Old McDonald had a farm- ee ei ee ei oh!

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March 19th 2007
Published: March 19th 2007
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So long time no update 😊

Well headed up to the Abel Tasman ) warmest place in New Zealand on the coach and spent a night in Nelson and then up to the park where i stayed on Old McDonalds farm. I arrived and it was absolutely lashing down and i was staying in this manky hut sharing the room with a hypochondriac who popped pills for every reason, migraines, anti inflammatorys, sleeping pills- i actually thought i'd end up waking up in the morning with her dead and me being arrested for her death with the amount of pills she was popping. Anyway put it this way when it is raining there, there is nothing to do and i mean nothing so i literally read my book for about 12 hrs solidly. By 8pm i think i was going nuts so booked onto a kayaking/walking trip the next day. At that point i didn't care if it was snowing i needed to get out.

They picked me up and we doubled up in the kayaks- John my paddling buddy from Long Island, California (about 40 and quite camp) sat in the back with the controls to steer! After about 20 mins of paddling totally out of rhythm it started lashing down- joy. We headed over to Split Apple and then headed back to the beach in virtual gale force winds- i might add there were a number of occasions i shouted out to John asking him if he was supposed to be heading us straight for a rock- and most of the time i received an apology explaining that he was admiring the scenery and not concentrating!!!.

Anyway we then jumped on a water taxi round the bays, checked out some wildlife and then jumped off and embarked upon our hour walk back- well John mentioned that he was prone to getting lost and was glad that i was there! Oh please...

John and I happened to be heading back to the same place and the boat people decided that the tide was too far out for them to take us to our harbour but a smaller boat could take us... so there is John and I and everyone on the boat staring at us as we disembark out the back of one boat and through the front window of another in the middle of the Tasman sea--- yep nothing goes smoothly in the Clark world.. oh and then some man on a tractor drove me back to Old McDonalds farm.

So anyway am now in Perth for a couple of weeks staying on Cottesloe Beach (don't get jealous Bec I'll say hi to your mum and dad) before i head home... yep home i hear you all scream.. Well one of the girls in the room did jump me the other night while i was in bed- no joke and i told her that she could now get off me as i dragged her away from my neck- she checked out the next day. Anyway i think I've had enough of sharing a room with random lesbos who jump you and the worry of getting bed bug so I am coming back for Easter and then will prob head out for another brief holiday before i get back to reality and start growing up.. he he .

So guys this could be my last instalment unless i find any other interesting points to tell you about......who knows.. this is the Clark world after all



23rd March 2007

Sculptures & seafood
Go check out the sculptures on Cottesloe beach if they're still there. The random floating giant 8 ball is totally surreal, but alongside the 8ft plastic dove I suppose it looks pretty normal. Subiaco is worth a visit for some cafe culture... but it is a bit pricey. Shame you won;t be making it to Sydney for a birthday booze-up. See you when we get back xxx
23rd March 2007

Clarky...make sure you do the following while in Perth 1. Go up to King's Park at night and watch the sunset...there's also bbq's up there so you can have food and drinks 2. Visit the Cottesloe and Ocean Beach Hotel on the seafront at Cottesloe...if you get hungry there's a great restaurant called the Blue Duck (the one that does great barramundi) a stroll down the road 3. Eat at Monte Fiore (my friend loves the ribs there, apparently the best in town) in Mt Lawley....and then go next door for a drink in The Queen's 4. Take the ferry to Rottnest and spend a day on the island 5. Travel down to Margaret River and visit awesome vineyards, great waves, good food 6. Go to The Paddington (aka the Paddo) in Mt Hawthorn and select a bear from over 100 they have on offer 7. Have a drink at Little Creatures Brewery in Fremantle and wander along the 'cappucino' strip for some of the best Itallian food - EVER 8. Wander through Subiaco markets on a Sunday and then go for brunch at the Subi Hotel 9. Have dinner at the revolving restaurant - beautiful views of Perth 10. Visit Demark - slightly hippy but very chilled out country town, that has a fantastic beach Yes, I'm now homesick!

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