids flew right through, and I was dizzy before I ever found my way out! I miss the smells of Sidney in the fall....and that includes the sugar beet factory, which I've loved the smell of since I was little. It reminds me of home.
13th September 2010

Hi, Joan!
We'll be in Phoenix in Jan and Feb. I sure hope it works out that we get together. Enjoy your trip!
13th September 2010

It must be fall
Hi guys, What a nice surprise to see your blog return this morning when I turned on my computer! You are in my old stomping grounds, I carry those kind of pictures around in my head. Now all you have to do is end your sentences with "you betcha eh" and sprinkle a few eh's here in there for good mesure. I say my old stomping grounds because northern MInn, Wisc, and Michigan are pretty much the same geography and ecology. If you get a chance to do something in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan, that is a special treat. I think so at least. God bless your work and you this comming year. Chris
13th September 2010

Glad your back on the trail
I thought about you over Labor Day and wondered if you were back on the road again. Thanks for the Blog, it is fun to read and see the beautiful places you've been. Don is in Montana helping combine. He just left on his fourth trip to Poplar because of the rain. We pray for good weather this week and they will be done. He is really enjoying the retirement and being able to go up and help my brother.
13th September 2010

Good to see you back on here. I had just been thinking of emailing to ask you when you were to start on your next project....and, voila, there you were. We're glad you had a fun, busy summer. Love to you both.
13th September 2010

Hi, Chris!
Yes, the people speak a different language up here! Hunting is a big thing in Montana, but nothing like it is around here! There is a project in northern Michigan, but we haven't been there. I'm wanting to find a place that doesn't feel so much like fall~~it can look like fall and smell like fall, but I want the temps back in the 80s! Have a great day, Chris!
13th September 2010

Hi, Peg!
How great to hear from you! We were amazed at how green the Sidney area was even in August, and the down side to that is that they can't get harvest finished. And we both know there'll be rain during the beet harvest. I hear you about Don~~no matter what they say, retirement is all it's cracked up to be!! Thanks for writing!
13th September 2010

Hi, Linda!
And it sounds like your summer was busy as well! Are you finished with cherry season? Sorry we missed you when you were in Sidney. Take care.....
17th September 2010

Hi, Yes, we are finished with cherries and apricots, now have pears and apples left. Terry even learned to help with the canning this year! I'll domesticate him yet.
19th September 2010

Hey, Linda~~
Good luck with that!!!
26th September 2010

You were right! The tree picture was on this blog! And very funny :)
27th September 2010

Hi, Sar!
Wouldn't a tall deer have a treat!

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