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October 26th 2009
Published: October 26th 2009
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Yesterday I went for a bit of an explore from Christianshavn Metro station to the Opera House (Operaen).

Found this really weird abandon piece of land not too far from the station. Saw some woman come out of the gates and thought that it might be a cut through. It had a piano that had been painted, complete with keys and lid. Lots of things that had been abandoned. Think it might have had some minature railway set up as soon the markings of tracks and some controls. Got some cool pictures, even better that I now have my DSLR with me.

Walked along a road through Kløvermarken . There’s lots of little houses between the main road and the canal/moat. And according to my source at work they#re like allotments. But some of the houses had satellite dishes.
Continued up that road until I reach Holmen and the nice Opera house. I’ve only ever seen it from the other side of the harbour. It’s best to photograph it from the other side as there’s not a lot of room around it to get some good pictures.

Got the water bus for the first time yesterday from Operaen to Nyhavn. It’s all covered by the periodekort. Very handy to get across the harbour or it’s a cold swim or bus ride. Apparently a bridge is planned to be built for 2012.

Been getting the bus to work for the past week, makes a nice change from the s-tog. But learnt today that I should get the train when it rains as a lot of people get off their bikes and into their cars. On the bus route I pass part of Christianholm and there’s a protestor outside one of the buildings. He had a sign which said “Fred er...”. I thought it was a protest against the Crown Prince , Heir to the throne, who is called Frederick i.e. Fred is bad. Found out whilst talking about it with someone at work that ‘fred’ translates to ‘peace’ and it’s a peaceful protest. Ooopps! I suppose it’s like the man who used to camp outside the Houses of Parliament in London.

Not much else to report. Did play badminton this week. Was OK, got some pointers from one of the people there. This week in Odense has been the World Masters. Watched one part of a match between two Danes, Peter Gade and someone Johanssen


27th October 2009

Interesting place though its not the vibrant hippy commune it once was.

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