Cairo - What a city....

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February 3rd 2008
Published: February 3rd 2008
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Hi everyone!!!!

Wow what a rush the last 24hrs or so have been!!!! After a really long 18hr flight i made it to Cairo...Just

After landing in Singapore, i found out i had to change planes and had like no time to do so...I had to run (sprint) from one side of the airport to the other!! guess you know how the story ends cause i did make it to cairo. In Singapore met a guy from new zealand named ben who was also on the same flight from Sydney. We got talking and it turned out he was also travelling to cairo on the same flight. We both did not have accommodation booked, so we decided to stick together.....

when we arrived in Cairo it was very hectic. people everywhere, hassling us. we agreed to go by taxi to down town cairo to find somewhere to stay. Our cab driver negotiated 75 egyption pounds - which was a rip, but we were both tooo tired to care. we jumped in the cab and we both felt dodgey about it and it turned out that we were right somewhat. After about 10mins driving in the cab we arrived back at the airport...Yep thats right. we were thinking crap what are we doing back here. the driver pulled into a dark side street and told us to get out....Car this point im thinking oh my god!!!!!! The cabbie told us we had to change cars and a new one would come soon. when we asked when he simply laughed in a egyption minute....great!! After 10mins it was looking pretty grim but thankfully a new cab did arrive and that is a whole other story....

We were driving at around 140kms in a 60kms zone and i guess you will all get my drift.....SCARY!!! hahaha but all part of the journey : )

made it to a hostel and got very little we walked around the city of cairo which was not to be taken lightly as we found out!! It is an amazing place....

the roads ARE cayotic in a word....ive never been so scared in my life but at the same time the adrenalin was pumping : ) we had a bit of a squiz at the nile which was pretty cool (not that much different to brissie river)

All in all the start of my journey has been wonderful. i would not change a thing and i am just in aww of this amazing place......


Love to you all, miss everyone heaps!!!!

Jess xoxoxox


4th February 2008

Hey! I've been to Cairo before. No seriously , i've been to Cairo last December. It was really hectic for me , it was really polluted. The roads were really jammed and crowded. But overall , although it was a bit scary to be crossing the roads, i enjoyed myself. If anyone is thinking of going on a Nile cruise. Try Movenpick , Royal Lily.

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