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Is 29 too old to travel ?

Is 29 too old to start travelling ?
16 years ago, May 30th 2007 No: 101 Msg: #14646  
So many people can't be wrong! I'm going for a short trip alone (5 weeks) at the age of 28; my new motto is "You’re only young a few times". The responsibilities and commitments of life put years on u and ur thinking changes into that of an elderly conservative person but then suddenly u can change urself back into a youth and use ur sensible decisions to fund and facilitate a great cool idea!

I’d never have tried this at in my early 20s; I’d not have the money, a job or home to come back to either!!
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16 years ago, July 19th 2007 No: 102 Msg: #16634  
N Posts: 19
Hi Vicky,

I think 29 is a perfect age for traveling so if u want to do it, then go for it.


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16 years ago, July 26th 2007 No: 103 Msg: #16895  
29 is perfect


Put that negativity in your empty T-shirt drawer (it'll be empty because you'll be packed) and promise to take it out and seriously consider it when you get back.

When I was young most of my contemporaries were backpacking Europe to "find themselves." I wanted desperately to see the things I had studied about in the Classics and Art History classes I had taken in university. I especially wanted to go to Ireland to walk where my ancestors had, to see sunrises like those they saw at the beginning of their days, to smell and touch the land, digging my fingers into the soil they worked to raise the crops that fed their children.

But I didn't go; I listened to everyone around me tell me it wasn't practical, it would put me behind in the race for a good job, it was dangerous for a young woman, I couldn't afford it...and on and on...

They were right on at least one score, I couldn't afford it, so I put away my dreams.

Now, I'm 52 and I still can't really afford it, but I have something I didn't have then. I have a good credit rating so I'm going. Three weeks in September will give me a glimpse of London and take me to a good deal of Ireland. I will sit in the quiet of an early morning in County Sligo and listen to the ages speak to me of who I am.

And even though I know 52 sounds ancient to you and most of the others in this forum, I still have time and my dreams are bigger than ever. I will see Rome and Athens. I will walk among the pyramids. I will visit the opal fields in Australia where people live underground. I will listen to the cowbells in New Zealand and Switzerland. I will eat goat cheese in Copenhagen. I will feel the weight of guilt and regret at Auschwitz, knowing that in my humanity, I am like both the victim and the butcher...knowing that I bear a responsibility to do my part in taking mankind toward the light.

Is 29 too old to travel? Is 52? I think you go when you can and don't worry about the numbers. I am still that 20-year-old that believed in the magic of travel but let the negativity hold me back. If you let the negativity hold you back, you will regret it the rest of your life...or you'll go when you're 52. You are the master of your destiny; your life is yours to embrace so if you feel that now is the time, get off your duff and go already!

May your travels tell you who you are and challenge who you might yet be.


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16 years ago, July 27th 2007 No: 104 Msg: #16935  
Go for it. I am ten years older and still love traveling. I hope to travel more, not less, as I get older Reply to this

16 years ago, September 8th 2007 No: 105 Msg: #19145  
Well, I've certainly been inspired by all this and I'm really glad to hear that 29 is still a great age to travel and that it can be done at that age alone. I'm 28 and have had itchy feet for quite some time now and as the time passes I've been wondering what life is supposed to be about and wondering when I'm gonna feel grown up/settled/content. Nope, not happened yet, my family are in dispair, no boyfriend, no mortgage, no normal settling down, the things that you are apparently supposed to do.

I have no idea what is going to make me content but I know I have to experience more of life and see and do different things. I'm about to take a new job and intend to do it for a year so it looks good enough on the CV. During that time I'm gonna be saving hard and I intend to travel for the first time early 2009. Talking of pets earlier I have a horse, he's a bit older and I'll never sell him and so have to pay a fair bit to have him looked after whilst I'm off so extra saving needs to be done. I feel really guilty too as people around the yard where he's kept are all married, settled, content, they hardly ever go on holiday as they don't want to be away from the horses but they are happy. No problem with that at all but I really am feeling like the odd one out.

I've not made any firm plans but I just feel that drastic changes need to be made otherwise I'll wake up when I'm really old and unable to travel and wonder what I did with my life. If the answer is No to the question "would I be happy with my life if I died tomorrow?" then do something about it. At the moment my answer to that question is No.

I'm scared at the whole prospect and I think I'm going to have to go it alone as loads of my friends are in debt and can't consider travelling but I'm also very excited too.

So 29 can't be too old to travel otherwise I will have to re-think my plans. Reply to this

16 years ago, September 8th 2007 No: 106 Msg: #19146  
Hi Jo 29 is fine, im 31 and i have been married, had the house etc and it did not make me happy, so to be honest don't panic cause you don't feel you are doing the normal thing. no such thing as normal do what makes you happy, i should have traveled years ago and im glad im doing it now, so just go for it, you never know this trip may help you grow or show you new meaning or you may find your soul mate. However you will never know until you take that leap of faith and leave your comfort zone:0)

Take a chance and if you ever want to chat or ask any questions travel or otherwise, just give me a holla

Thx Mike😊 Reply to this

16 years ago, September 15th 2007 No: 107 Msg: #19478  
Awww thanks Mike, great to hear from you. Yes the comfort zone has to go!! The more I think about it the more it seems like a fantastic plan. Well roll on 2009, some serious saving to do over the next year.

What is normal anyway? I don't believe there is any such thing!

Enjoy your travels. Reply to this

16 years ago, September 15th 2007 No: 108 Msg: #19482  
Hey Jo normal people are boring, im glad not to be normal....lol

Good luck with the saving and following your dreams😊

Thx Mike😊 Reply to this

16 years ago, September 15th 2007 No: 109 Msg: #19490  
hey there, i put a couple of thoughts on this subject before, set off travelling at 29, loved it stayed out a long time, inc 6 months working in Australia, well now I'm back in the UK and nearly 31 and have come back as they say to reality, but I've found a new job which I'm looking forward to starting, a nice new place to live and the great thing is i'm not feeling down because my 'gap period' is over, i have the amazing memories and the strength inside of all that experience.

and having done all that amazing round the world stuff I'm actually rather looking forward to seeing some stuff closer to home, such as Italy and Turkey.

mind you I've not done South America, Canada, Africa, India, Japan..........

okay then, is er 35 too old to travel?

only joking, good luck and get out there! Reply to this

16 years ago, October 13th 2007 No: 110 Msg: #20836  
Woo hoo, well my job plans didn't work out (they wanted me to move quite far) so rather than get bogged down with another job now, I'm going to look into starting my travelling very early next year. Although I'm not sure how long it takes to plan something like this, bearing in mind I don't even know where I want to go yet, lol. Helpfully I have a cousin in Austrailia so I'll be starting off there with some help.

How exciting now I can really make some proper plans.

Good luck to everyone planning their next trip x Reply to this

16 years ago, October 13th 2007 No: 111 Msg: #20842  
B Posts: 61
I was 29 last week, been travelling for almost 10 months now...met people of all different ages from 17 to 70....its how you feel not how old you are. Age is just a state of mind. o for it! Reply to this

16 years ago, October 14th 2007 No: 112 Msg: #20859  
N Posts: 8
I'm 33 and just spent 6 months travelling on my own in India, Nepal and Tibet.... i do this quite regularly, though most of the time i am in the company of Tibetan Monks... i just tell my partner, "i'm going to India in a couple of days, don't know how long i'll be"

have fun in Oz darling!! Reply to this

16 years ago, October 18th 2007 No: 113 Msg: #21082  
Hey Guys - I'm 29 and it's now been over a month for me on the road. Laos right now! This travel confirms what I already knew deep down - that age is completely irrelevant. Some of my new travel friends are in their early 20's, some are in their 60's. Everyone is experiencing the joys (and the occasional moments of frustration) that travel's made of. Priceless. I know they speak of cloud 9 - but I think I'm on cloud 10 or 11 right about now!! Reply to this

16 years ago, October 18th 2007 No: 114 Msg: #21086  
LOL Vicky.
There is no such thing as too old.
I think everybody who travels a lot experiences critisizm from family and friends.
Mine think I should be spending my money on buying a house and a car and going on "normal holidays".
Do what u want. When u are 80 do u want to remember exciting things u did with your life, or do u want to remember that u pleased family and friends but not yourself?

Mel Reply to this

16 years ago, November 15th 2007 No: 115 Msg: #22602  
Well, my trip is booked, I've officially told work I'll be handing in my notice shortly. I'll also have to move out of where I live and store my belongings at my parents. I'm off on the 21st Jan 2008 for 7 ish months. I'm off to Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Borneo, Singapore, Oz, NW and USA. I'm doing most of it alone! I'm quite nervous about the whole thing but excited though, what an adventure to begin!

Enjoy your travels everyone.

Ellen - I've read some stuff in your blog and Cambodia sounds inspiring, I think I'll extend my trip there after reading your blog, intially I was going to be taking a short tour only to Siem Reap but I think I'm going to extend it to one that covers Phnom Penh now. Reply to this

16 years ago, November 15th 2007 No: 116 Msg: #22603  
Hi Jo well done on taking the plunge and my girlfriend is in Lao and was in Cambodia last month and she enjoyed it and she went to phnom penh and siem reap and few other places. You will have a ball😉

Thx Mike😊 Reply to this

16 years ago, November 16th 2007 No: 117 Msg: #22634  
B Posts: 11.5K
Have a great trip Jo :-)
If you have any questions while you're on the road, you know where we all are! Reply to this

16 years ago, November 21st 2007 No: 118 Msg: #22925  
29 is definitely nooot too old to start traveling! I recently went on a Contiki trip ages 18-35.... people came together from all over the world and we traveled to 7 different countries! It was so fun getting to know different people and experiencing new things. If you are up for some fun and see the rest of the world, I'd say go for it... you'll be missing out a lot otherwise! Have fun on your travels!! Reply to this

16 years ago, November 22nd 2007 No: 119 Msg: #22950  
Oh boy, yes, GO! To hell with the career, if you'll pardon the expression. What do we want on this amazing CV of ours, for crying out loud?! That we stayed where we were and never took a risk in life and missed out on what the world has to offer?! I am no anarchist, but there is no way a job should stop me doing something different in life. And if we are the kind of person who is prepared to do something different, then we should have no problem getting a job any old day of the week. Reply to this

16 years ago, November 23rd 2007 No: 120 Msg: #23006  
you can never be too old...i plan on travelling for as long as i'm physically able to do so. Work six months then travel six months. it means i'll probably never settle down and get a mortgage, get married or have kids, but in my eyes that ain't a bad thing!!! Reply to this

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