Blogs from West, Uruguay, South America - page 21


South America » Uruguay » West » Colonia del Sacramento December 4th 2006

Trapped inside a skeleton key house....I am writing about the beauty of Colonia, Uruguay. Another change of plans. That is a reoccuring them when traveling. Living life on a day to day basis. Swift, free, sometimes confusing. The weather in Buenos Aires was rainy and dark. A dismal day in Argentina. "Early" in the morning i was setting out for another passport stamp (I definately need it since my old passport somehow disappeared). Another glimpse of the world. i was meeting four strangers for the days event. A friend of a friend. The amorphous nature of friendships while traveling is splendid. After travelling on the subte, getting turned around during my first steps of the road (I get disoriented when i don't know where the ocean lies), dodging traffic on a thickly auto packed road filled ... read more
The roads canopy
Don Quixote

South America » Uruguay » West » Colonia del Sacramento November 29th 2006

These are pics from our recent trip to Colonia. If you're ever in Buenos Aires, it is definitely worth the hour-long ferry ride over to Colonia, Uruguay. Its very small and can be seen in an afternoon but I highly recommend spending a night there to get the full effect...... read more

South America » Uruguay » West » Colonia del Sacramento November 16th 2006

Wow, has the time ever flown by! It seems like only yesterday that we arrived in Buenos Aires, to our little apartment, yet somehow three months have passed and my 90 day tourist Visa was set to expires. I would need to leave the country, thereby obtaining and exit stamp which would then permit me to re-enter Argentina and obtain a new 90 day Tourist Visa. Given that, I needed to head across the border and the River plate into the country of Uruguay, made famous by Homer Simpson. I was going alone on this trip and was looking forward to a little adventure by myself. Passing through customs early in the morning, while still in Bs.As. I made my way onto the antiquated vessel that would slowly makes it was across the river separating Argentina ... read more
hhmmmm, CHIVITO
An old train in the middle of a field
Typical of the houses surrounding the historic centre

South America » Uruguay » West » Colonia del Sacramento November 7th 2006

Looking back (5/5) Two days in Uruguay I booked my ticket for the boat leaving Buenos Aires to Colonia (Uruguay) when one of my classes was cancelled and spent two days in the quiet country of Uruguay. After a pleasant morning boat ride, I arrived in the charming city of Colonia. As soon as I landed I knew I was in a different country: drivers stopped to let me cross the streets! After recovering from my amazement, I headed for the old neighbourhood of Colonia where I spent the entire afternoon enjoying the calm atmosphere, traditional architecture and colourful landscape. It was a true pleasure to walk slowly throughout the old streets... That same afternoon I left by bus for Montevideo; the bus ride was extremely pleasant as the road was lined with palm trees and ... read more

South America » Uruguay » West » Carmelo November 5th 2006

Yes, it's visa time again so we decided to go off to Carmelo in Uruguay. Having visited Colonia and Montevideo, we just wanted to go somewhere different. Fortunately, Cacciola have a ferry from Tigre which is much cheaper than Buquebus! The journey over the water took a little over 3 hours and we were a bit surprised by how shabby the boat seemed, and disturbed by the lack of safety instructions or lifejackets (not that we expected to sink!). Arriving in Carmelo at night was good as the customs people only gave a cursory glance to our bags in their search for foodstuffs which they feel may bring the dreaded Foot & Mouth disease to Uruguay. Our uneaten oranges escaped! Then came the search for a hotel. We wanted to go to the Rambla but were ... read more
How can a sundial be wrong?
Advertising Space

South America » Uruguay » West » Colonia del Sacramento October 5th 2006

Hello everyone! The seasons are changing here in Buenos Aires - it is Spring so we got showered by rain yesterday afternoon. Good thing we were indoors at a shop until it was managable to walk in the rain without getting drenched. Good times, eh? So strange though: due to the morning being so gorgeously sunny we went back home to change and leave our coats behind I felt badly once the down pour began late afternoon and we where caught out - literally in the rain. Since it turned out to be more or less a rainy day schedule we made a call to the local ferry to see about getting out of town for the day. Rain or shine we were going to be on the vessel across the River Plate to the lovely ... read more
mouth of the river plate
buquebus ferry
view as we wait to board

South America » Uruguay » West » Colonia del Sacramento September 22nd 2006

For the second time on our trip, we found ourselves in Colonia, this time Colonia del Sacramento, an attractive old colonial town on the River Plate, just 55km from BA. After finding a lovely place to stay, Posada del Angel, we stumbled upon a big parade of schoolkids, all dressed up to represent different countries and cultures. We worked out it was for the Dia de la Primavera, a sort of May Day parade, but seeing a cardboard version of the South Park school bus stumble up the cobbled streets much later that evening ranks up there with surreal moments of this trip. Colonia has a lovely, compact old town, where its past as partly Spanish and partly Portuguese owned is reflected in the buildings and cobbled streets - apparently those with a gutter in the ... read more

South America » Uruguay » West » Fray Bentos September 20th 2006

A mate from home, upon hearing that we'd be travelling to the area, insisted we visit the town of Fray Bentos and send a postcard. I hadn't even realised there was a town to back up the history of meat products and pies in tins we're all familiar with from growing up, so we thought "why not"? The main (really "only") attraction of the town is the dilapidated old meat processing plant now open to the public as the Museum of the Industrial Revolution. The name seemed strange to me until the visit, when I realised that the place really did have it's place in the industrial revolution (for Uruguay, anyway), in that Herr Liebig (he of Liebig condenser, Father of Organic Chemistry, etc) first productionised his process for essentially reducing cows to gloop here. Also, ... read more

South America » Uruguay » West » Colonia del Sacramento September 10th 2006

Colonia It's the closest border crossing to BA and if you're working illegally, it is the justification for visiting this very small, touristy and expensive port. I've been twice now and although it's nice and peaceful, it's not exactly fun. But it's a relaxing day trip if you take a book and don't expect to do much or speak much. It really feels like you're far from the capital when you are lying on a rock in the sun with the RIVER lapping the shore.... read more
Another Tree lined street in Autumn
Main Plaza

South America » Uruguay » West » Colonia del Sacramento September 10th 2006

Jasmin whispers, salty breeze, and sunshine on our shoulders. These were the things waiting for me and Stephanie when we arrived in Colonia Uruguay. I had gotten only two hours of sleep the night before and warned Stephanie that I may be a pain in the ass. She said no problem we would take it slow. And so we did. Sitting under jasmin shade and eating mini sandwiches, walking through art galleries that spilled out more and more rooms of art, jiggling to samba music and best of all....just being hypmotized by the water. My most dreaded trip to Colonia and by far my favorite.... read more
light house
smellin jasmin

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