Blogs from West, Uruguay, South America - page 23


Ok, So I am a Little behind in my Blogs. what´s new - right?. As I said or meant to say in my last blog is that i flew from Ushuia in the south of Argentina to Buenos Aires. I spent a week or so in Buenos Aires eating good steaks and drinking good cheap wine. I was starting to get stuck (ok, lazy). I did escape for a few days and I went to Uruguay with Dave from Scotland. We took a ferry across the river From BA to Colonia Uruguay and spent the night there. The next day we took a bus to Montevideo and stayed there for a few nights before returning to BA. I left BA a while ago and headed straight to Bolivia. I have been in Sucre Bolivia for about ... read more

Colonia is a small, touristy town in Uruguay a 2 hour ferry ride across the river from Buenos Aires. It´s a very old city, and has a well preserved historic district. Its a nice, tranquil day trip, and just as important, I got a new visa.... read more
the abondoned bull fighting ring
lighthouse at sunset
remnant of town wall, over 500 yrs old

South America » Uruguay » West » Colonia del Sacramento April 18th 2006

we had a gay old time in uruguay. no, seriously, it was a jolly and happy experience. we took a boat across the rio de la plata from buenos aires to the tiny colonial town of colonia, uruguay. we heard so many good things about colonia that our curiosity brought us here. so how would we best describe it? CUUUUUUTTEEE. you ever notice when a guy sees a cute area, he uses other words besides 'cute' to describe it? "oh this place is tight" "hella nice" "this town is chill" ... problem is, none of those words/phrases can really do it justice, right? well colonia was so cute, there's no other way to explain it. so the best i could do was surround the word with other manlier words. like "man, this damn place is hella ... read more
fat tire
cobbled streets

South America » Uruguay » West » Colonia del Sacramento April 18th 2006

Our passports prove it. We can stay another 3 months in Argentina with our new tourist visa stamp. Hooray, we are not illegal students any longer. (grin) Back in Buenos Aires after a magnificent weekend in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay, I wondered to myself, how much does Buenos Aires weigh? It must weigh tons and tons. So much concrete, so many cars, trucks, machines, buildings, factories, people, dogs. Has anyone ever done a study to see how much cities weigh? Get back to me about that one. Anyway, yes, we are back in BA. Refreshed, relaxed, refriada (stuffed up with the flu), and ready for school tomorrow morning. We forgot to mention that the University hosted all of the first year students and new exchange students at their ‘Club Belgrano’ about 100km out of town. I ... read more
Calle de los Sospiros
The streets
visiting the sites

South America » Uruguay » West » Colonia del Sacramento March 27th 2006

After the falls we made another over-nighter on a bus and upon arriving in Buenos Aires again got on the next Ferry across the River to Uruguay. We stayed in Colonia - the old town is beautiful - cobblestoned streets and well preserved architecture. It is quite touristy - but in a good way - so there were lots of nice places to go and eat, etc and little craft shops etc.... read more
View from Lighthouse, Uruguay
Cobbled Street, Colonia...
Street Scene, Colonia

South America » Uruguay » West » Colonia del Sacramento March 13th 2006

Well, Christoph, Scott and I set out for Uruguay bright and early with a 7:45am taxi ride to the ferry dock. We bought out tickets, got in a separate line to pay for our tickets, and then had to check in. It was the same process as for an airplane, which surprised me. The we had to go through a metal detector and they took my leatherman wave away from me, saying it would be waiting for me on the other side. The last time this same thing happened to me I was flying from Ecuador to Peru four years ago, and my knife was in fact most definately not waiting for me on the other side. So I was a little nervous and doubtful about the fate of this knife. In the meantime we got ... read more

South America » Uruguay » West » Colonia del Sacramento February 23rd 2006

Mom, Aunti San and I boreded a buque bus ( a fast ferry) to Colonia Uruguay. We met a very nice man, Eduardo, who for a small fee drove us all around Colonia in his taxi and told us all about the place. Mom and Aunti San kept asking about real estate....after mom found out some of the prices she asked if there were any snakes. Eduardo said she would be safe in town. He also took us to the old bull fighting ring and also a small chapel where the bullfighters used to go to make offerings. These offerings consisted of small silver pieces from their suites. There were also small charms of different body parts people would offer as prayer to get better. Rows of feet, ears, hands, hearts, eyes, etc. The chapel was ... read more
the wall
In Colonia

South America » Uruguay » West » Colonia del Sacramento February 17th 2006

Three weeks three countries... No I'm not just collecting Stamps in my passport I really heard its worth going to Uruguay. Colonia What is there to say about Colonia. It was founded 1680 by the Portuguese to piss of the Spanish which just founded Buenos Aires and to smuggle stuff into BA. It is named by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site; it is really cute and has lot of old building and cobble stone streets. Have a look at the pics and you know what I mean. Montevideo Before you ask no I didn’t mention that I live in Australia while I'm in Montevideo. Somehow that didn’t seem to be a wise thing to do. (For the non Australians. Australia beat Uruguay in the qualifier of the WM and kicked them out of the race ... read more
View of Colonia from the ferry
Calle de los suspiros
Another pic of a pretty street

South America » Uruguay » West » Colonia del Sacramento December 24th 2005

¡Hola! We left BsAs this morning straight to the ferrylineas station without our big bags. The objective was to get to Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay as soon as possible. I thought they had services at least once an hour, but it turned out we *just* missed the 9 o´clock Aquebus service. The next ferry to Colonia after the 9 o´clock was 11:15 am, so we managed to get two tickets before the line got crowded with Argentines and tourists visiting Uruguay for the day. Immigration is on the Argentine side, and it went smoothly. After securing our spots on the ferry which felt like airplane settings, we walked around the ferry to check it out. Many of the passengers seemed to be regular visitors, either Argentines or Uruguayans (often call themselves as "Orientales", as the full ... read more
Welcome to Uruguay
Colonia del Sacramento
Porto Colonia

South America » Uruguay » West » Colonia del Sacramento December 19th 2005

When I enquired about excursions from Buenos Aires, the last thing I expected to hear about was a trip over to Uruguay. An opportunity to tick another country off of the list, and see for myself how different the people are to the Argentinians? Well of course I went! Two days full of smiles. Except for the beginning. I took the ferry over to the capital city of Montevideo and stepped into the biggest rainstorm I´ve seen in a few months. I was lucky to not be carrying around my big pack as I stomped through the puddles. I muttered under my breath over and over a saying that a friend from Vancouver once told me, ¨It´s just rain, you´re not sugar, you won´t disintegrate¨. And yes this is true, but it can still make you ... read more
Road to the Rio de la Plata
Graffiti Art
Palacio Salvo

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