I didn't want to be in Mackay.

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February 3rd 2007
Published: February 6th 2007
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We were supposed to arrive in Airlie beach at 6.15am. At 4.00am we pulled into a service station just north of Mckay. We'd heard that it was a bit on the wet side further up, but weren't quite expecting the cyclone which was busy flooding all the roads further up. We were then in the service station until 3pm. I slept a bit once we'd pulled up, and then went across for a shower in the services as happened to have my stuff on the coach, a bacon sandwich and a coffee, which sorted me out a bit. Never seen rain like it ever. Absolutely ridiculous. The rest of the day passed without much excitement as you might imagine, apart from when an ambulance turned up outside for fuel and Paul checked on his ankle, which looked a bit funny, although it didn't hurt. They suggested he went to get it looked at properly, and seeing as we probably weren't going anywhere for while, he was shipped off to hospital to get it looked at. Meanwhile I was still with Mark and Jess and there was food and drink in the services, so wasn't really that bad. Certainly not ideal though. Around 3pm when the drivers said that there was no chance of getting through today, we headed back down to Mackay. Where there is nothing. Another bus had already come in by then and all the people on there had been told not to bother trying to get further up north, so there weren't any rooms left, and we thought we'd have to go back down even further south to find a room. Bad. We ended up bumping into those three girls again who'd managed to get a motel room for the three of them so at least we had a floor to sleep on! Threw the bags in their room and tried to get in touch with the Whitsunday tour operators to see what to do as we were sailing the next morning. They suggested that we got there on time as they weren't too good at refunds. Bad. Also I couldn't rearrange for a later trip as it wouldn't work with my flights. I then realised that I'd left my Ipod on the bus as I'd moved around on it quite a bit. Very nearly cried. Had a few drinks in the room and passed a reasonably uncomfortable night until 6 am the next morning, when we got up to make sure we were the first people in the queue see if anyone was going to Airlie.


6th February 2007

not good
oh dear...not the ipod....i feel you pain x

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