Lennox Head - Happy Birthday To Me!!!

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November 22nd 2009
Published: November 22nd 2009
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So, I met a lovely girl named Simona (from Slovenia) while I was in Coffs Harbour. Her and I decided to travel this next little let together, and today we arrived in Lennox Head. It's a few hours north of my last stop, and apparently has some of the world's best surfing. We are staying at a place called The Lennox Lodge, it is NOT your typical hostel, which is great. We are actually the only two staying in our room, which is a miracle. We have our own private living area, kitchen and bathroom, it's immaculate and refreshing. I have yet to explain hostel life to you guys, but let me tell you, it's not for your average traveller (a year is going to feel like a lifetime I think). My last hostel had probably 100 people at it, 6 to a room, 2 bathrooms for everyone, one for guys and one for girls. It had only 1 communal kitchen for every guest to share. It was quite a party place though, so a good opportunity to meet people, just not good for enjoying the serenity and all that jazz.

Anyway, we've met some nice people here, picked up some steaks to bbq and a slag of beer (this is basically a flat) to drink. It's honestly not a bad way to spend my 28th year! 😊

I really do miss you guys already though, and it's hard on days like your birthday. But then again, the worst weather I'll see in the next while is about 27 degrees celsius. Life's not too shabby! 😊

I actually have some pictures now, I'll try and upload them tomorrow, I am finally somewhere with wireless, so I can use my own computer to do some catching up.

Lots of love.



22nd November 2009

Happy 28th
We are enjoying your blog; sounds like you are having a good time. I'm glad you met up with someone to share some of your journey. We love you. Grandma and Grandpa.
23rd November 2009

Yes! Happy Birthday!!
I am glad you were able to celebrate your b-day with some new friends!! Miss you lots! It's weird not having you here for your b-day! I love reading on your blogs, so please keep us all updated!! xoxoxox KB
25th November 2009

Nice to hear from you.
Heather. It is great reading uour blogs. Nice to know you are meeting people to spend time with. Have a great time and thanks for keeping us updated. Love Yvonne

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